
Terms for subject International trade containing 统一 | all forms | in specified order only
一次付清统一费率one-time flat fee
亚洲区域合作统一发展战略strategy for the integrated development of regional cooperation in Asia
产品的统一uniformity of product
低标准统一赔款责任制low level uniform liability system
信用证统一惯例uniform customs for credits
关于合同法律选择的统一规则uniform rules on choice of law
关于统一提单的若干法律规定的国际公约海牙规则International Convention for Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bill of Lading Hague mles
关于统一有关扣留海运船舶的若干规则的公约Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Arrest of Seagoing Ships (1952. 5. 10)
关于统一有关海上救助的若干法律规则的公约1910.9.23Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law respecting Assistance and Salvage at Sea
关于统一有关海上救助飞机或以飞机救助的若干规则的公约Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Assistance and Salvage of Aircraft or by Aircraft at Sea (1938. 9. 29)
1912 年海牙关于统一汇票、本票法的公约1912年Convention on the Unification of the Law relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform Regulation
关于合同上选择法律的统一规则uniform rules on choice of law
1931 年日内瓦关于制定统一支票法的公约1931. 3. 19Convention providing a Uniform Law for Cheques Geneva, 1931
1930 年日内瓦关于制成统一汇票、本票的公约1930. 6Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, 1930
1964 年海牙关于国际货物买卖合同成立的统一法的公约1964 . 7. 1Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods The Hague, 1964
关于海关手续简化和统一的国际公约及其有关海关过境的附件 E. 1Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures Annex E. 1 concerning Customs Transit
西欧共同市场各国统一关税商品分类Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
合同保证统一规则uniform rules for contract guarantees
商业票据托收统一规则1955年国际商会颁订uniform rules for the collection of commercial paper
商业票据托收统一规则uniform rules for the collection of commercial papers
国际统一的法律制度international uniform legal regime
国际统一私法学会International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNPROIT)
国际货物买卖合同成立统一the Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
国际贸易买卖统一the Uniform law on International Sale of Goods
地区统一运费率zone freight rate
工商统一business consolidated tax
布鲁塞尔统一关税商品分类Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
平价的统一变动uniform change in par values
1924 年关于统一提单若干规则的布鲁塞尔公约Brussels Convention of 1924
1968 年关于修改统一提单若干规则的国际公约的布鲁塞尔议定书Brussels Protocol of 1968
年布鲁塞尔关于统一提单若干规则的国际公约International Convention of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading (1924)
年布鲁塞尔关于统一若干有关海船船东责任范围规则的国际公约International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Seagoing Vessels Brussels, 25 August 1924 1924
年布鲁塞尔关于统一若干有关船舶碰撞规则的国际公约International Convention for Unification of Certain Rules of Law with respect to Collisions between Vessels Brussels, 23 September 1910 (1910)
年布鲁塞尔关于统一若干海上留置权当抵押权规则的国际公约International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Maritime Liens and Mortgages Brussels, 10 April 1926 and Brussels, 27 May 1967 1967
年斯特拉斯堡关于制定统一仲裁法的欧洲公约European Convention providing a Uniform Law on Arbitration Strasbourg, 20 January 1966 1966
1931 年日内瓦统一支票法Geneva Uniform Law on Cheques, 1931 (ULC)
1930 年日内瓦统一汇票和本票法Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes 1930 (ULC)
1964 年有关国际货物负责统一法的海牙公约Hague Conventions of 1964
1964 年海牙关于订立国际货物买卖合同的统一Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (the Hague, 1964)
押汇信用统一惯例与实务uniform customs and practice for documentary credits
支票统一法公约Convention on a Uniform Law for Cheques
1964 年海牙有关国际货物买卖统一法的公约Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sales of Goods The Hague, 1964
本票统一法草案Draft Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes
欧洲共同市场的对外统一关税Common External Tariff
汇票及期票统一法公约Convention on a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
空运私法统一unification of private air law
简化和统一海关手续simplification and harmonization of customs procedures
统一价格flat price
统一价格法uniform price method
统一价格表flat list prices
统一保单条件uniform policy conditions
统一债权均衡债券equalization claim
统一关于国有船舶豁免的某些规则的公约Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Immunity of State owned Vessels
统一关税分类法uniform tariff classification
统一关税担保制度unique customs guarantee system
统一赔偿责任uniform system
统一办理uniformity of treatment
法律统一化运动unificationary activities
统一原则uniform principles
统一发票uniform invoice
统一合伙事业法the Uniform Partnership Act
统一回扣卡特尔aggregated rebate cartel
统一回扣卡特尔aggregate rebate cartels
统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air
统一基金consolidated fund
统一定j介率blanket rate
统一尺寸uniform in size
统一币制unification of the currency
统一惯例uniform customs
统一成本制度uniform cost system
统一或单一赔偿金额制度uniform or single amount system
统一手续费flat commission
统一提单的若干法律规定的国际公约布鲁塞尔公约1924 年 8 月 25 BInternational Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relation to Bills of Lading Brussels Convention
统一unified law
统一海上客运若干规则的国际公约International Convention to the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Carriage of Passengers by Sea
统一海事抵押权和留置权的若干规定的公约1926 年Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Maritime Mortgages and Liens
统一物品买卖法the Uniform Sales Act
统一的收款法uniform receipt method
统一consolidated tax
统一船舶碰撞或其他航行事故中刑事管辖权方面若干规定的国际公约International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Penal Jurisdiction in Matter of Collision or Other Incidents of Navigation
统一船舶碰撞若干法律规定的国际公约1910 年 9月 23 日International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law in regard to Collisions
统一财政奖励措施协定convention on uniform fiscal incentives
统一责任标准uniform level of liability
统一货物销售法uniform sales act (laws)
统一货运司Consolidated Freightways Corporation
统一赔偿责任限额规则uniform monetary limitation of liability rule
统一运价率和票价standardization of rates and fares
统一运价表standardization of tariffs
统一运费等级及规则Uniform Freight Classification Ratings,Rules and Regulation
统一运费等级表及规则Uniform Freight Classification Ratings, Rules & Regulations
统一销售条例uniform sales act (laws)
统一销售法uniform sales laws
统一预算unified budget
美国统一商法案Uniform Commercial Code
联合运输单据统一规则Uniform Rules for a Combined Transport Document
联运单据统一规则uniform rules for a combined transport document
进口统一税率uniform rate of import duty