
Terms for subject Finances containing 综合 | all forms | in specified order only
一体化综合金融服务universal integrated financial services
上证综合指数Shanghai Composite Index
业主或住户综合保险单householder's comprehensive policy
中证综合债券指数CSI Universal Bond Index
中证中央企业综合指数CSI Central SOEs Composite Index
中证商品期货综合指数CSI Commodity Futures Composite Index
中证国有企业综合指数CSI SOEs Composite Index
中证地方国有企业综合指数CSI Local SOEs Composite Index
中证民营企业综合指数CSI POEs Composite Index
中证油脂期货综合指数CSI Edible Oil Futures Composite Index
价值线综合平均指数Value Line Composite Average Index
价值线综合指数Value Line Composite Index
价值线综合指数期货Value Line Composite Index futures
价值线综合指数期货合约Value Line Composite Index futures contract
综合against all risk
全面综合分析comprehensive analysis
全面的或综合的预算overall or comprehensive budget
取得日之综合资产负债表consolidated balance sheet at date of acquisition
外汇综合协议标准条款Synthetic Agreements for Forward Exchange Recommended Terms and Com ditions
多伦多证券交易所300综合指数TSE 300 Composite Index
富时综合股票指数FTSE All-Share Index
德国综合指数Deutscher Aktien-Index
恒生综合指数Hang Seng Composite Index
恒生综合行业指数Hang Seng Composite Industry Indexes
恒生中国内地综合指数Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
恒生流通综合指数Hang Seng Freefloat Composite Index
恒生香港综合指数Hang Seng Hong Kong Composite Index
折旧综合平均寿命法depreciation composite-life method
新上证综合指数SSE New Composite Index
日本综合商社Sogo Shosha
未列人综合报表的附属公司unconsolidated subsidiary
标准普尔500综合股价指数Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index
标准普尔/香港交易所综合指数S & P/HKEx Composite
比例综合proportionate consolidation method
波罗的海干散货综合运价指数Baltic Dry Index (该指数由 BCI (波罗的海海岬型指数)、BPI (波罗的海巴拿马指数)、BHI (波罗的海轻便型指数)三部分组成,各占1/3权重,由位于伦敦的波罗的海航交所负责发布,是目前世界上衡量国际海运情况的权威指数,也是反映国际贸易情况的晴雨表)
深圳综合指数Shenzhen Composite index
纳斯达克综合指数NASDAQ Composite Index
纳斯达克综合指数NASDAQ Composite
纽约证券交易所综合指数NYSE composite index
组别综合成本计算class cost system
结合后综合报表:产权法或成本法consolidated statements after acquisition: equity method or cost method
综合买卖composite trade
综合偿债基金consolidated sinking fund
综合决算表consolidated statement
综合分户口omnibus client sub-account
综合分析表summary analysis
综合国力national comprehensive strength
综合基金general-purpose fund
综合帐所产生的溢价reserve arising on consolidation
综合性租赁syndrome lease (一种将租赁业务与某些贸易方式相结合的租赁方式)
综合成本process cost
综合成本率combined ratio
综合户口omnibus client account
综合折旧group depreciation
综合寿命法的折旧composite life methed of depreciation
综合折旧率composite depreciation rate
综合报表一以后年度consolidated statements-subsequent years
综合损益表consolidated income sheet (consolidated profit and loss statement)
综合收益consolidated returns
综合效益指标overall efficiency indicator
综合lump-sum appropriation /or allotment
综合生产商integrated producer
综合生命表aggregate mortality table
综合留存盈余表consolidated retained earnings statement
综合盈余consolidated surplus (or retained earnings)
综合盈余表consolidated surplus statement
综合composite order
综合combo order
综合经济开发区comprehensive economic development zone
综合营业盈余表consolidated retained earnings statement
综合composite table
综合评价group evaluation
综合财务报表附注note to consolidated financial statements
综合全面财务计划overall financial plan
综合财政overall finance
综合财政管理over-all financial management
综合资产负债表consolidated statement of resources and obligation
综合资产负债表composite balance sheet
综合资产负债表complete balance sheet
综合资金成本synthetic fund cost
综合运用价格和数量工具utilize the tools of prices and quantity in an integrated manner
综合运用多种货币政策工具employ a full range of monetary policy tools
综合销售成本表consolidated statement of cost of goods sold
综合险保单all risks policy
综合险条款all risks clause
综合预算overall budget
综合预算范围overall budget level
综合风险composite risk
联邦储备商业票据综合指数Federal Reserve Commercial Paper Composite
自动综合保险automatic comprehensive insurance
资本综合成本overall cost of capital
远期外汇综合协议synthetic agreement for forward exchange
通货膨胀综合指数general inflation index
道•琼斯综合平均指数Dow Jones Composite Average
道•琼斯威尔希尔综合指数Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 Composite Index
采取综合性措施take comprehensive measures
金融信息综合指数financial news composite index
《金融时报》-精算综合股票指数FTA All-Share Index
韩国综合指数Kospi index
韩国综合指数Korea Composite Index