
Terms for subject Technology containing 缘边 | all forms | in specified order only
上边缘upper limb
上边缘复coboundary complex
上边缘模module of coboundaries
上边缘算子coboundary operator
上部边缘区upper marginal area
下部边缘区lower marginal area
不平坦边缘jagged edge
不平边缘ragged edge
东海陆架边缘隆起带upwarping zone of East China sea shelf margin
两边绝缘的结合full insulated joint
中心传动和边缘卸料的多仓磨central drive peripheral discharge type mill
中心至边缘centre to edge
中心边缘变化center limb variation
会聚边缘convergent boundary
堤、路基的倾卸边缘dump bank
停滞边缘stagnating margin
光圆边缘eased edge
光学边缘增强optical edge enhancement
光学边缘增强optic edge enhancement
光学边缘增强图像optical edge-enhanced image
光学边缘增强图像optic edge-enhanced image
光栅边缘鉴别力edge resolution
光面边缘plain edge
内边缘inward flange
冰川边缘沉积glacial inwash
切削去边缘的钢板trimming plate
钢井筒或套管底部的切割边缘steel cutting curb
钢井筒或套管底部的切割边缘steel drum curb
切割边缘cutting edge
切去边缘的板trimming plate
前导边缘preceding limb
加厚边缘的板thickened-edge plate
加固边缘strengthened edge
加强边缘板slab with stiffened edges
包边绝缘材料perimeter insulation
北极边缘Arctic front
半圆边缘half-round edge
半圆边缘圆弧棱边penciled edge
单裙边绝缘子single shell insulator
压实边缘compact edge
压缩边缘compressed edge
合理边缘矩阵appropriate edge matrix
同伦边缘同态homotopy boundary homomorphism
同伦边缘运算homotopy boundary operation
同步边缘静噪sync edge muting
同调边缘homology boundary
同调边缘同态homology boundary homomorphism
向东南突出边缘弧southeast facing marginal arc
向西南突出边缘弧southwest facing marginal arc
吸收带边缘absorption edge
吸收边缘adsorption edge
喜马拉雅南边缘坳陷系South Himalayan trough system
喷管边缘lip of the jet
圆形边缘round edge
圆拱边缘cupola edge
圆顶边缘dome edge
坡屋边缘canopy lip
坡道边缘slope edge
垂直过渡边缘edge of vertical transition
堆集边缘fat edge (涂料)
堑壕边缘trench edge
增生性边缘constructive margin
增生板块边缘accreting plate boundary
拱顶室的外边缘线back of vault
多裙边绝缘子multishell insulator
大洋边缘钻探计戈ocean marginal drilling project
大陆缘边地域continental borderland
大陆架边缘shelf edge
大陆架边缘margin of continental shelf
大陆边缘continental edge
大陆边缘continental fringe
大陆边缘continental borderland (地)
大陆边缘冰层shelf ice
大陆边缘山脉continental marginal mountains
大陆边缘沉积continental margin deposit
大陆边缘相continental-margin facies
天体上边缘upper limb
天板边缘slab edge
奇异边缘循环singular boundary cycle
安全边缘safety margin
安全边缘margin of safety
封闭边缘blocked rand
屋面边缘roof curb
屋面边缘瓦roof curb tile
屋顶边缘roof edge
岛弧边缘带marginal zone of island are
嵌固边缘built-in edge
市边缘区urban fringe
带明显边缘的线束well-defined beam
带材边缘位置调整器edge scanner
带齿卷盘边缘sprocket rim
帧边缘frame border
帽罩齿形边缘slotted edge of cap
干涉光边缘circular interference fringe
底板边缘地带edge of gallery floor
底片边缘negative margin
开裂的边缘crack edge
开裂边缘cracked edge
引导边缘guide margin
引导边缘guide edge
彩色边缘colour edging
彩色边缘color edging
成熟型大陆边缘带matured continental margin
扩张大陆边缘rifted continental margin
抛物线形边缘parabolical edge
抛物线形边缘parabolic edge
搜寻边缘线line retirement
支承边缘edge supported
敏感边缘sensitive edge
文件基准边缘document reference edge
斜前沿边缘sloping front boundary
斜坡边缘slope edge
断块边缘margin of fault block
断裂大陆边缘rifted continental margin
断裂面边缘edge of fracture
新浇混凝土边缘圆角抹刀arrissing tool
最优化的边缘条件marginal conditions of optimization
有害边缘水harmful marginal water
木舵后边缘bow piece
构造隆起边缘margin of tectonic upwarping
横向凸凹边缘transverse bow
橡胶边缘密封rubber side seal
水位以上毛细水边缘capillary fringe
河谷边缘valley margin
油田边缘的油井outstep boring
洪水边缘flood periphery
活动板块边缘active plate margin
活动边缘盆地active margin basin
浅边缘海shallow marginal sea
浴缸凸边缘bathtub rim
浴缸边缘bathtub ledge
海图上延伸到图框外的图形边缘bleeding edge
涂布边缘准直器spreading edge collimator
涂布边缘控制spreading edge control
消减板块边缘consumed plate boundary
消费可能边缘consumption possibility frontier
溢流边缘overflow rim
溢流边缘flood-level rim
火焰边缘flame fringe
焊缝根部边缘root edge
焊缝表面边缘weld edge
焊缝边缘weld edge
焊缝边缘裂纹toe crack
爆破漏斗边缘crater lip
环状构造的边缘破裂带peripheral of ring structure
理论边缘theoretic margin
用于山墙的边缘砖marginal tile for gables
用滑模修筑成的边缘slipformed curb
码头边缘quay edge
研磨边缘milled border
破坏性板块边缘destructure plate boundary
屋顶的破损边缘breaking edge
破裂面边缘edge of fracture
稳定边缘海盆inactive marginal basin
笔画边缘stroke edge
笔画边缘不规则性stroke edge irregularity
等厚边缘equal-thickness fringe
粗糙的边缘ragged edge
缘边flanged edge weld
缺损边缘waney edge
三个随机变数联合分布的联合边缘分布joint marginal distribution
脉冲边缘pulse edge
脉冲边缘edge of a pulse
脉冲边缘陡度steepness of pulse edge
航道边缘标志channel edge marking
航道边缘水深channel edge depth
草地边缘grass margin
草坪边缘grass verge
衍射边缘diffraction edge
表面边缘曲线surface edge curve
车行道边缘标志carriageway edge marking
轧制边缘running edge
转换边缘transform boundary
轮缘内边rim inner flange
轮缘外边rim outer flange
边缘border (地区)
边缘marginal land
边缘marginal zone
边缘科学领域border line field
边缘传动peripheral drive (装置)
边缘传动girth gear drive (装置)
边缘传动gear and pinion drive (装置)
边缘位错edge dislocation
边缘低地peripheral lowland
边缘作用edge action
边缘作用点edge action point
边缘倒棱arris rounding
边缘值marginal value
边缘偏移edge shifting
边缘停机位置控制margin stop setting control
边缘停机指示器margin stop indicator
边缘停机机构margin stop mechanism
边缘光电效应探测器side-looking detector
边缘光线rim ray
边缘入射光线marginal incident ray
边缘分析marginal analysis
边缘切口film notches
边缘切口卡片edge notch card
边缘刨床side planer
边缘刮刀edge scraper
边缘剥裂edge spall
边缘剪刀shear along edge
边缘剪力edge shear
边缘力强运输带stepped ply conveyer belt
边缘力矩boundary moment
边缘区rim zone
边缘区border land
边缘区bordering zone
边缘区油井fringe well (油田)
边缘单斜沉积marginal geomonocline sediment
边缘卡片edge card
边缘印字edge printing
边缘印片机edge printer
边缘卷曲edge buckle
边缘卸料peripheral discharge
边缘卸料磨机peripheral discharge mill
边缘压力edge stress
边缘压力rim pressure
边缘压力arris pressure
边缘压缩edge compression
边缘压缩arris compression (力)
边缘厚度差edge thickness difference
边缘厚度系数edge thickness factor
边缘向斜带peripheral synclinal belt
边缘吸收marginal absorption
边缘吸收edge absorption
边缘喂料peripheral feed
边缘土地marginal ground
边缘地border land
边缘地下水marginal groundwater
边缘地区border area
边缘地区border district
边缘地区fringe area
边缘地带border land
边缘地斜坡borderland slope
边缘地槽marginal geosyncline
边缘地震marginal earthquake
边缘坍塌edge slumping
边缘坍塌edge slump
边缘坳陷marginal trough
边缘坳陷型沉积建造marginal depression type formation
边缘坳陷的深断裂deep fractures in marginal depression
边缘型peripheral type
边缘型marginal form
边缘堤岸marginal bund
边缘墙板curb plate
边缘增强boundary enhancement
边缘增强图像edge-enhanced image
边缘外形edge contour
边缘大梁edge girder
边缘学科interdisciplinary subject
边缘定位器edge positioner
边缘射线marginal ray
边缘层spray region
边缘层marginal layer
边缘层fringe region
边缘山墙boundary gable
边缘岛峰marginal nunatak
边缘嵌合体mericlinal chimera
边缘嵴marginal ridge
边缘市区urban fringe
边缘市场fringe market
沸腾钢的边缘带rim zone
边缘带boundary zone
边缘干扰marginal disturbance
边缘干扰edge disturbance
边缘平原marginal plain
边缘平行光线marginal parallel ray
边缘应力extreme fibre stress
边缘应力boundary stress
边缘应力arris stress
边缘应力条件stress boundary condition
边缘应力的局部性localization of boundary stress
边缘应力的自限性self-restraint of boundary stress
边缘弯矩edge moment
边缘弯角angle of flange
边缘影响marginal effect
边缘影响edge effect
边缘成本曲线marginal cost curve
边缘扩散数edge-spread function
边缘扭矩marginal torque moment
边缘扭矩fringe torque moment
边缘扭矩edge torque moment
边缘扭转力矩marginal torsional moment
边缘扭转力矩boundary torque moment
边缘扭转弯矩marginal twisting moment
边缘扰动edge disturbance
皮带运输机的边缘挡板skirt board
边缘损坏edge failure
边缘撕裂marginal laceration
边缘支marginal branch
边缘支承lateral support (路面)
边缘支承板edge-supported slab
边缘支承界面edge-supported interface
边缘放电marginal discharge
边缘故障marginal fault
边缘效应edge action
边缘效应marginal effect
边缘效应调制器edge effect modulator
边缘效果edge effect
边缘效益marginal benefit
边缘效益成本比marginal benefit-cost ratio
边缘效益曲线marginal benefit curve
边缘整平器verge trimmer
边缘整理edge preparation
边缘斜角bevel angle
边缘斜角angle of chamfer
边缘暗礁fringe reef
边缘有限复合形closure-finite complex
边缘有限的复合形closure-finite complexes
边缘杆件edge member
边缘材料short material
边缘材料marginal material
边缘条edge strip
边缘条件rim condition
边缘条件marginal condition
边缘板margin plate
边缘构件boundary member
边缘构件edge member
边缘构件boundary element
边缘标号edge number
边缘标度margin scale
边缘标志marginal marking
边缘校正marginal correction
边缘校验marginal focus
边缘校验margin check
边缘校验marginal checking
边缘校验high low bias test
边缘校验bias check
边缘桩side pile
边缘桩border pile
边缘梁marginal beam
边缘概率密度marginal probability density
边缘模糊edge blurry
边缘横杆edge rail
边缘横杆edge cross member
边缘横梁edge cross member
边缘止水side sealing
边缘水fringe water
边缘水冲edge water drive
边缘水深brink depth
边缘水界限edge water line
边缘池marginal pool
边缘沟marginal furrow
边缘洋盆marginal-ocean basin
边缘测量edge measurement
边缘海epicontinental sea
边缘海border sea
边缘海山marginal seamount
边缘海崖marginal escarpment
边缘海平面运动marginal sea level movement
边缘海渊side deep
边缘海渊marginal deep
边缘海盆marginal sea basin
边缘涂层卡片edge coated card
边缘涂料刮刀edge doctor
边缘涂胶机edge gluer
边缘清晰度marginal definition
边缘清晰度edge sharpness
边缘清楚well demarcated margin
边缘清楚clear-cut margin
边缘漂移edge shifting
边缘潟湖marginal lagoon
边缘灌溉border irrigation
边缘焊edge weld (接)
边缘焊edge joint weld
边缘焊接welded edgewise
边缘焊接edge welding
边缘焊接头edge joint
边缘焊缝edge welding seam
边缘焦点marginal focus
边缘煤群limestone coal group
边缘煤群edge coal group
边缘照明edge light
边缘照明marginal illumination
边缘照明edge illumination
边缘照明全息图edge illumination hologram
边缘生境marginal habitat
边缘生长marginal growth
边缘生长edge growth
边缘生长断层marginal growth fault
边缘电容edge capacitance
边缘电流edge current
边缘电镀器rim plating apparatus
边缘畸变marginal distortion
边缘研磨机edge grinding machine (石料)
边缘砖marginal tile
边缘穿孔卡marginal punched card
边缘穿孔卡verge-perforated card
边缘穿孔卡edge-punched card (片)
边缘穿孔卡片margin-punched card
边缘穿孔机edge-punched punch
边缘简支simply supported at the edges
边缘紊乱图像perturbed edges picture
边缘编码卡edge coded card
边缘聚焦edge focusing
边缘脉冲edge pulse
边缘膜marginal membrane
边缘色纯化磁铁edge purity magnet
边缘草地verge turf
边缘草皮fringe sod
边缘荷载side loading
边缘荷载edge loading
边缘荷载应力edge load stress
边缘行业border irrigation
边缘街道marginal streets
边缘褶marginal fold
边缘覆盖率edge coverage
边缘费用marginal cost
边缘起纹效应edge fringing
边缘车道nearside lane
边缘车道kerb lane
边缘车道outer lane
边缘逆断层marginal upthrust
边缘逆断层marginal thrust
边缘通道marginal access
边缘通量fringing flux
边缘速率peripheral speed
边缘遮幅border mask
边缘锐利clear-cut margin
边缘锐化edge sharpening
边缘镗孔outstep boring
边缘长度arris length
边缘防护edge protection
边缘防护带border strip
边缘防护装置rim guard
边缘陆地marginal land
边缘陆地border land
边缘限定薄层供料生长法edge-defined film-fed growth
边缘隆起marginal uplift
边缘隔断edge isolation
边缘需要量rim requirements (运输问题)
边缘预加工edge preparation
边缘饰decorated border
边缘饰条marginal mould
边缘饰条marginal mold
边缘齿heel teeth (牙轮)
边缘齿折断heel tooth notch (牙轮)
选通脉冲边缘strobe edge
透镜边缘lens rim
透镜边缘lens periphery
道路边缘用地marginal land
配合边缘matched edge
钢材边缘加工steel edge processing
钢板的边缘edges of plate
钢轨边缘偏磨partial side wear of rail
锯齿状边缘jagged edge
锯齿状边缘反射zigzag contour reflection
陆地边缘的珊瑚礁fringing reef
陆架边缘沉积shelf margin deposit
陆架边缘重力异常gravity anomaly of continental shelf border
陆栅边缘地震shelf-edge earthquake
陆棚边缘地震shelf-edge earthquake
马道边缘berm edge
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