
Terms for subject Business containing 统计量 | all forms | in specified order only
不一致统计量inconsistent statistics
不变统计量invariant statistics
主要统计量key statistic
似然比检验统计量likelihood ratio test statistic
T 分布统计量T distributed statistic
F 分布统计量F-distribution statistic
卡方检验统计量chi-square test statistics
变量统计statistical of variables
合并样本统计量pooled sample statistic
多变量统计学multivariate statistics
多变量统计法multivariate statistical technique
安德森—达林统计量Anderson-Daring statistic
完全统计量complete statistics
层辅助统计量laminal ancillary statistics
广义贝塔统计量特征根latent root of the generalized beta-statistic
无偏统计量unbiased statistic
最低阶统计量smallest order statistic
最大辅助统计量maximal ancillary statistic
最小充分统计量minimum sufficient statistic
最小辅助统计量minimal ancillary statistic
有效统计量efficient statistics
有界完备充分统计量bounded complete sufficient statistic
模拟误差统计量simulation error statistic
稳固统计量robust statistic
经济计量统计推断econometric statistical inference
统计变量估算estimation of statistical variable
统计学家和生物计量学家用表tables for statisticians & biometricians
统计宏观计量经济模型statistical macroeconometric model
统计度量statistical measure
统计数量quantity statistical
统计质量statistical quality
统计质量保证statistical quality assurance
统计质量管理图statistical quality control chart
统计质量管理图SQC chart
K 统计量K-statistic
F 统计量F statistic
综合统计量overall statistic
计量经济研究传统方法orthodox approach in econometric research
货币流量统计money flow statistics
质量管理与行业统计quality control and industrial statistics
质量管理统计方法statistical method of quality control
顺序统计量渐进最佳线性组合asymptotically best linear combination of order statistics