
Terms for subject United Nations containing 续保 | all forms
保健、环境和可持续发展问题闭会期间讲习班Inter-sessional Workshop on Health, the Environment and Sustainable Development
关于环境保护和可持续发展的马格里布宪章Maghreb Charter on environmental protection and sustainable development
关于环境保护和持续发展的法律原则Legal Principles for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development
关于环境保护和持续发展的法律原则和建议Legal principles and recommendations on environmental protection and sustainable development
合作保护和持续发展东北太平洋海洋和沿海环境公约Convention for Cooperation in the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Marine and Coastal Areas of the Northeast Pacific
合作保护和持续发展东北太平洋海洋和沿海环境公约Antigua Convention
环境保护与可持续发展, 法律原则和建议Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Legal Principles and Recommendations
环境保护与持续发展, 法律原则和建议Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Legal Principles and Recommendations
环境保护和可持续发展公约Convention on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development
联合国检查/核查队,可由特派团团长或其代表任命的联合国工作人员和军 事人员组成。 检查队必须有充分的时间以保证控制活动的连续性united nation Inspection/Verification team, which may be composed of united nations staff members and military personnel, assigned by the head of mission or by an official acting on his/her behalf must be assigned to the inspection team for a sufficient period of time to ensure continuity in the control activities