
Terms containing 给水工 程 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.井水给水工程waterworks supplied from well
tech.公共给水工程public water works
tech.农场给水工程farm water supply engineering
hydroel.st.农田给水工程farm water supply engineering
tech.双水源给水工程dual water scheme
tech.城市给水工程urban water supply engineering
tech.多用途的给水工程waterworks for miscellaneous use
tech.工业给水工程industrial waterworks
econ.我们把公寓大楼建筑中的水电工程转包给"顶峰"有限公司We will sub-contract to Top Peak Ltd. the electrical and water work in the construction of apartment buildings
tech.私有给水工程private water supply
tech.排水工程water supply and sewerage works
eng.geol.排水工程water supply and sewerage work
tech.排水工程water supply and drainage works
tech.给排水工程water supply engineering (学)
tech.给排水工程plumbing work
agric.给排水工程water supply and sewerage work
hydroel.st.给排水工程sanitary works
proj.manag.给排水工程water supply and sewerage works
ecol.给排水工程[学]water supply and sewerage engineering
tech.给排水工程师协会Institution of Water Engineers
tech.给排水管道工程water and wastewater piping engineering
tech.给排水管道末端工程指室内部分water plumbing
tech.给排水设备工程plumbing work
tech.给水处理工艺流程water treatment technological process
hydroel.st.给水工程water-supply engineering
hydroel.st.给水工程water engineering
tech.给水工程water service
tech.给水工程water supply works
agric.给水工程water supply engineering
oil给水工程water supply engineering
hydroel.st.给水工程water project
hydroel.st.给水工程water works
eng.geol.给水工程water supply
tech.给水工程waterworks engineering
tech.给水工程water supply system
tradem.给水工程与管理Water Engineering & Management
tech.给水工程water supply engineering
hydroel.st.给水工程water engineer
tech.给水工程water supply engineer
gen.给水工程师协会Institution of Water Engineers
tech.给水工程师学会杂志Journal of the Institution of Water Engineers
tech.给水工程师学会杂志Journal of the Institute of Water Engineers
water.res., ecol.给水工程管理局Water Works Authority
tech.给水工程计划waterworks project
waste.man.给水排水工程water supply and sewage facilities
hydroel.st.给水排水工程water-supply and sewerage works
proj.manag.给水排水工程water supply and sewerage works
railw.给水排水工程构筑物water supply and drainage structures
gen.美国给水工程协会American Water Works Association
anim.husb.美国给水工程学会American Water Works Association
tech.自备工业给水工程exclusive industrial water supply