
Terms for subject Electronics containing 综合性 | all forms | in specified order only
互连信号完好性综合软件interconnect signal integrity synthesis
实验性综合交换网络experimental integrated switched network
急性辐射综合症【核】acute radiation syndrome
性能分析与设计综合performance analysis and design synthesis
柔性综合模拟工具flexible integrated simulation tool
模块化综合可靠性分析仪一种高密度 IC 工艺可靠性测试系统modular integrated reliability analyzer
电力系统综合稳定性power system resulting stability
简易综合性保护设备simplified collective protection equipment
简易综合性探测设备simplified collective detection equipment
线性综合网络linear integrated network
综合可靠性试验程序integrated reliability test program
综合性技术研究与开发polytechnical research and development
综合性能分析报告generalized performance analysis report
综合惯性导航系统integrated inertial navigation system
综合特性composite characteristic
综合理论性能以Mtops 度量的计算性能composite theoretical performance
综合稳定性resulting stability
设计综合与性能分析design synthesis and performance analysis
高吸收性综合防御电磁战系统high-absorption integrated defence EMW system