
Terms for subject Genetics containing 综合性 | all forms | in specified order only
不对称身材矮小性发育异常综合征Russell-Silver syndrome
五 X 染色体综合性penta-X syndrome
假性反应停综合征pseudothalidomide syndrome
假性捷尔维格综合征pseudo-Zellweger syndrome
XY 女性综合征XY female syndrome
性幼稚-嗅觉减退综合征sex infantilism-anosmia syndrome
Y 染色体结构异常与性腺发育不全综合征syndrome of gonadal dysgenesis and structurally abnormal Y chromosome
X 染色体结构异常与性腺发育不全综合征syndrome of gonadal dysgenesis and structurally abnormal X chromosome
混合性腺发育不良综合征mixed gonadal dysgenesis syndrome
男性 XX 综合征XX male syndrome
综合抗性comprehensive resistance
综合特异性binding specificity
脆性 X 染色体综合征fragile X syndrome
超雌及多 X 综合性super-female and poly X syndrome
遗传性 Q-T间期延长综合征hereditary prolongation of Q-T interval syndrome
遗传性息肉病综合征hereditary polyposis syndrome
遗传性综合征genetic syndrome
遗传性肿瘤综合征genetic cancer syndrom
非综合征型遗传性听力缺损non-syndromic hereditary hearing impairment