
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一接到保险商的保险凭证,我们就立即寄你方Insurance certificate will follow as soon as we receive it from the underwriters
一旦货物备妥待运,我们就开汇票寄他们We shall forward them our draft for attention as soon as the goods are ready for shipment
一般供过剩general over-supply
下令状serve a writ on (someone, 某人)
下令状serve someone with a writ (某人)
不得将宝贵的技术诀窍透露我们的竞争对手Don't impart the valuable know-how to our rivals
不牢靠的供unstable supply
不许把此项情报提供任何未经认可的人员The information is not allowed to supply to any unauthorized persons
不足以自insufficient for its purpose
不配be off point
专业推销训练人员据以评价每一推销训练方案在一定情况下所具有效果的四个方面aim, content, method, expectation (即目的、内容、方法、期望)
业主将最后一笔款子付了承包商The final payment was made by the owner to the contractor
个人供individual supply
为了在装运前货物的质量及数量的检验作证,你方可指派自己的检査员In order to witness the inspection of quality and quantity of goods before shipment, you may appoint your own inspector
为了购买所谈商品,我们会付你现金We will pay you ready cash for buying the articles mentioned
为了进行上述合并,双方相互同意将公司所有的各种资产及财产予以转让或过户乙方公司The parties agree with each other that they will convey or transfer all their corporate assets and property of every kind and description to company B in order to carry out the above-mentioned consolidation
为使用车辆,租借人每月应付 1000 美元租金公司For the use of the cars, the tenant shall pay to the company a monthly rental of $1000
为利用甲方有关新产品的资料,乙方将付甲方一笔酬金Party B shall pay Party A a sum of money for the utilization of Party A's information about the new product
为实现转让所必需的一切单据及许可证应递交卖方All the documents and permits that may be necessary to effectuate a transfer should be delivered to the seller
为…拨款给…earmark funds to... for...
买方将被予机会,以检验货品The buyer shall be afforded an opportunity to examine the goods
买方尚有1000美金未付卖方The buyer has an amount of $1000 unpaid to the seller
于此规定的最低租船费应由非洲近东有限公司付联合货运公司The minimum charterage herein specified shall be paid by African Near East Limited to United Van Lines
互补供complementary supply
交付买方的产品应与样品完全相同The products delivered to the buyer should be identical with the samples
交付我公司的产品现在正在实验室中进行试验These products delivered to our company are on trial in the laboratory
交易会的展品我们留下了相当深的印象We were very much impressed by the exhibits at the fair
产业的长期供曲线long-run supply curves of the industry
今天我们把货物用快递寄We are expressing the goods to you today
客户发了电报,告知下月发货He sent the client a wire, saying the order would be delivered next month
总公司去电,汇报任务已顺利完成He wired the head office to say that the task had been completed successfully
他今天邮汇三万美元中国银行He has today transferred $30.000 by mail on China Bank
他们我8个月的信用借贷期限They gave me eight months' credit
他们我方寄了原始发票They sent us the original invoice
他们准备偿付我们一半索赔额They are prepared to allow us half the amount of our claim
他们可以付 5%以下的佣金They can allow less than 5% commission
他们同意对所有透露他们的市场信息加以保密They agreed to maintain as confidential all the market information disclosed to them
他们对过期未付的金额将付利息你方They will pay interest to you upon the amounts of money that are overdue
他们将按成本不另收费用商店供应货物They will provide the goods to the store at cost without any charge
他们已了我方相当关的定单They have given us an order of considerable size
他们已你方开出金额为 25000 美元的信用证They have opened an L/C in your favour for the amount of US $25.000.000
他们应交付违约罚款,但予两星期的付款宽限期They should pay the penalty for nonperformance of the contract with a grace period of two weeks
他们的询盘已转我方北京子公司Their enquiries have been transferred to our subsidiary in Beijing
他们认为对他们遭受的损失应予赔偿They consider themselves entitled to an allowance for the loss they suffered
kick back (回扣)
… 不足额的工资underpay
付款请求书已提交财务处长The payment requisition has been submitted to the chief of financial department
优惠予国a preference-giving country
会计报表在互相方便的时候可提供业主The accounting statement shall be available to the owner at mutually convenient time
低薪moderate salary
你们最好将售后服务问题交卖主处理You'd better refer the aftersale to the vendor
你厂生产的汽车备件的质量,应与从前供应我方的完全相同The spare parts to the car produced in your factory shall be of exactly the same quality as those previously supplied to us
你可以邮寄一份上诉书管理合同的官员You may appeal by mailing to the contracting officer a written
你方欠余额balance to your debit
你方应担保不把我方所提供的任何情报泄露他人You shall guarantee not to reveal any information we furnished to someone else
你方必须付特许商标的注册费You must pay the registration fee of the licensed trademark
你方的好意对我方举足轻重,因此我方贵方5%的折扣Your good-will means a lot to us, so we offer you an allowance of 5%
你方的第一批货用户的印象很好Your first shipment has made a good impression on the customers
你方能按到岸价格我们报盘吗?Can you make us an offer on CIF basis n.?
你方致我总公司电报已转我们处理并答复Your cable to our head office has been transmit ted to us for attention and reply
你方认为有利使用,我们可以予10%的补贴Should you find it expedient to use it, we could offer you an allowance of 10%
你的申诉已提交董事会,经理会很快给你答复Your complaint has been referred to the board of directors and the manager will soon give you a reply
与推销supply and marketing
与需要supply and demand
supply on a maintenance basis
free supply system
因素supply factor
弹性the elasticity of supply
弹性系数supply elasticity coefficient
law of supply
性援助supply assistance
曲线supply curve
曲线endowed-supply curve
物价表supply price schedule
的变动shift in supply
职能functions of physical supply
能为其本身创造需要supply creates its own demand
船运输港feeder service port
supply schedule
资金finance (finantia)
过量excess of supply
过额excess of supply
适度moderate supply
部门supply sector
驱动的supply driven
供应商在注明付款时间时必须同时注明为提早付款而予的折扣Suppliers should specify time of payment together with any discounts for early payment
股份lend stock
keep in money
停止付stop payment
免税,不受限额和不予互惠待遇duty and quota free and without reciprocal treatment
公司她电汇了 2000美元供她开销The company cabled her $2000 to cover her expenses
公司只能分配你方 20 吨The company can allot you only 20 tons
公司应于合同生效时起的10天之内付合同价格的10%The corporation should pay a 10% of the contract price within ten days from the effectuation of the contract
公司按合同规定应付我方费用The corporation is contractually bound to pay our expense
公司的利润作为股息分配股东Profits of the companies are distributed as dividends to the shareholders
关于洽谈的信息被透露报界了Information on the negotiation was leaked to the press
兹随函附寄说明书及价目单一份,你方介绍该货详细情况To give you detailed information of the goods, we enclose a brochure and a price list
写信一家公司时,抬头称呼用 Dear Sir 或 Dear MadamDear Sir or Dear Madam is used to address a company
军需养报告a quartermaster demand
大家go round
股东的红利the dividends to the shareholders
利益the benefit paid
利益benefit paid
制定外汇供的分配额fixing of quotas for allotment of exchange
制成品服装能在一个月内供应你方The ready made garments can be supplied to you within one month's time
制订外汇供之分配额fixing of quotas for allotment of exchange
加倍付double value
劳动供弹性elasticity of labor supply
劳动的供弹性elasticity of supply of labor
劳动的供弹性elasticity of supply of labour
劳动的供弹性elasticity of labor
半供半工资的制度the semi-wage, semirationing system
半自经济seminatural economy
半自自足的低收入阶层the semi-subsistence low-income sector
半自自足的低收入阶层semi-subsistence low income sector
卖主需我们购买或承租汽车的各种发票Vendor shall give us invoices for cars purchased or rented
卖方保证决不出售、赠送或交付上述货物任何其他买主The seller guaranteed not to sell, give away or deliver the above-mentioned goods to any other buyer
卖方已将该房产转交买方了The seller has turned the premises over to the buyer
卖方把其资产转让合资公司The seller transfers his assets to the joint venture company
厂家只把这种产品卖那些信誉良好的承销人The manufacturer shall sell such products only to such consignors with goods credit
双方洽谈后,我方曾写信你方要求合理地降低合同价Subsequent to mutual negotiation, we wrote you to ask for reducing contract price reasonably
反常供abnormal supply
反馈feed (信号)
…利息票detach coupons to...
补助金养老金,怃恤金,退休金grant pension
发货后,发票应交买方,且不退货The invoice shall pass to the buyer upon delivery and no articles shall be sent back
变动供variable supply
合同中发生的纠纷应提交被诉人住地的仲裁机构仲裁The disputes arising from the contract should be submitted for arbitration in the place where the defendant domiciles
合理通知可用邮资预付的方式寄债务人The reasonable notice can be mailed postage prepaid to the debtor
后弯供曲线之从量税效果effects of a specific commodity tax with backward bending supply curve
向后倾斜的供曲线backward stopping supply
向后倾斜的供曲线backward-sloping supply
向后弯曲的供曲线backward bending supply curve
商品可以交服务公司作为寄售The merchandise can be delivered to the service organization on consignment
商品的供弹性elasticity of supply of commodities
商品的供弹性elasticity of commodities
土地的供supply of land
土地自然供physical supply of land
在我方看来这不很合理,因为装船前我们已预先你方送去一份货样It does not appear to us to be very reasonable as we sent you an advance sample prior to shipment
在设法建新车间之前,你必须先把各项计划提交厂长Before attempting to build a new workshop, you have to submit the plans to the director
在货物完整无损地递交承运人后,承担损坏风险的正是买方It is the purchaser who assumes risk of damage after delivery to carrier in good order
在这笔订单之外,他们又报我们80 吨In addition to this order, they offered us another 80 tons
垂直的供曲线之从量税效果effects of a specific commodity tax with vertical supply curve
外汇配the rationing exchange
数量以示优惠give good measure
失业支donation benefit
她写辞职信总经理,要求辞去生产部经理之职She wrote her letter of resignation to the managing director, asking for resigning from her post as production manager
她把财务报告书的摘要送了经理She sent the director an extract of the statement
我方一个合理的实盘,我公司将甚为感激Our company will appreciate it if you will make us a reasonable firm offer
如果一年的成交额不到五万美元,我方不会付你方超额佣金If the yearly turnover doesn't reach $50.000, we will not pay you the overriding commission
如果你方寄我们一些样品作参考,不胜感激If you send some samples for our reference n., we shall appreciate it
如果你方的价格公道,我方可向你方大量订购,但我方要求我们较大的折扣If your prices are fair we can place a large order with you but we request you to give us a substantial discount
如果你能大量购买这种商品,我们会提供你3% 的折扣If you can buy large quantities of this merchandise, we will offer you 3% discount
如果公司的销售量超过30%,经理将其雇员增加奖金The manager will give his employees a supplement to their premium if the company's sales surpass 30%
如果我方你方为期三天的先买权,你方必须购买我们所报的全部货物If we gave you refusal for three days, you must buy all the goods offered by us
如果承租人有意把房产的一部分转让别人,须首先得到业主的同If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner
如果明天下午合同准备好,我们就邮寄你们签字In case we can get the contract ready by tomorrow afternoon, we'll send it to you by mail for your signature
如果雇主的纯利润连续四周内超过一万美元,则该雇主应将其利润的5%支付雇员If the net profit of an employer exceeds ten thousand dollars during successive four weeks, the employer shall pay 5% of such profit to his employees
如能赐有关当前此项谈判的进,一步的信息,他们将很感激They will welcome further information pertinent to the current negotiation
如证实我们有能力大量销售货物,你方应我们此商品的独家经销权If our ability to dispose of large quantity of goods is proved, you should give us exclusive selling right for the commodities
威廉亨利同意将明文规定条件的租赁权转让李亚瑟William Henry consented to the assignment of the lease made upon the express conditions to Arthus Lee
完全afford in perfection
定货不多,我们可以再分配一批货贵公司Orders are not heavy, we can allot you another batch of goods
定量配ration coupon
定量配的商品rationed goods
实行配on coupon
实行配put on rations
实际供actual supply
富有弹性的供elastic supply
这笔投资分配allot the investment to (a firm, 某公司)
委付abandonment of a ship to (the insurance company, 保险公司)
我们的询问refer our enquiry to (the appropriate quarter, 有关部门)
将单据直接寄我们,并同时通知他们Send the documents to us direct under advice to them
将商品转让某人assign articles to someone
将研究成果推广使用者coupling the output to research to users
将股票转让别人assign shares to someone
就我看来,该公司不会按最低价把该项商品卖我们My inference is that the company will not sell us the item at the rock-bottom price
市场供market supply
市场供曲线market supply curve
予合作推销我方这项新工艺We hope you will cooperate in fostering interest for this new technology of ours
希望你方我们一个即期装运的报盘We hope you will make us an offer for prompt shipment
美国应急石油配法令Emergency Petroleum Allocation
支票draw a check
第三者的票据a made bill
往下送feed down
待配on allocation
很抱歉你们添了这样的麻烦,又让你们负担了不必需的费用We are very sorry to have involved you in such trouble and unnecessary expenses
总供价格aggregate supply price
总供曲线total supply curve
总供行为参数aggregate supply behavioral parameters
总供aggregate supply
总经理亲自处理公司的一切重要事务,不把这事交托其他任何人The managing director attends to the transaction of all important business of the company himself and doesn't leave it to anyone else
总经理在缺席期间将其职责交代理人The general manager devolved his duties on his deputy during his absence
总经理应提交一套所签合同的复印本董事会The managing director shall submit a set of reproducibles of the agreement newly signed to the board of directors
感谢贵方予改正的机会We appreciates your giving us the opportunity to set things right
我们仓库增添了 10名部分时间工作制人手We supplemented the warehouse staff with 10 part-timers
我们他们寄去合同一式二份We sent them the contract in duplicate
我们你们造成很多不便,实在抱歉We are very sorry for having caused you a lot of inconvenience
我们你方送去综合报盘,必须全部接受或不接受We are sending you a lump offer, which must be accepted all or none
我们办公室配备计算机We fit ted out the office with computers
我们契约附加一份明细表,作为它必不可少的组成部分We add a schedule to the deed as an essential part of it
我们目前可供产品开了一份清单We listed our products available at present
我们乐意将设备租借你方We are glad to lease the equipment to you
我们今天通过本市商业银行伦敦弗兰克银行寄去以你公司为收款人的 3500 英镑汇款单We have today transferred £ 3500 by mail on Frank Bank in London in favour of your house through Mercantile Bank of this city
我们可以花小额保险费货物保损坏险We may insure our goods for damage for small premium
我们在对手的销售部有熟人我们提供有用的信息We have a contact inside our rival's sales department who gives us very useful information
我们将在两天后你一个明确的答复We'll give you a definite reply in two days
我们将在大约1个月后,即10月份你方寄送报盘We will send you an offer in about a month's time, i.e., in October
我们将把一切设备,机械及各种备件迅速由铁路运输买主We shall promptly transport all equipment, machinery and spare parts to the buyer by rail
我们将支票通过我东京公司转你们We are sending the cheque via our office in Tokyo
我们履行诺言,用电报报你方10吨钨砂We have implemented our promise by cabling you an offer for 10 metric tons wolfram ore
我们已将你方报盘函转外方公司,请与他们直接联系As we have referred your offers to the foreign corporation for their attention, please contact them directly
我们已将样品航空邮寄你们We have already sent you samples via airmail
我们已把有关这次谈判的全部情况通报有关公司We have transmit ted all information relating to the whole transaction of this negotiation to the appropriate corporations
我们已报你特低价,以利促销We have quoted you a very low price to facilitate sales
我们把公寓大楼建筑中的水电工程转包"顶峰"有限公司We will sub-contract to Top Peak Ltd. the electrical and water work in the construction of apartment buildings
我们提供他们有关每个部分的结构和详细规格等的资料We will give them information on the construction of each part as well as detailed specifications
我们答应这些产品不卖任何其他批发商或零售商We agree that these products will not be sold to any other distributor of dealer
我们认为现在你们寄样品很有必要We consider that it is quite necessary to send you samples right now
我们趁此机会写信贵方看是否可以通过开始做几宗实际的交易与你方建立业务联系We now take occasion to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you by the commencement of some practical transactions
我会把单据交会计I will give the documents to the accountant
我方卖你方气垫盘,每只削价20美元We sold you air mattresses at the reduced price of $20 per each
我方同意予你方特别交易条件We agree to offer you special trade terms
我方在上一封信中提醒你方注意必须你们的货物投保失窃险和火险We impressed on you the necessity of insuring your goods against theft and fire in our last letter
我方对一切提交我们的信息均严加保密We hold all information submitted to us in strict confidence
我方将下面的信息传达你方供参考We passed on the below information to you just for your reference
我方将把全套交单提交你方We shall deliver to you a set of tender documents
我方将汇你方2365英镑,清偿所欠余数We shall remit you an amount of £ 2365 to clear off the outstanding balance
我方已于今天把该款电汇你方We have today remitted you the fund by telegraph
我方已把提货单送运输代理行We have sent the delivery tickets to the shipping agents
我方希望你方能根据我方的能力考虑我们独家经销你方产品的权利We hope you will consider giving us exclusive selling right for your products according to our ability
我方的一切认购该公司总股本的股份权将出售你方All our right to our subscription for shares of the capital stock of the company will be sold to you
我方的生产与你方的需要相适应,能够你方提供大额的报盘Our production is geared to your needs and we shall be in a position to make you substantial offers
我方能用 Acme 电码代替 ABC 电码拍电报你方经理吗?Shall we telegraph to your manager in Acme code instead of the ABC code?
我方请求你方予独家销售与本样品相同的设备的权利We ask you to grant us an exclusive right to sell the equipment identical to the sample
我没有这方面生意的经验,请我一些建议I'm inexperienced in this line, please give me some advice
战时配war rationing
房客同意不把他租的房子转租别人The tenant agreed not to underlet the house he rented
所剩下的差额立即付了客户Any balance remaining was soon paid to the client
所谓"以有条件转让的契约形式保存的单据",就是交第三者保存并在钱款交付后将其转交给某人的一种单据A document held in escrow is one given to a third party to keep and to pass on to someone when money has been paid
打电报 Mtelegraph M a message
打电报 Msend M a wire
把… 交托给resign
商品强塞press goods on (the customers, 顾客)
大笔钱财托付trust him with (a large sum of money, 他)
材料和设备allocate materials and facilities for (a new construction project, 新的建设项目)
一包烟、肉trust him for (a pack of cigarettes, meat, 他)
把 M 遗留 Nentail M upon (N)
把 M 遗留 Nentail M on (N)
把工作推别人做shirk off work upon others
把所有权让现占有人的契约hold trig deed
把材料和设备调拨新的建设项目allocate materials and facilities for a new construction project
按收入多少与的差别待遇discrimination by income size
按照劳动者提供的劳动数量和质量予报酬pay each labourer on the basis of the quantity and quality of labour he performs
按照协议,他们卖了我们50吨精白米In accordance with agreement, they have sold us 50 tons polished rice
捐赠基金一个学院endow a college
vest authority in (sb., 某人)
vest sb. with (authority, 某人)
授权错误如同遗漏予之错误error of commission are just as deceiving as error of omission
操纵供基金管理control over supply (控制)
支付分包人的金额amount paid to subtractors
收入付办法选择income settlement option
收到你方定单后,我方会尽快地把这批货供应你方On receipt of your order, we will supply you with the goods as soon as possible
政府这家工厂装备了新机器The government equip ped this plant with new machinery
美国政府发的补给品government issue
政府发放的补government issue
政府将不任何补贴No allowance of any kind will be made by the government
效益, междун.торг. 保险benefits
效益, междун.торг. 保险benefit
敬请寄我们下列剑桥版书籍Kindly send us the following books in the Cambridge edition
新技术的引进我们工厂带来了转机The introduction of new technology has brought our factory turn for the better
方便时,请用日语他写信If convenient adj., please write to him in Japanese
明天他们会你有关这组人员的资料Tomorrow they will give you the personal data of this group
最新获悉的销售额数字应立刻报告销售经理The last-know sales figures shall be reported to the sales manager immediately
最终供部门final supply sector
有关装船事宜,请把你们的意见传达我方For loading arrangement, please communicate your ideas to us
有限的配restricted ration
期货供管理forward supply management
未经业主许可,该房产不得转让他人Without the permission of the owner the house premises shall be non-assignable
本协议一经执行,美国钢铁公司同意付东方饭店有限公司 5000美元作预付租金Upon execution of this agreement, the United, States Steel Corporation agrees to pay to the Oriental Hotel Ltd. $5000 as advance royalties
本协议应转让乙方继承人This agreement should be assigned to the successor of the second party
机械设备自percent of self-supply of mechanical equipment
根据其遗嘱,她所有的房产留她的丈夫According to her will, all her premises is left to her husband
根据合同,你方应毫无保留地及时我方提供一切详情和有关资料According to the contract, you shall provide us with all particulars and relevant data without reserve in time
根据我们的要求,他们立刻将所有的样品和说明书退坯我们Upon our demand, they immediately returned to us all the samples and manuals
根据税法要求,你应将50%的额外收入缴纳税务机关The law requires you to submit 50% of your extra income to the tax authorities
每人食物供per caput food supplies
人身意外伤害险每周付金weekly benefits
人身意外险每周付金额weekly benefits
民用补civilian supplies
水平的长期供曲线horizontal long-run supply curve
测定的日measured day rate
测定的日计划a measured day rate plan
海上补seaborne supply
海空补airlift and sealift
点数供point of rationing
点数配points rationing
现寄你指导用户安装空调机的手册一本We are sending you a manual instructing the end-users on the installation of air-conditioners
生产自production for one's own needs
生产自self-sufficiency through production
由于存货不够,我方只能供你方所需要数量的 1/4Because of insufficient stock we can offer you only a quarter of your requirement
由于我们无法将这种商品装运得不多不少一点不差,请我们一些处理的灵活幅度As we are unable to ship this kind of goods to the exact unit, please give us some latitude in handling it
由于目前市场价格不稳定,我们不能你方报实盘Due to the instability of the present market price, we cannot give you a firm offer
由于错装,我们需要撤回运送贵方的商品We need to withdraw the merchandise ship ped to you because of wrong loading
甲方可委托乙方代表甲方去偿付应付丙方的欠款Party A may authorize Party B to effect payments due to Party C on behalf of Party A
甲方将所有权利、 债权和财产全部出让乙方Party A remised to Party B all the right, claim and property
甲方将立即转让乙方一切与特许产品和延长期等有关的权利Party A shall assign to Parly B all rights concerning the licensed products and continuations soon
申请予新仓单application for new warrant
真正正常供价格true normal supply price
真正边际供价格true marginal supply price
秘书将合同所附的执行备忘录复印件交部门主管The secretary gave the department head the duplicated executing memoranda supplemental to the contract
第 310 号销售单已签退我们,该单规定交货期是1月而不是 2 月The signed Sales Note No. 310 has been returned to us stipulating January delivery instead of February
第14号销售单已签退我们,该单规定交货期是6月份而不是7月份The signed Sales Note No. 14 has been returned to us stipulating June delivery instead of July
筹划secure supplies
管理的任务可以由企业主负责,也可以部分地委托雇用的经理人员The functions of management may be performed by the owner of a business, or they may be delegated in part to hired managers
粮食自grain self-sufficiency
粮食自food self-support
粮食自degree of food self-support
粮食自food self-sufficiency ratio
经过适当考虑后,我们同意予你方5%的佣金Upon due consideration n., we agreed to grant you 5% commission
与问题problem as given
了办事员三个月薪水,代替通知要他立即离开The clerk was given 3 months' salary in lieu of notice
render (帮助)
grant (补助)
予代理权grant agency rights
予信用贷款give credit
予信贷credit granting
予同情understand (或谅解等)
予30天以上的信用期违反公司方针It is against the company policy to give more than 30 days' credit
予援助令writ of assistance
予研究的方便afford facility for study
予许可证grant of a license
你们增添的任何费用均请记入他方账户的借方,并请将货物代为保管,听候他们处理Please debit them with any expenses you may have incurred and hold the goods at their disposal
你们带来不便,我们实为抱歉Please accept our profound apologies for the inconvenience you have been put to
你们添了这么多麻烦,我们表示歉意We apologize for lots of trouble caused to you
10% междун.торг. 你打个九折make you a discount of
养申请a quartermaster demand
养部subsistence department
卡片穿孔punch card
美国合作政府代理人的运输普通许可证general license GCG
合作政府代理人的运输通用许可证general license GCG
… 开孔vent
承包人或包工单位的报酬contractor fee
承租人的通知notice to lessees
水和沟渠基金water and sewer funds
of 10% 10%的折扣make allow, give you a discount
货物报税declare goods for duty
资劳工paid labour
配偶的赡养费allowance in respect of a dependant spouse
附属公司的预付款advances to affiliates
顾客供应商品supply goods to consumers
缺乏弹性的供inelastic of supply
美国不正式发债券仅在银行账簿上登记的债券book entry security
职务加duty allowance
联邦政府予州政府发行的证券收入的税款减免federal tax credit against state income
药品国家供socialized medicine
虽然信用证规定的幅宽为20,我们只能按上述幅度开发票你方Invoicing can only be made out to you stating the abovementioned width, although the stipulation in the credit is 20
虽然顾客们很感兴趣,却不愿付所要的高价Although the customers are interested, they are disinclined to pay the high price asked for
性工业the feeder industry
线supporting line
被付硬币be paid in specie
支票 被拒付而退还开票人bounce
装船单据必须立即交银行The shipping documents are to be surrender-ed to the bank promptly
要素供factor supplies
要素的供弹性elasticity of supply of factor
要素的供弹性elasticity of factors
计点配point of rationing
计点配a point of rationing
设法予适当的数量的报盘manage to offer a reasonable quantity
财务报告在提交董事会之前应仔细审核The financial report should be carefully checked before submission to the board of directors
货币供money supply
货款应付支票持有人The payment shall be made in checks payable to the bearer
货物配the rationing of goods (制)
贷款某人make an advance to (sb.)
资本配capital ration
资金供capital supply
赋有供曲线an endowed supply curve
超额供excess of supply
超额供excess supply
超额供excess supplier
超额流量供excess flow supply
边际供marginal supply
边际供价格marginal supply price
过量供excess supply
逐渐上升的长期供曲线uprising long run supply curve
通常全价票是成人旅行用的,而半价票只卖儿童Usually a full fare ticket is for a journey by an adult, while a half fare ticket is for a child
通常是败诉的一方应付由于执行诉讼而产生的费用或支出Usually it is the party losing the suit that should pay the costs or expenses arising from the prosecution of such suit
那家工厂厂长同意将产品交付推销员The director of that factory agrees to consign the products to the salesmen
那家银行决不会同意贷这家亏损公司这样大一笔款子的The bank will never agree to lend the lossmaking company such a great sum of money
那笔现金可交托该推销员The salesman can be trusted with that cash
allocation (allotments)
价格rationing price
供应商店ration shop
ration system
ration card
allocation of materials
be on points
的房屋house of cards
rationed goods
配额供外汇the rationing exchange
鉴于他们的现状,予5000美元的信贷是可以的Considering their position n., credit of $5000 would do
鉴于我们之间的友好关系,我方你方这项特殊照顾We extend to you this special accommodation n., for the sake of our friendly relations
鉴于此笔交易金额很大,我方拟同意你们九折优惠价In view of the amount of this transaction being very large, we are prepared to give you 10% discount
长期供long period supply
长期成本与供表列的相等identity of long-run cost & supply schedules
除了送货客户的外,发货部别无其他责任The dispatch department fulfils no other commitments than delivering goods to customers
除非你方另有通知,我们将在包装箱上按所的图样刷唛头Unless otherwise advised, we will mark the packages as per the drawing given
雇主工人的小额优惠labour fringe benefit
需求与供demand and supply
需要量和供quantity demanded and quantity supplied
外汇advance settlement of exchange
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