
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不宜继扣押not suitable for being arrested longer
以人为本、全面协调可持的科学发展观the scientific concept of development with people first, overall coordination and sustainable development at the core
促进经济社会全面协调可持发展promote comprehensive, balanced and sustainable economic and social development
保持对外交往连性和稳定性maintain the continuity and stability of the foreign exchange work
保持财政政策的连preserve the continuity of fiscal policy
保持连性和稳定性maintain consistency
保持连性和稳定性ensure the continuity and consistency (of)
入网手network access procedures
农用地转用审批手examining and approving formalities for the change of land use
农用地转用审批手formalities of examination and approval for the conversion of land use
准予延approve the extension
出境手formalities of leaving the country
制定后政策work out follow-up policies
制定后政策formulate follow-up policies
办结海关手clear the Customs
劳动关系存期间during the existence of the labor relation
变更登记手register the change
可持利用continuous usability
合并后存的公司company that survives the merger
工作follow-up work
政策follow-up policies
回扣、手rebate or service charges
在本法施行之日存remain valid as of the date this law goes into effect
坚持走可持发展之路stay on the road of sustainable development
域名renew the domain name
备案手filing procedures
备案手procedures to file for the record
婚姻关系存期间during the period in which the parties are under contract of marriage
continue to exist
期间during its existence
实现经济可持发展的必由之路an essential route to follow to ensure sustainable economic development
审批手examination and approval procedures
履行任职手complete the formalities for appointment
履行报批手perform the procedure of submitting report for approval
extend for
完备complete formalities
扫盲后继教育post-elimination education
批准手formalities for approval
批准手approval procedures
批准手apply for approval
报关验放手procedures of declaration
报批手formalities of reporting and approval
报检手inspection declaration formalities
报检手formalities of applying for inspection
盈利能力ability to make profits successively
稳定sustain steady
推动经济社会全面、协调、可持发展promote all-round, balanced and sustainable development of the economy and society
利用sustainable utilization
法律手legal procedure (formalities)
申领手application formalities
登记手formality for registration
移交手procedures for the transfer
简化手streamline formalities
经济持较快增长sustained rapid economic growth
结汇、售汇手exchange settlement or sale for it
侦查further investigation
保留remain operative
冻结continued freeze
医学教育follow-up education in medicine
占有continue to possess
将货物运抵目的地forward the cargo to its destination
扣押continue to detain
教育follow-up education
教育continuing learning
教育制度system of continuing education
査证、审理further investigation
盘问continued interrogation
行使其职权continue to exercise one's functions and powers
行使其职权的行政机关succeed administrative organ
辩护further defend
renewed approved
期权利right of renewal
订劳动合同renew the labor contract
费截止日last day for renewing
费确认期renew confirmation period
费通知renewal notice
背书连uninterrupted series of endorsement
自动automatically be renewed
自动许可手formalities for automatic permission
船舶所有权登记手formality for registration of the ship's ownership
船舶移交手procedure for the transfer of the ship
草原的可持利用sustainable use of grasslands
补办手completion of the formalities
许可手formalities for permission
财产权证照转移手formalities for the transfer of certificates of property rights
财产权转移手formalities for transfer of the property right
质权存期间during the existence of the pledge interest
转移手formalities for the transfer
违法行为持的时间duration of the violation
七年以上continuous period of not less than seven years
三个月不出席会议absent from meeting for three consecutive months
上几个大台阶leap several stages in succession
两届two consecutive terms
亏损operate at a loss for consecutive years
任职consecutively serve
任职不得超过两届serve no more than two consecutive terms
作业continued operation
工作work continuously
或者继续状态continual or continuous nature
用工continued employment
用工期限continuous period of employment
订立consecutively concluded
运输successive transport
退社手formalities to withdraw from the cooperative
随着经济持较快增长coupled with sustained rapid economic growth