
Terms for subject China containing 统制 | all forms
劳动力调查统计制度statistical system for workforce survey
坚持"和平统一、一国两制"的基本方针remain committed to the basic principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems"
坚持"和平统一、一国两制"的基本方针continue to follow the fundamental principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems"
学制系统schooling system
学制系统内的学校school governed by the schooling system
实行家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制apply the dual operation system characterized by the combination of centralized operation with decentralized operation on the basis of operation by households under a contract
实行统一的、多层次的立法体制practice a unified, multilevel legislative system
法制统 一uniformity of law
法制统一uniformity of law
统一制发uniformly printed and issued
统一登记制度unify system of registration
统一的、多层次的立法体制a unified, multilevel legislative system
统一的多民族的单一制国家a unified multiethnic country a unitary multi-nationl State with a unitary political system
统计台账制度statistical master-file system
维护国家法制的统一safeguard consistency in the country's legal system
维护国家法制的统一和尊严safeguard the uniformity and dignity of the country's legal system
维护国家法制的统一和尊严safeguard the uniformity and authority of the country's legal system
维护法制统一safeguard legal uniformity
维护法制统一的原则principle of safeguarding uniformity of law
维护社会主义法制的统一和尊严uphold the uniformity and dignity of the socialist legal system
草原统计制度statistics system for grasslands