
Terms containing 维护 费 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.停缓建工程维护费maintenance expense for project stopped or postponed
ecol.城市建设维护费maintenance cost of urban construction
tech.城市建设和维护费expense for urban development and maintenance
oil城市维护建设费expenses for urban development and maintenance
el.增量维护费incremental maintenance cost
fin.工务维护费铁道会计用maintenance of way and structures
busin.工务维护费maintenance of way and structures
hydroel.st.工程项目移交前的维护费maintenance cost of the project before handover
UN, tech.干租赁"安排,即部队/警察部队派遣国仅提供主要装备,而联合国或第三方责任维护,偿还部队/警察部队派遣国的费用dry lease, whereby troop/police contributors would provide only major equipment, with the united nations or a third party assuming responsibility for maintenance
el.维护费annual maintenance charges
tech.维护费annual maintenance cost
el.年备用容量维护费annual standby capacity charge
proj.manag.建筑物维护费building maintenance expense
tech.建筑物维护费building maintenance expenses
telecom.维护费overall maintenance cost
busin.清理维护费maintenance and liquidating expense
exhib.港口维护费harbor maintenance fee
tech.矿山维护费expense for protecting mines
busin.管理维护费administrative and maintenance expenses
tech.管理及维护费administrative and maintenance expenses
fin.经营成本及维护费operational and maintenance costs
fin.维护修理repair expense
fin.维护修理maintenance expense
earth.sc.维护maintenance fee
auto.维护保养maintenance expense
auto.维护保养maintenance charge
tech.维护管理费expense of maintenance and management
busin.维护费support cost
chem.维护费running cost
hydroel.st.维护费maintenance cost
hydroel.st.维护费running cost
telecom.维护费cost of maintenance
met.维护费cost of upkeep
fin.维护费carrying charge
fin.维护费maintenance reserve
chem.维护费up keep cost
chem.维护费maintenance charges
busin.维护费cost maintenance
tech.维护费maintenance cost (用)
agric., busin.维护费maintanance cost
tech.维护费maintenance outlay
tech.维护费upkeep cost (用)
tech.维护费sum of maintenance (用)
tech.维护费maintenance fee (用)
tech.维护费cost of maintenance (用)
tech.维护费carrying charges
telecom.维护费maintenance cost
proj.manag.维护费cost of upkeep
proj.manag.维护费costs of maintenance
wind.维护费maintenance charge
auto.维护费servicing cost
commer.维护费running cost
shipb.航道维护费channel maintenance due
fin.设备维护费maintenance of equipments
tech.运行维护费operation and maintenance cost
space运行维护费operation and support cost
wind.运行维护费operation and maintenance costs
tech.运转和维护费operation and maintenance cost
fin.递延维护费deferred maintenance