
Terms for subject Finances containing 统一 | all forms | in specified order only
《中央结算系统一般规则》General Rules of CCASS
会计作为一种信息处理系统accounting as an information system
会计师统一考试uniform CPA examination
债务统一 基金特别会计帐户debt consolidation fund special account
出口统一管理、归口经营canalization of exports
利率统一unification of interest rate
制定一项强有力且系统化的危机对策formulate a strong and systemic response to the crisis
《商业票据托收统一规则》Uniform Rules for the Collection of Commercial Paper
国家统一会计制度state uniform accounting system
《外汇契约统一规则》Uniform Rules for Foreign Exchange Contract
大一统的银行体制mono-bank system
《契约保证统一规则》Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees
工商统一uniform tax of industrial and commercial tax
形成统一开放、竞争有序的全国大市场form a unified, open, competitive and orderly market nationwide
汇率统一unification of exchange rate
《汇票及本票统一法公约》Convention on a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
统一价格法指领用材料的计价uniform price method
统一会计制度uniform accounting system
统一保证金客户协议书uniform margin client's agreement
统一信贷计划审计unified credit plan audit
统一债券unified bonds
统一公债consolidated stock
统一公债英国 1751年开始发行consolidated annuities
统一商事法典》Uniform Commercial Code
统一度量式只有百分比而无金额收益表common size income statement
统一度量式只有百分比而无金额资产负债表common-size balance sheet
统一惯例法典》Uniform Practice Code
统一成本flat cost
统一成本核算法uniform costing
统一成本计算uniform costing
统一所得税制unified income tax system
统一收费净额flat net amount
统一电子交易界面uniform electronic transaction interface
统一的原始凭证unitary primary document
统一税收制度unified tax system
统一税收抵免额unified tax credit
统一结算unified clearing
统一财政信用体系unified finance and credit system
统一银行业绩报告uniform bank performance report
证券代理商统一法律考试uniform securities agent state law examination
《跟单信用证统一惯例》Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit (1930年,国际商会拟订了一套《商业跟单信用证统一惯例》,于1933年正式公布,后多次进行修订,称为《跟单信用证统一惯例》,被各国银行和贸易界广泛采用,成为信用证业务的国际惯例,1993年的版本称为《UCP 500》,2007年的版本称为《UCP 600》)
集中统一监管centralized regulation
非洲统一基金组织African Solidarity Fund (区域性经济开发合作金融组织,成立于1976年,总部设在尼日尔首都尼亚美)