
Terms for subject Automobiles containing | all forms
美国一家汽车修电子读物的制作和发行商All Data
美国 Motor 公司一种电子版车身修信息系统商品名E-frame
一站式汽车one-stop auto care
一级elementary maintenance
一级技术primary technical maintenance
网国际协议World Wide Web Consortium
应力状态three-dimensional stress
H 点装置three-dimensional H point machine
H点装置three-dimensional H point machine
不影响功能的function-permitting maintenance
不要求技术no service required
专业professional service
专业修业户maintenance and repair of special item
专业修店specialty service shop
专用修工具special service tool
不属于交付车辆正常附件范围的专用修工具或设备off-board tool or equipment
专用特殊修材料special service material
专营修店独立维修店的一类franchise repair shop
专项specific maintenance and repair
两月一次bimonthly service
严格severe maintenance
中等工作量的技术medium maintenance
中级技术保养technical service medium scale
丰田汽车修服务中心TOYOTA Automobile Safeguard Service Center
主技术major service
乘用车car service
人体模型two-dimensional manikin
应力状态biaxial stress
二级全面complete maintenance
交车前pre-delivery service
仓储式修店也从事某些项目维修的配件店store-associated shop
使operating maintenance
使用出车preoperation maintenance
使用中的技术during-operation service
使用中的技术field service
例行临时技术running service
例行routine servicing
例行修,保养routine maintenance
例行日常light maintenance
供车辆技术修和检查用的地带service-and-inspection lane
意大利柯汽车公司Industrial Vehicle Corporation
便于servicing ease
便于easy to maintain
修复性修理故障确认后,为使产品恢复到能完成要求的功能的状态所实施的维修corrective maintenance
修理和服务repair and servicing
光导纤light guide fiber
光导纤light fiber
光导纤fiber optic
service free
easy service free
护的maintenance free
护蓄电池maintenance free battery
全国汽车护专责组National Automotive Service Task Force
全美汽车修技术优秀认证学会National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
全美汽车修技术优秀鉴定协会National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
全美汽车修技术鉴定协会National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence
全部修记录显示所有在车辆上的作业情况的文件,特别是制造厂家要求的定期维护full-service history
全部修记录fill service history
全面技术technical service large scale
具有技术修装备的货车service truck
养护和care and maintenance
冬季winter maintenance
车间减振器damper service
切割的玻璃纤milled glass fibre
利波低温易熔合金lipowitz's alloy
别克汽车计算机化自动护系统Buick computerized automatic maintenance system
制造商提供的修手册manufacturer's service manual
车轮前部front-end maintenance
加固纤reinforcing fiber
赛道加油修站pit stop for refueling
厢式火箭修服务车missile maintenance van
发动机操纵人员engine attendant
发动机保养engine service
发动机保养engine maintenance
发动机护中心engine maintenance center
发动机护提示器engine maintenance reminder
发动机护范围engine maintenance area
发动机累进分析护法engine maintenance through progressive analysis service
变速器修工具transmission tool
变速器护指示灯service transmission lamp
可靠性与可修性reliability &maintainability
吸声纤acoustic fiberfibre
周期recurring maintenance
售后修部after-sales-service operations
回场后afteroperation service
福特在线汽车修信息系统On-Line Automotive Service Information System
在路线上的技术line maintenance
在车上on-vehicle service
强纤reinforcing fiber
API 增压柴油机护用机油美国 1996年1月后生产的柴油机,已不再使用API CE
外部appearance care
尺寸检验装置multidimensional gauging unit
夜间技术保养night service
奥兹莫比尔汽车修信息系统Oldsmobile Automated Service Information System
波兰奥索博奇汽车厂Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych
妨碍功能的function -preventing maintenance
季节性seasonal maintenance
安装、改进、护与修理installation, modification, maintenance and repair
完成计划外护或小修的申请单service call
定期日常current maintenance
定期保养periodic maintenance
定期正常保养regular maintenance
定期保养periodical service
定期保养organizational maintenance
定期constant maintenance
仪表板字符定期保养指示灯归零按钮SERVICE RESET
定期预防性regular preventive maintenance
实际修时间active maintenance time
实际的预防性修时间active preventive maintenance time
客户customer care
封闭型免护蓄电池seal and maintenance free battery
保养low maintenance
护蓄电池low-maintenance battery
巡回patrol maintenance
工作量不大的技术low maintenance
工作量不大的技术light maintenance
工作量大的技术heavy maintenance
部件component parts serviced
巴特尔斯尔能源研究中心Bartlesville Energy Research Center
护间隔显示器的组合仪表instrument cluster with maintenance interval display
常用prevailing maintenance
常规routine maintenance
常规正常保养normal maintenance
平均修间隔时间mean time between repairs
平均保养间隔期time between maintenance
平均保养间隔期mean time between maintenance
平均护间隔时间mean time between maintenances
平行碳纤parallel carbon fiber
库存品存货技术如封存车的维护inventory maintenance
应急保养,的计划外修理emergency maintenance
应急emergency maintenance
弹性护系统flexible service system
强制compulsory maintenance
保险杠强力纤粘固物hair rock
T 形手柄修用千斤顶service jack with T-handle
快速speed service
快速quick service
总成service in assembly
成套护零件maintenance parts kit
技术维护,保养engineering maintenance
技术所用时间servicing time
技术修班servicing crew
技术修用货车maintenance truckvehicle
技术修车service truck
一级技术technical maintenance
技术maintenance service
技术保养service chart
技术所用时间service time
技术修理maintenance shop
技术保养规程routine order
技术保养规程maintenance engineering order
自动变速器列奥克斯式行星齿轮机构ravigneaux planetary arrangement
自动变速器列奥克斯式行星齿轮机构Ravigneaux gear train
自动变速器列奥克斯行星齿轮机构由两个太阳轮和两套行星齿轮共用一个环齿轮组成Ravigneaux gearset
尼奥式行星齿轮机构ravigneaux planetary arrangement
尼奥式齿轮机构Ravigneaux gear train
按规则完成技术proper service
按规定的技术routine servicing
换季保养season service
排放护报警emission maintenance warning
排放护提示器emission maintenance reminder
显示屏字符排放护提示灯emission maintenance reminder light
接收、检验、receipt, inspection, maintenance
提供修服务的车库service garage
故障、诊断和problems, diagnosis, and service
整套成套零件parts kit
新车交车前new-vehicle preparation for delivery
日常预防preventive service
日常保养dally maintenance
日常operating repair
日常检查everyday check-up
日常保养daily maintenance
日常保养daily attention
日常的prevailing maintenance
日本汽车修促进联合会Japan Automobile Service Promotion Association
easy care
昼夜技术round-the-clock service
本地不能beyond local repair
机器machine attendance
机床machine attendance
架空高架电线护车trolley line maintenance vehicle
润滑油柴油机护用diesel service
API 柴油机护用机油分类推荐代替 API CDAPI CF
API 柴油机护用机油分类适于1994年起生产的低排放四冲程柴油机API CG-4
API 柴油机护用机油分类美国 1996年1月后生产的柴油机,已不再使用API CD
校准和护测试程序calibration and maintenance test procedure
检查修制度inspection and maintenance program I/M
检查/护一览表inspection/maintenance look-up table
检查/护制度inspection/maintenance programs
检查/护程序美国针对在用乘用车排放达标与否的测试/维护程序Inspection and Maintenance Programs
椰子纤coconut mat (ting)
椰子纤coco mat (ting)
模制碳纤moulded carbon fibre
模制碳纤molded carbon fiber
模制纤零件moulded fibre part
模制纤零件molded fiber part
汽车常指小修vehicle maintenance
汽车vehicle maintenance and repair
汽车技术service of cars
汽车motor-vehicle maintenance and repair
汽车automotive maintenance
汽车服务auto service
汽车修主任技师master automobile technician
汽车修协会有限责任公司Automotive Maintenance and Repair Association, Inc.
汽车修厂automotive service shop
福特汽车修在线信息系统On-line Automotive Service Information System
汽车修大厅garage hall
汽车修工技术员automotive technician
汽车修工具instrument of vehicle maintenance and repair
汽车修工程有限公司Auto maintenance engineering Co. Ltd
汽车修性vehicle maintainability
汽车修性maintainability of vehicles
汽车修技术优秀汽车维修技师的技能鉴定组织Automotive Service Excellence
福特公司汽车修校企合作规划Automotive Student Service Educational Program
通用汽车公司汽车修校企合作规划Automotive Service Educational Program
汽车修竣工辆次number of vehicle being received from maintenance or repair
汽车修网点network of vehicle maintenance and repair
汽车修行业vehicle service industry
汽车修行业协会Automotive Service Industry Association
汽车修设备car service equipment
汽车修设备automotive service equipment
汽车修车间automotive shop
汽车保养car maintenance
汽车保养vehicle maintenance
汽车vehicle maintenance
汽车motor service
汽车auto maintenance
汽车护作业operation of vehicle maintenance
汽车护修理保养motor-vehicle service
汽车护周期period of vehicle maintenance
汽车护和养容中心car servicing and care centercentre
汽车护和养容设备car servicing and care equipment
汽车护定位作业法method of vehicle maintenance on universal post
汽车护类别class of vehicle maintenance
汽车护规范norms of vehicle maintenance
汽车护设备equipment of vehicle maintenance
汽车审验motor-vehicle inspection service
流动式汽车护站mobile service station
流动技术护和修理所maintenance train
消除泄漏的技术no-seepage service
特易护制动器extra easy maintenance brake
特种纤special-purpose fibre
特约修中心authorized service center
特约修站authorized service shop
特约修站authorized service station
特约修站authorized repair shop
狄伯特法国人,1884年用马车改装汽车,最初装用风冷式两缸发动机Edward Delamare Debouteville
独立无公司代表参加和检查所完成的技术维修independent maintenance
独立修店independent service shop
现场服务field service
现场in site maintenance
现场就地job-site maintenance
现场field maintenance
现场服务工程师field-service engineer
现场试验模式在发动机工作时进行维修和测试的方式field-service mode
现场修率field maintenance factor
现场修理设备field maintenance equipment
玻璃纤glass fiberfibre
玻璃纤光学元件glass fiber optics
玻璃纤吸收垫absorbent glass mat
玻璃纤吸收垫absorbed glass mat
玻璃纤吸收垫蓄电池AGM battery
玻璃纤增强塑料glass fiber, fibre reinforced plastic
玻璃纤增强塑料fibreglass reinforced plastic
玻璃纤增强塑料车身GRP body
玻璃纤增强塑料车身glass fiber body
玻璃纤增强层压板fiberglass reinforced plywood
玻璃纤增强热塑性塑料glass fiber fibre reinforced thermoplastic
玻璃纤增强热塑性塑料fiberglass-reinforced thermoplastic
玻璃纤增强的glass-fiber fibre reinforced
玻璃纤增强的glass reinforced
玻璃纤增强的fiberglass reinforced
玻璃纤增强聚酯fiberglass-reinforced polyester
玻璃纤外壳蓄电池glass fiber clad battery
玻璃纤glass fabric
玻璃纤帘线glass cord
玻璃纤glass fiber mat
玻璃纤垫,编织品fiberglass mat
玻璃纤消声器一种直通的消声器,没有隔板,用玻璃纤维绕在穿孔的管子上,以消除排气噪声glass pack muffler
玻璃纤织物mat fabric
玻璃纤织物glass fiber fabric
玻璃纤织物fiberglass fabric
玻璃纤编织套fiberglass sleeving
玻璃纤芯导线glass-core cable
玻璃纤衬里fiberglass skin
蓄电池玻璃纤隔板glass fiber separator
保养shift maintenance
用橡胶处理的天然纤rubberized natural fiber
电子计算机模型electronic 3D model
电子版服务手册electronic service manual
电气设备的技术electric service
短玻璃纤glass wool
短纤合成材料short fiber composites
短纤合成材料fiber composite
短纤碳化硅一种新型的制造连杆材料short-fibered silicon carbide
石墨纤graphited fiber
石墨纤强化塑料graphite fiber reinforced plastic
硝化纤涂料清漆nitrocellulose dope
赛车碳纤制成的单壳体车身carbon-fiber monocoque
碳纤加强环氧树脂carbon fiber reinforced epoxy
碳纤加强碳carbon fiber reinforced carbon
碳纤增强塑料carbon-fibre reinforced plastic
碳纤增强塑料carbon-fiber reinforced plastic
碳纤增强复合材料carbon-fiber reinforced composite
碳纤增强的复合材料carbon fiber reinforced composite
碳纤摩擦材料carbon fiber friction material
碳纤模压的carbon-fiber molded
碳纤织物carbon-fiber fabric
车轮碳纤轮辋carbon-fiber rim
碳纤carbon-fiber part
碳纤carbon-fiber component
福特修功能卡Ford service function (card)
离合器的技术clutch maintenance service
离合器纤摩擦片clutch fiber plate
空气滤清器修包滤芯等cleaner air package
仪表板字符立即修指示警告SERVICE SOON LT
仪表板字符立即修指示警告SERVICE NOW LT
立即修车辆service vehicle soon
简单保养minor service
简易一级技术保养technical service small scale
紧急emergency service
光学fiber fibre optics
制齿轮fabric gear
密封,纸板fiber gasket
fabric filler
增强塑料齿轮fiber-reinforced plastic gear (wheel)
增强金属fiber reinforced metal
增强陶瓷fiber-rein forced ceramics
复合材料fiber compound material
复合材料正时齿轮fiber timing gear
fabric belt
组织应力fiber stress
fabric type
强化复合材料fiber-rein forced composite
强化复合材料fiber-reinforced composite
强化热塑料fiber-reinforced thermoplastic
强化铝一种新型复合材料fiber-reinforced aluminum
材料fibrous material
材料绝缘隔绝fibrous insulation
hard board
celotex (board)
织物滤芯fabric element
燃油系统叠片式过滤器fiber disc filter
状裂痕断口fibrous fracture
喷,清cellulose lacquer
素乙醇酒精cellulosic ethanol
素腻子cellulose putty
带状组织fiber structure
汽车声学网系统fleece system
座椅隔膜型悬置fabric membrane suspension
胶木齿轮fiber gear
经全美学会认证的汽车修工程师National Institute Automotive Service Engineer
经销商修部dealership service department
经销商完成的dealer maintenance
多利亚皇冠Crown Victoria
尼龙手套vinyl gloves
maintenance work
保养合同maintenance contract
备忘录service memo
保养指示灯提示器service reminder indicator
保养,服务质量等级grade of service
保养费用maintenance expense
保养费用maintenance charge
护包含有用于维修的成套备件、器械和材料maintenance package
车辆护指示器提醒灯service indicator
仪表板护指示灯service reminder tell-tale
仪表板护指示灯service reminder light
护指示装置maintenance indicator system
持性修理keeping running repair
晶闸管持电流holding current
起动机持线圈holding coil
金刚石硬度计diamond-penetrator type hardness tester
氏硬度pyramid hardness
氏硬度计pyramid-type hardness tester
氏硬度试验pyramid hardness test
车尼公司一家生产检测仪器的公司Vetronix Corp.
美国石油学会护使用分类API service classification
美国货车修协会The Maintenance Council of the American Trucking
美国货车协会修理事会The Maintenance Council of the American Trucking Association
车身美容性cosmetic repair
聚合玻璃纤帘布层轮胎polyglass tire
轮胎聚芳酰胺纤胎体Kevlar casing
轮胎聚芳酰胺纤胎体Kevlar carcass
自适应动态分析与adaptive dynamic analysis and maintenance
金属表面层纤extreme fiber
要求maintenance required
视情according to machinery condition maintenance and repair
视情按需maintenance on demand
视情保养maintenance as required
触线护车trolley wire maintenance vehicle
计划planned maintenance and repair
计划维修planned maintenance
计算机化汽车修系统computerized automotive maintenance system
计算机管理的汽车护系统computerized automotive maintenance system
诊断护中心diagnostic service center
诊断护信息自动检索automatic diagnostic maintenance information retrieval
诊断护监测器diagnostic maintenance monitor
走合保养running-in service
走合running-in maintenance
车主owner service
车主由车主完成的技术维护owner maintenance
车库修设备service equipment
车库中的修设备garage service equipment
车身保养body maintenance
车身body preservative
车身护理body care
车身保养appearance care
车身护品body care product
车辆修周转总成reversible unit
车辆修监视器vehicle maintenance monitor
车辆修组vehicle group
车辆修连锁店chain of vehicle repair
车辆vehicle service
车辆美容,护理vehicle care
车辆保养提示灯vehicle maintenance minder
车辆护场running shed
车辆护监视器vehicle maintenance monitor
车辆外部润滑护作业outside-vehicle lubrication service
美国修理界用语车辆底部修专家含制动、转向、悬架和排气系统undercar specialist
车辆技术vehicle upkeep operation
车辆的强制计划预防制规定按时进行维护compulsory car maintenance
轮胎保养care of the tyre
车间轮胎修理tire service
轮胎保养care of the tire
车桥修工具axle tool
轻度少许remote maintenance
运行使用保养running maintenance
通用技术修站superservice station
通用汽车公司修零件服务中心GM Service Parts Operation
遵守汽车机器护规则和周期watch service
配件修店store-associated shop
酚纤phenol fibre
重设护提示器resetting service reminder
野战field maintenance
销售、修、配件sale, service, spare parts
销售、修、配件、信息反馈sale, service, spare parts, survey
长久间隔long-life service
长纤润滑脂耐高温long fiber grease
附属修厂ancillary garage
降低功能的function-degrading maintenance
陶瓷纤ceramic-fiber part
陶瓷纤ceramic-fiber component
护项目手册中的non-maintenance booklet
预见性predictive maintenance
预防性preventive maintenance (and repair)
预防性preventive maintenance
预防性技术保养prevention planned service
预防性维修preventive maintenance
汽车预防性保养周期maintenance proof cycle
额外临时,特别extraordinary maintenance
首次保养first service
驾驶与driving and maintenance
驾驶人完成的日常技术保养driver's weekly maintenance
驾驶室修尺寸cab servicing dimension
空调压缩机高压侧修阀high-side service valve
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