
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
一肢联one-leg connection
三维构框架three-dimensional structural framework
上、下平面联top and bottom lateral bracing
上下端均铰的杆件member with both upper and lower hinged ends
上弦杆与端斜杆连的结点hip point
上端固fixed connection at top end
上部构与下部结构的联结connection of superstructure with substructure
下水平联lower horizontal bracing system
下部substructure substruction
下部构工程substructure works
不固不排水试验unconsolidated undrained test
不固排水剪切试验unconsolidated drained shear test
不对称asymmetric structure
不移动的铰immovable hinge end
不移动的铰no-displacement hinged-end
不稳定unstable structure
不稳定non-stationary structure
两端固both ends fixed
两端铰both ends hinged
中国构稳定研究委员会China structures stability research council
中国钢构学会China Society of Steel Construction
中国钢构学会China Society of Steel Structures
中国钢构标准技术委员会China Technical Committee for Standards of Steel Structures
中等配筋medium reinforced structure
中间断面联intermediate cross frame
中间横向联intermediate transverse bracing system
中间横向联intermediate cross bracing system
main structure
主体构工程skeleton works
主固primary consolidation
主固沉降primary consolidation settlement
主要main structure
主要primary structure
主要承重main bearing structure
乘法合律associative law of multiplication
二 向固two dimensional consolidation
二次固secondary consolidation
二维two dimensional structure
二维构单元two-dimensional structural element
侧向联lateral bracing
保持冻原则remaining freeze principle
偏心联eccentrically connected member
先期固preconsolidated soil
光钢筋与混凝土之间的容许黏allowable bond strength between plain reinforcement and concrete
光钢筋与混凝土之间的黏bond force between plain reinforcement and concrete
具有刚性点的框架frame with rigid joint
内力超静定statically indeterminated structure with respect to internal forces
冬季冻seasonally frozen layer
冬季冻seasonally frozen ground
冷制构空心型钢cold formed structural hollow section
冷压制钢cold-formed steel structure
frost penetration
作用frost action
地层frozen ground
frozen field
应力frozen stress
应变frozen strain
强度freezing strength
强度frost strength
指数freezing index
施工法freezing method
施工法frosting work method
freezing method
refrigeration method
freezing process
深度frost penetration
深度depth of frost penetration
温度freezing temperature
温度refrigerating temperature
线frozen line
线frost line
融解freezing and thawing
frost table
准前期固压力quasi-preconsolidation pressure
收缩setting shrinkage
时间time of set
时间setting time
coagulable water
rigid node
rigid joint
刚性stiff structure
刚架rigid framed structure
初始固primary consolidation
初始固initial consolidation
制动联braking bracing system
前期固压力preconsolidation pressure
半刚性semi-rigid joint
半胶碎石类土semi-cemented crushed stone
单排构件的structure with single row members
双向固two-dimensional consolidation
变了形的deformed structure
各向不匀固anisotropically consolidated soil
各向不等压不排水固试验anisotropically undrained consolidated test
各向不等压固anisotropic consolidation
各向不等压固不排水试验consolidated anisotropically undrained test
各向同性固isotropic consolidation
各向等压固不排水试验consolidated isotropically undrained test
合成composite structure
合金构钢alloy constructional steel
周围surrounding structure
回填固back-fill consolidation
soil structure
土与构的相互作用interaction of soil and structure
土与构的相互作用soil-structure interaction
土固soil consolidation
土洋combine indigenous and foreign method
土的structure of soil
土的胶soil binder
圬工masonry structure
地下underground structure
地基固soil solidification method
地面ground structure
地面冻ground freezing
复合钢木composite steel-wood structure
多排构件的structure with several row members
多排构件的structure with multiple-row members
多次静不定multi-degree indeterminate structure
大型heavy structure
大型large structure
大型huge structure
大型massive structure
大量钢筋的heavily reinforced structure
构法substructural method
孔隙pore structure
实际actual structure
封闭式框架closed framed structure
少筋structure with less reinforcement
层状lamellar structure
岩体structure of rock
岩浆岩的construction of magmatic rock
工程构荷载engineering structural load
常备ready-made structure
干式装配构施工法dry prefabricated structure assembly method
平面planar structure
平面plane structure
平面静定statically determinate plane structure
弹性elastic construction
径向固radial consolidation
径向固系数coefficient of radial consolidation
报告termination report
悬挂suspended structure
悬索cable suspended structure
承认的构力学原理accepted principle of structural mechanics
承载load bearing structure
承载bearing structure
承重bearing structure
抗震aseismatic structure
抗震anti-seismic structure
拱上deck structure of arch
拱上arch superstructure
拱上spandrel structure
振动固consolidation by vibration
排架trestle structure
支承bearing structure
支点处横向联cross bracing system at supporting point
放松released structure
整个entire structure
整个whole structure
整体monolithic structure
整体式monolithic construction
整体式桥跨monolithic superstructure of bridge
整体灌注的monolithically cast structure
断面联cross frame and sway bracing
新型轨道new track structure
新型轨道non-conventional track structure
普通usual structure
普通normal structure
普通碳素构钢技术条件technical conditions of structural common carbon steel
普通钢ordinary structural steel
暴露于海水中的structure exposed to sea water
暴露于碱性土中的structure exposed to alkali soil
最终凝时间final setting time
wooden construction
wooden structure
timber structure
构的油漆paint for timber structure
木材联timber connection
未凝的混凝土immature concrete
未固的土unconsolidated soil
杆件的联connection of member
杆系structure of linear elements
板壳plate and shell structure
枢端联pin-ended connection
栈桥trestle structure
端的杆pin-ended member
栓接bolted structure
格式lattice structure
框架framed structure
桥墩破冰ice guard of pier
桥墩破冰ice apron of pier
桥梁bridge structure
桥梁构设计structural design of bridge
桥梁构试验bridge structural test
桥梁上部bridge superstructure
桥梁上部构的高度height of superstructure of bridge
桥梁下部bridge substructure
桥梁中填充混凝土的管pipe structure with infilled concrete in bridge
桥梁钢构设计design of steel structures for bridges
桥跨bridge superstructure
桥跨构拱度rise of bridge superstructure
桥跨构理论轮廓面积area of theoretical profile of bridge superstructure
桥跨构竖向挠度容许值allowable value of vertical deflection of bridge superstructure
桥门架portal frame structure
桥门联portal bracing
楔形wedge structure
横向分块transverse blocking structure
横向联transversal bracing
横向联lateral bracing
横向联transverse bracing system
横向配筋transversely reinforced structure
欠固under-consolidation soil
欠固黏土under-consolidated clay
次固指数secondary compression index
次固沉降secondary consolidation settlement
次固系数coefficient of secondary consolidation
次固速率rate of secondary consolidation
次要secondary structure
歇后冻指桩侧土freeze after having a rest
正交各向异性桥面orthotropic deck structure
正交异性上部orthotropic superstructure
正交异性桥面板上部orthotropic-deck superstructure
正常固normal consolidation
正常固normally consolidated soil
正常固线normal consolidation line
正常固黏土的沉降量的计算calculation of settlement for normally consolidated clay
水下underwater structure
水力构物water structure
水工构物hydraulic structure
水泥灌浆固cementation process
浅层冻shallow freezing
涵洞culvert structure
焊接构的疲劳fatigue of welded structure
特殊exceptional structure
特殊special structure
特殊桥梁special bridge structure
环氧黏epoxy bonding agent
现有试验existing experimental result
理想ideal structure
用排水砂井加速固consolidation accelerated with sand drain
电化固electric consolidation process
电化固electric induration
电化固electro solidification
砂质arenaceous texture
砌体block masonry structure
砌体masonry structure
砌块圬工building block masonry structure
研究research findings
砖石brick construction
砖石brick structure
硅化固silicified consolidation
稳定stable structure
空心space structure
空间three dimensional structure
空间space structure
立体space structure
立体spatial structure
竖向固系数coefficient of vertical consolidation
端部横向联end cross bracing
端部横向联end cross frame
简支钢桥跨simply-supported superstructure of bridge
简要的总brief survey
箱形框架box frame structure
纪念性memorial structure
纪念性monumental structure
纪念性commemorative structure
纵向联longitudinal bracing system
纵向配筋的longitudinally reinforced structure
纵梁联stringer bracing
组合combination structure
组合构桥梁combination bridge
报告final report
合梁composite beam
合梁composite girder
合梁桥composite girder bridge
合螺栓joint bolt
合铆钉binding rivet
尾工作finishing work
构上的风载wind-load on structure
构不直structural out-of-plumb
构优化设计optimum structural design
构体系structure system
构体系structural system
构内力计算原则principle of computing of structural internal force
构内力计算原则principle of structural internal force computing
构净空structural clearance
构分析数值方法numerical method in structural analysis
构分析矩阵法matrix method of structural analysis
构分析计算机程序computer program for structural analysis
构刚度矩阵structure stiffness matrix
构功能函数function of structural performance
构加固structural strengthening
构动力分析dynamic analysis of structure
构动力反应structural dynamic response
构单元structural unit
构原理theory of structure
构可靠度分析analysis of structure reliability
构图construction drawing
构型式structural shape
构型式structural type
构塑性分析plastic analysis of structure
构失效structural failure
构安全理论theory of structural safety
构安全等级structural safety classes
构对风的反应structural responses to wind
构尺寸structural size
构尺寸structural dimensions
构工程structural engineering
构工程师structural engineer
构工程期刊Journal of Structural Engineering
构性能structural performance
构性能structural behavior
构性质structural property
构承载力structural load-carrying capacity
构抗震性能performance of earthquake resistance of structure
构振动structure vibration
构损坏structural deterioration
构材料的安全系数factory of safety for structural material
构构件structural unit
构构件structural member
构构架structural framework
构正交异性板structural orthotropic plate
构混凝土structural concrete
构焊接structural welding
构特征structural features
构特性structural characteristics
构特性structural behavior
构理论theory of structure
构用木料structural timber
构由于风产生运动所引起的空气弹性力aeroelastic force induced by structures motion through the wind
构的几何不变性geometrical invariability of structure
构的安全structural safety
构的每一部分each component of structure
构破坏structural damage
构破坏structural deterioration
构破坏structural break
构稳定structural stability
构简图structural sketch drawing
构类型type of structure
构线性地震反应分析linear seismic response analysis of structures
构细节details of structure
构细部parts of structure
构结点structural joint
构缝structural joint
构耐用年限duration of structure
构耐用年限structural lifetime
构耐用年限structural durable years
构自重dead load of structure
构自重weight of a structure itself
构裂缝structural crack
构要求structural requirement
构规划structural planning
构规范specifications for structure
构规范structural code
构计算structural computing
构计算structural calculation
构设计图structural design drawing
构评估structural evaluation
构试验structure test
构试验structural experiment
构试验structural test
构详图structural detail drawing
构重心处所作用的等代静水平力equivalent static horizontal force applied at center of gravity of structure
构重要性importance of structure
构重要性系数coefficient for importance of structure
构静力学structural statics
构非线性地震反应分析nonlinear seismic response analysis of structures
构顶板top slab of structure
构骨架structural skeleton
点弯矩bending moment at node
点强度node strength
点板gusset plate
点板联结gusset connection
点法method of joints
点联结node connection
点轨迹node locus
缀条联的杆laced member
缀板联的杆battened member
缆索夹具联cable clamp connection
置换的displaced structure
bracing member
gusset plate
connection plate
框架braced frame
系平面plane of bracing system
系杆件member of bracing system
薄壁构分析analysis for thinwalled structure
薄壁钢thin walled steel structure
薄壳thin-shell construction
薄壳shell structure
蜂窝状areolar texture
表面冻surface freezing
表面凝surface condensation
装配式articulated structure
计算calculated result
试验experimental result
超固over-consolidated soil
超固over consolidation ratio
超固黏土overconsolidated clay
超固黏土沉降的计算calculation of settlement for overconsolidated clay
超筋structure with excess reinforcement
超静定indeterminate structure
转换构体系transformed structure system
轻型light structure
轻型的构杆件light-gauge structural member
轻型钢light steel structure
较柔more flexible structure
近海构物offshore structure
连续钢桥跨continuous steel superstructure of bridge
通常的桥梁usual structure for bridge
部分嵌固联partially fixed joint
配筋砖reinforced brick structure
重型massive structure
重型heavy construction
金属metal structure
金属构防腐蚀corrosion prevention of metal structure
nailed joint
nailed joint
构标准技术委员会technical committee for standards of steel structures
构疲劳fatigue of steel structures
构的脆断brittle fracture of steel structures
构设计design of steel structure
钢桥steel bridge structure
钢梁与钢筋混凝土板的合梁composite steel girder with reinforced concrete slab
钢梁主体main structure of steel girder
钢-混凝土合梁composite beam of steel and concrete
钢-混凝土合梁steel-concrete composite girder
钢筋与混凝土间的黏bond between reinforcement and concrete
钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete construction
钢轨联零件rail fastenings
铆接或高强度螺栓联拉杆的净截面积net sectional area of riveted or high-strength bolted tension member
铆钉riveted joint
铆钉联riveted connection
铆钉联rivet connection
aluminum structure
hinge connection
pin connection
铰接pin-connected structure
桁架pin-connected truss
销钉dowel pin joint
key joint
dowel joint
key connection
长期固long-term consolidation
门架portal-framed structure
防震落梁联结构aseismic connector
附属subsidiary structure
附属accessary structure
附属构物dependent structure
附属构物accessory structure
静不定redundant structure
静力构性质static structural character
非合金构钢non-alloy structural steel
非对称unsymmetrical structure
非对称配筋structure with unsymmetrical reinforcement
非承重non-load structure
非承重non-weight-carrying structure
非线性nonlinear structure
非线性构分析non-linear structural analysis
顶面联bracing system at upper level
顶面联top bracing system
预先固previous consolidation
预制precast structure
预制prefabricated structure
预固压力preconsolidation pressure
预应力prestressed structure
颗粒grain structure
风对构的效应系数wind effect coefficient on structure
骨架construction of cage
骨架framed structure
骨架skeletal structure
骨架construction of skeleton frame
骨架skeleton structure
高层highrise structure
高强度构钢high strength structural steel
高强度低合金构钢high strength low-alloy structural steel
高耸highrise structure
高耸towered structure
高赘余高静不定结构high redundant structure
bond force
应力bond stress
强度bonding strength
强度bond strength
齿dapped joint connection
齿环合器toothed ring connector
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