
Terms for subject Business containing 缺点 | all forms | in specified order only
缺点demerits and merits
缺点advantage and disadvantage
关键性缺点critical defect
及时检验有缺点产品inspect for defects promptly
因货物缺点而提出赔偿要求claim arising from a defect of the goods
缺点minor defective
常见缺点考核表checklist of typical weakness
提单潜在缺点条款latent defect clause in bill of lading
缺点zero defects
缺点的包装faulty packing
潜在缺点免责latent defect exception
疵点缺陷spot defect
缺点bad feature
肉眼检验的缺点备注note of defect from visual inspection
货物内在缺点缺陷cargo inherent vice