
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 维修 | all forms | in specified order only
不需维修maintenance-f ree
中间包维修tundish maintenance area
中间包维修时间tundish maintenance time (This arrangement has made it possible to perform on-line tundish maintenance work on the same floor as the caster operation, eliminate tundish handling by crane and achieve a sharp reduction in tundish maintenance time. 这一方案使得中间包在线维修与连铸机操作能在同一平台上进行,从而免除了用吊车吊运中间包,明显缩短了中间包维修时间。)
中间包维修tundish maintenance bay
中间包维修maintenance aisle of tundish
中间包在线维修on-line tundish maintenance
中间罐维修rehabilitation area for tundish
仪器维修instrument maintenance
出错维修corrective maintenance
出错维修时间corrective maintenance time
压型维修工段die maintenance area
定期维修constant maintenance
小方坯连铸机维修maintenance of continuous billet caster
小方坯连铸机维修billet caster maintenance
年度维修yearly maintenance
扇形段维修segment maintenance area
扇形段维修maintenance area of segment
操作与维修operating and maintaining
日常维修minor maintenance
模具维修工段die maintenance area
正常维修normal maintenance
炉缸维修hearth maintenance
生产维修productive maintenance
电气维修electrical maintenance
离线维修off-line maintenance
经常维修constant maintenance
维 修maintenance service
维修maintenance service
维修人员maintenance personnel
维修停产时间maintenance down time
维修停产时间maintenance downtime
维修service platform
维修工作maintenance work
维修工程maintenance engineering
维修平台maintenance platform
维修maintenance frame
维修次数频率frequency of maintenance
维修maintenance crew
维修用工具maintenance tool
维修用设备maintenance equipment
维修用起重机maintenance crane
维修管理maintenance management
维修maintenance crew
维修规程service manual
维修诊断maintenance diagnosing
维修operating expenses
维修cost of maintainance
维修起重机maintenance crane
维修车间maintenance workshop
维修进度表maintenance schedule
维修频率frequency of maintenance
耐火衬里维修refractory maintenance
联机预防维修系统on-line preventive maintenance system
补救维修remedial maintenance
设备维修技术监督maintenance supervision
车间设备维修副主任maintenance assistant superintendent
连铸机维修时间maintenance time of continuous caster
连铸机维修管理软件maintenance management software for continuous caster
连铸机年维修时间annual maintenance time of caster
铁水沟维修iron runner maintenance
铁沟维修iron runner maintenance
附加维修supplementary maintenance
非计划维修时间nonscheduled maintenance time
非预定维修时间nonscheduled maintenance time
预防维修prevention maintenance
预防维修predictive maintenance
预防性维修prevention maintenance
预防性维修进度表preventive maintenance schedule
风口维修tuyere maintenance
风口维修maintenance of tuyere
风机维修blower maintenance
高炉炉体维修措施blast furnace body maintenance measures