
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 缘边 | all forms
两履带内侧边缘间距离in-to-in track width
两履带外侧边缘间距离outside-to-outside track width
仪表板上边缘dashboard upper edge
客厢仪表板下边缘dashboard lower edge
倒角的边缘beveled edge
倒角的边缘bevel edge
凸出边缘cock bead
道路凸起的边缘路边raised verge
车身前端边缘front-end edge
前边缘front edge
前边缘advancing edge
加厚的边缘beaded edge
叶片的边缘blade edge
叶片边缘涡流blade tip eddy
轮胎垫带边缘厚度edge thickness of flap
轮胎垫带边缘厚度thickness of flat edge
轮胎垫带边缘厚度edge thick of flap
外廓边缘点outer extremity
轮胎花纹块尾随边缘磨损heel wear
市区边缘city limit
带凸缘的边flanged edge
带加强肋的边缘ribbed edge
轮辋平边缘flat ledge
平边缘轮辋flat-ledge rim
座椅边缘edge of seat
燃烧室挤压边缘界限squish edge
燃烧室挤压边缘quenching edge
支撑边缘bearing edge
活塞槽岸边缘land edge
配气机构气门边缘棱边valve edge
法兰边缘flanged lip
活塞顶边缘edge of piston head
活塞顶边缘edge of piston crown
车身流线形边缘streamlined skirting
燃烧室凹腔边缘combustion bowl rim
柴油机活塞头部燃烧室边缘部分cavity edge
用金属丝加强边缘wiring an edge
科学边缘学科sidelines of science
翼子板侧边缘side skirt of fender
胎面花纹边缘pattern edge
活塞裙部下边缘skirt lower edge
踏板边缘pedal edge
车身边缘点extremities of body
车身车门前边缘door front edge
车门后边缘door rear edge
车门边缘door edge
车门边缘防护装置door-edge protector
车顶边缘压条roof binding
轮胎缓冲层边缘橡胶衬带union of tire
轮辋边缘根部rim-flange toe
蓄电池边绝缘使极板与壳壁之间绝缘edge insulator
边缘过滤介质edge medium
边缘保护嵌条edging strip
边缘保护嵌条edge trim
边缘圆周应力peripheral stress
边缘效应edge effect
边缘处产生的疲劳end fatigue
边缘偏,棱edge angle
车身边缘保护嵌条edge protection
车身边缘保护嵌条edge protector
玻璃边缘倒圆round edge-arrissing
燃烧室凹腔边缘再熔化rim remelt
边缘压力载荷edge pressure
边缘厚度margin thickness
边缘接触负载条件edge condition
边缘支承edge bearing
钣金作业边缘机器bordering machine
电子设备边缘检验marginal test
边缘检验marginal check (marginal test)
车身边缘橡胶装饰件rubber edging strip
车身边缘橡胶装饰件rubbered edge finisher
边缘波状积炭carbon edge
边缘科学方法interdisciplinary approach
车身边缘装饰edge finisher
车身边缘装饰条edging strip
车身边缘装饰条edge trim
边缘读数式仪器edgewise instrument
边缘质量limiting quality
边缘载荷状态两零件边缘处于相擦的状态edge loading
齿轮啮合齿边缘tooth edge
齿轮啮合齿边缘edge of tooth