
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
一种硬件、软件或两者的合、用户可通过它与系统、程序或设备相互配合并完成操作Hardware, software, or both that allows a user to interact with and perform operations on a system, program, or device
三阶段层级构模型three order-hierarchy models
不和谐一归属层次dissonance-attribution hierarchy
与数据库构有关的数据称为元数据、 元数据可以通过多种不同方法检索Data about the database structure is called metadata and can be retrieved by a number of different methods
中央算制度central clearing system
中央算所central clearing house
书面清单yield written discharge
产品管理组织product-management organizational structure
他是公认的开放源代码体系构专家、具有企业计算方面的经验He is a recognized expert in open source architecture, whose experience includes enterprise computing
他说:"我们认为、衰退可能会在今年第四季度束。""We are looking at the end of this recession, probably, by the fourth quarter of this year." He said.
付款settlement by payment
以非经常收人支付非经常开支的capital financing
会计算日期accounting date
传统新闻组分层traditional newsgroup hierarchy
估计算数字likely outturn
低参与程度层级low-involvement hierarchy
信息message structure
借方debit balance
公司之间的债项intercompany balance
公用对象请求代理程序体系common object request broker architecture
内部组织internal organizational structure
款项frozen provision
算差额net clearing balance
船舶出港port clearance
出港货物port clearance
加压烧hot pressing
投标level tendering
投标collusive bid (tender)
只要物理运算符到达其数据流的尾、此计数器就增加一Whenever a physical operator reaches the end of its data stream, this counter is incremented by one
可终的权益determinable interest
和 M 清账目quit score with M
因担保形成的资产的账面价值应当在资产负债表算日进行减值测试The book value of the asset formed by the guarantee shall be conducted a devalue test on the balance sheet date
在不规则层次构中、至少一个成员的逻辑父成员不直接位于该成员的上一级In a ragged hierarchy, the logical parent member of at least one member is not in the level immediately above the member
在菊花链模式下、用户可以从菊花链内的 ADC 中读取转换The Daisy Chain mode allows the user to read the conversion result from the ADCs contained in the chain
在连接筛选器层次构中、常规项目不能是明确分区项目的父级In a join filter hierarchy, a regular article cannot be the parent of a well-partitioned article
地区area structure
multidivisional structure M
如果关系为假、则果为数值0By definition, the numeric value of a relational or logical expression is 1 if the relation is true, and 0 if the relation is false
如果勾选此项、光标被放置在被找到的果行末尾If checked, the cursor is placed at the end of the occurrence found
存托及算机构depository trust and clearing corporation
存放银行同业的balance with other banks
学习层级learning hierarchy
它是一种构化程序设计语言、非常适合结构化程序设计It is a structured programming language, is very suitable for the structure of the program design
实验果于印刷电路板、低温共烧陶瓷、与单晶砷化镓基板上实现Experiments are demonstrated on printed circuit board, LTCC, and monolithic GaAs substrate
审核audit findings
客户/服务器体系client/server architecture
客户client statement
OSI/RM 将计算机网络体系构划分为应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层和物理层七个层次OSI/RM classify the structure of the network into application layer, presentation layer, session layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer and physical layer
尽管顺序处理通常比并行处理慢、但有时必须使用顺序处理才能生成正确的Although sequential processing is generally slower than parallel, sometimes it is necessary to produce correct results
工作分解work breakdown structure (WBS)
工程组织job organization
市场管理组织market-management organizational structure
帧冻视频freeze-frame video
annual account
日期annual accounting date
底线/盈亏一览算线bottom line
开支expenditure outturn
开放式open architecture
开放系统Windows Open System Architecture
Windows 开放系统Windows Open System Architecture
当一家亚洲央行用当地货币买进美元时、净果就是国内货币供应量上升When an Asian central bank buys dollars in exchange for local currency, the net result is an addition to the domestic money supply
当数据具有关系构时、在数据访问、存储和可扩展性方面会非常高效、但编写高效的、可维护的代码则变得非常困难When data has a relational structure, data access, storage, and scalability are very efficient, but -writing efficient and maintainable code becomes more difficult
当该代理服务器接收到响应时、它将果发送回客户端、如同它是初始服务器一样When the proxy server receives a response, it sends the results back to the client as if it were the original server
付的补偿executory consideration
账单final settle account statement
扁平的组织flat organizational structure
扩展工业标准extended industry standard architecture
投影联范式projection-join normal form
挣值分解earned value breakdown structure
支票clearing cheque
收人revenue outturn
收市closing balance
收支算表income and expenditure account
文档分解documentation breakdown structure
单对账表purchase and sale statement
暂时来说、不包括支票算的功能、但日后若有足够需要、我们仍可考虑增设For the moment there will be no cheque clearing capability, but this is something which could be added later if there -was sufficient demand
最后final account
最终end result
最终算价格final settlement price
最终账单statement of final account
monthly balance
算单monthly statement
monthly balance sheet
有关方面就我的婚姻状况以及银行余对我进行了长久的调查I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my marriage and the size of my bank balance
期终closing balance
算账户unsettled account
未定用途的余款项uncommitted balance
未支用的余款项unexpended balance
机器码汇编语言或C语言等高级语言编译后的最终machine code
根据定义、在关系表达式或逻辑表达式中、如果关系为真、则表达式的果为数值1By definition, the numeric value of a relational or logical expression is 1 if the relation is true, and 0 if the relation is false
框架构特许权framed structure
检验results of tests
正常ordinary balance
每日直接付款的算制度direct debit daily settlement system
银行每月monthly statement
渠道组织channel institutions
点对点peer-to-peer architecture
然而、如果有一种语言已经使用一个简单的数据构表示、那么这种情况就可以简化了However, this might be simplified if there was a language already represented with a simple data structure
特惠业津贴ex gratia extinguishment allowance
环形loop configuration
现金余净额net cash balance
用美元settle accounts in U.S. dollar
直线line structure
矩阵组织matrix organizational structure
精算师是现代职业的一种、 其工作是分析风险的财务An actuary is a business professional who analyzes the financial consequences of risk
器插接帽terminator cap
账户terminal accounts
经济构转型structural transformation of the economy
经济构重整economic restructure
业津贴extinguishment allowance
余课税balancing charge
clear profit
关手续clearance procedure
关文件documents on customs clearance
关文件document on customs clearance
关证明书clear certificate
account statement
合式薪酬方案combination compensation plan
实度与外观fit and finish
束销售closing a sale
构化图形学structured graphics (object-oriented graphics)
构化查询语言、一种用于查询和修改关系数据库的标准语言Structured Query Language, a standard language for querying and modifying relational databases
构化面试structured interview
构工程structural works
构性票据structured note
构比率structural ratio
构用木材structural timber
果表明:该系统能够达到非常高的并行加速比和并行效率Results show that this system could run with high speedup ratio and parallel efficiency
清账单clean bill
算会员clearing member
算协定clearing agreement
算单statement of account
算和交收系统clearing and settlement system
算日settle day
算日balance sheet date
算期period of settlement
算条款settlement clause
算系统clearing system
算行clearing house
算账户clearing account
算费用clearing fee
算费用的回佣clearing rebate
settlement accounts
balancing account
账后试算表closing trial balance
balance carried forward
balance brought forward
条约等enter into
合同strike an agreement
和约conclude a contract
职能型组织functional organizational structure
cement agent
—般算会员general clearing member
若要累算到任务实际工期束为止的实际成本编辑结果、 请清除该复选框Clear this check box to accrue the actual cost edits to the end of the actual duration of the task
薪俸算书salary statement
议付settlement by negotiation
该论文分析了负载平衡集群服务器的构和特点This paper analyzes the structure and characteristics of the Load Balancing Cluster Server
资本capital composition structure
资本账承担额capital account commitment balance
跨国货币算风险cross-currency settlement risk
这个论来自当时最新的电脑模型对资源动态使用所做的分析This conclusion flowed from a then state of-the-art computer model of the dynamics of resource use
这些成果是慈善和政府活动的果、促进了私营企业的发展These outcomes were the result of philanthropic and state action, which facilitated private enterprise
这意味着、人民币海外市场规模的扩大在很大程度上将受制于贸易算额、至少在一段时期之内如此That means that the growth of the offshore market will be largely constrained, for a while at least, by the amount of trade settlement
选择合适的构表示图、在此基础上实现拓扑排序算法Choose a suitable structure that maps, in this based on the topological sort algorithm
部分partial account settlement
金属构工程metal works
构工程structural steel works
构工程structural steelwork
银行同业算系统interbank settlement system
银行票据算所bankers' clearing house
构化面试unstructured interview
页面page makeup
项目project structure