
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一般general closing
上半年settlement for the first half year
上期滚amount brought forward
• 上海证券中央登记算公司Shanghai Securities Central Clearing and Registration Corporation
上页brough forward
与... 清各帐balance account with
中国证券登记算有限公司China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (简称"中国结算公司",成立于2001年10月,上海、深圳证券交易所各持50%的股份,总部设在北京,下设上海、深圳和北京数据技术分公司)
中央算及交割系统Central Clearing and Settlement System (简称"中央结算系统",是香港交易所使用的系统)
中央算及交收系统CCASS (香港交易所推出的结算及交收系统)
中央算及存管系统central clearing and depositary system
中央算及托管系统central clearing and custodian system
中央算对手方central counterparty
中央算系统central clearing system
《中央算系统一般规则》General Rules of CCASS
中央算系统互联网系统CCASS Internet System
中央算系统代名人CCASS nominee
中央算系统参与者CCASS participant
中央算系统参与者保荐账户CCASS Participant Sponsored Account
中央算系统参与者及指定银行名录》CCASS Participant & Designated Bank List
中央算系统参与者账户CCASS Participant Account
中央算系统存管处CCASS Depositary
中央算系统电话系统CCASS Phone System
中央算系统登记册CCASS register
中央算系统的买卖净额持续交收制度CCASS continuous net settlement system
中央算系统的凭证式持股方式CCASS certificated holdings
中央算系统的每日活动报告CCASS Daily Activities Report
中央算系统终端机CCASS terminal
中央国债登记算有限责任公司China Government Securities Depositary Trust & Clearing Co. Ltd. (简称"中央国债登记结算公司")
中央国债登记算有限责任公司China Central Depositary & Clearing Co., Ltd. (简称"中央结算公司")
<中〉香港交易及算所有限公司Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
临时算表provisional clearing statement
为跨境算提供便利facilitate cross-border settlements
债务wipe off a debt (score)
亏损loss carry-forwards
亏损转下期到结清为止deficit carried forward till extinction
亏损的转和转回carry out and carry back of losses
亚洲算系统Asia Clear
交易transaction balance
交易settlement of transactions
交易和算费transaction and clearing fees
产业构不合理irrational industrial structure
产融combination between industry and finance
人口构问题demographic problems
人民币贸易算业务renminbi trade settlement operations
人民币贸易算机制renminbi trade settlement program
优化信贷optimize the credit structure
优化信贷improve the credit structure
优化投资improve the investment structure
优化财政支出optimize the structure of expenditures
优化金融资源和经济构调整optimize financial resources and economic restructuring
会计mechanics of accounting
会计构之基点the account building block
伞形umbrella structure
传统资本构理论traditional theory of capital structure
余额account in arrear
余额settlement of balance
余额transfer of balance
余额balance carried
例行regular way settlement
促进产业构优化升级promote industrial structure optimization and upgrading
促进消费构优化升级promote the upgrading of the consumption structure
债务算账户accounts for settlement of debt
债务了deed of relief
债务到期maturity structure of debt
债务期限maturity structure
债权算账户accounts for settlement of claim
债权债务算账户accounts for settlement of claim and debt
假定算日assumed settling day
允许中国企业以本币进行跨境交易allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trade deals in their own currency
允许中国企业使用人民币进行跨境贸易算的项目allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trades using the renminbi
允许中外企业用人民币算外贸交易allow Chinese and foreign companies to settle trade transactions in renminbi
允许人民币用于贸易allow trade to be settled in renminbi
允许企业在中国境外贸易中使用人民币allow companies to use the renminbi for trade outside China
允许进出口贸易以人民币开具发票和allow imports and exports to be invoiced and settled in renminbi
全球经济治理构改革reform of the global economic governance structure
全面算参与者general clearing participant
公司算方式corporate settlement
公司算法closing of company account
公司治理corporate governance structure
共同joint account
locked up
freezing (blocking)
freezing order
信贷协议standstill agreement
存款frozen loan
工资frozen wage
帐户资金frozen account
帐户blocked money account
支票blocked cheque
的银行体系frozen banking system
股份机制securities-on-hold mechanism
证券securities on hold
账户block accounts
资本blocked capital
资金blocked funds
资金证明blocked funds attestation
通货blocked currency
通货blocked currencies
净额算协议netting agreement (信用市场订立净额结算协议是为了减少需要对客户的信用额度进行不断复核的次数,把可用信用额度最大化,并加快交易流程)
分期偿付liquidation in instalments
分类帐转法ledger transfer method
分组试算一部分帐户之平衡试算,分组sectional balancing
划拨clearing by writing order
划线平帐户ruling and balancing accounts
划线平报表ruling and balancing statement
利润balance of profit
利润profit clearing
利率interest-rate structure
利率期限构市场分割理论market segmentation theory of term structure of interest rates
利率期限构理论theory of term structure of interest rate
转损失loss carried forward from the last term
前期滚帐户brought forward account
前期滚损益loss and gain brought forward
前期累帐项brought forward account
前页滚结转brought forward
加强团strengthen unity
加快产业构优化升级accelerate the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure
加快产业构调整和自主创新accelerate industrial restructuring and innovation
加快经济构调整accelerate economic restructuring
午前morning clearing
半年half-yearly closing
半年会计semi-annual accounting settlement
单据算制chit system (用单据代替现金付款的制度)
即期算汇率settlement spot rate
双边净额bilateral netting
双边净额算协议bilateral netting agreement
合理的管理reasonable governance structure
向企业推介人民币算服务promote the renminbi to companies
和... reckon with
复杂构性信贷产品complex structured credit products
外币记价settlement in denomination of foreign currencies
外汇exchange surrender
外汇算公司exchange clearing house
外汇算制exchange clearing system
多边算制度multilateral system of settlement
大力推进经济构调整strongly promote economic restructuring
大陆式continental closing
存券信托算公司Depositary Trust & Clearing Corporation (1999 牟由存券信托公司 (Depositary Trust Company,DTC) 和全国证券结算公司 (National Securities Clearing Corporation,NSCC)合并而成的控股公司)
存管信托算公司Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
季度帐日quarter days
季度算日quarterly settlement day
季度账日quarter days
季度总概算quarterly summary
实施构性减税政策implement the structural tax reduction policy
实施构性改革undergo structural reforms
实施构性改革implement structural reforms
实时支付算系统Real Time Gross Settlement system (香港金管局 (HKMA) 使用的结算系统)
实物算股本衍生工具physically settled equity derivatives
实行构性减税make structural tax reductions
实行构性减税implement structural tax reductions
审核findings of audit
审计工作总报告summary report of auditing
客户client settlement
客户customer’s statement
封锁的英镑blocked Sterling balances
帐户account balance
帐户structure of account
帐户account structure
帐户滚存余额running balance statement of account
帐目balance of the account
帐簿的组织organizational structure of ledgers
平均算权证average return warrant
平均成本的structure of average cost
平常general closing
年终year-end closing
年终year-end summarization
库存现金cash balance on hand
应付款平均算天数creditors average payment days
开通人民币贸易算业务offer renminbi trade settlement services
当日算价daily settlement price
往帐nostro balances
往账nostro balance
循环rolling settlement
conclusive table
成本cost structure
户口余月结单Monthly Balance Statement (香港中央结算系统 (CCASS)的月结单)
户口存为负值negative balance
托收承付settlement vis bank with purchaser's acceptance
托收承付算方式clearing form of accept-encashment
托收无承付settlement vis bank without purchaser's acceptance
承兑settlement by acceptance
承兑算的会计处理accounting for acceptances
投资信托settlement of investment trust
抵付保留数转余额准备reserve for balance carried forward to cover encumbrances
持仓净额position netting
持股equity structure
指定的人民币贸易算清算银行designated clearing bank for renminbi trade settlement
按季with quarterly settlement
按总体构百分比编制的比较资产负债表comparative common-size balance sheet
按账面settlement by book entry
推出人民币算服务offer renminbi settlement services
推出人民币算的产品offer renminbi settlement products
推定constructive closing
提供人民币贸易算业务provide RMB trade settlement
提供人民币贸易算业务offer Rmb trade settlement
支出账closing of expenditure account
收入structure of earnings
收益率yield structure
构经济学new structural economics
方案外unprogrammed balance
暂停记帐结帐时帐簿close the books
暂记待转帐户clearing accounts (suspense account)
最优现金存额optimal cash balance
最后算表final clearing statement
最终算价final settlement price
monthly statement
月份算报告monthly settlement report
月份算表monthly financial statement (monthly balance sheet)
月末month end settlement
月终帐记录分录monthly closing entries
月终算表monthly balance sheet
有息interest-bearing balance
有资格开展跨境贸易算的内地企业mainland enterprises eligible for cross-border trade settlement
期中interim closing
期末ending balance
《期权算规则》Options Clearing Rules
期终帐日period closing date
期货交易总值算方式gross basis
期货交易所交割算价exchange delivery settlement price
期货或期权算所futures or options clearing house
期货独立算交易商futures individual clearing dealer
期货通用算交易商futures general clearing dealer
期货非算交易商futures non-clearing dealer
期限构模型term structure model
outstanding contribution
清分类账open ledger
清帐户open account
清支票uncleared checks
清的余数balance outstanding
算帐目outstanding account
算支票融通额uncleared cheques facilities
算的帐户unbalanced account
未分散股权undiversified shareholding structure
未经算的分类帐open ledger
权力下放会计decentralized account structure
标准成本standard clearing
欠延未的帐目sleeping account
欧洲算系统Euroclear (在80多个国家为主要金融机构提供股票和债券结算服务的国际性证券清算组织)
欧洲算银行Euroclear Bank
正常ordinary closing account
每半年一次in equal semi-annual installments
每日daily balance
每日余计算法daily balance method
每日daily settlement
每日算制度daily settlement system
银行间汇款town clearing
汇编报表:合公司内部债票交易结合之形态affiliation structures
汇编报表:合公司内部债票交易结合之形态consolidated statements: intercompany bond holdings
汇编报表:合公司内部存货利益:内部固定资产利益consolidated statement: intercompany profit in inventories :intercompany profit in longlived assets
汇编报表:相互投资合与循环投资结合consolidated statement: reciprocal and circuit affiliations, the entity theory
流动帐户balance of current account
流动资金liquid balance
消除输人性、构性通胀因素的不利影响overcome the adverse effects of imported and structural inflation
温尼伯商品算有限公司Winnipeg Commodity Clearing Limited
cash statement
现款cash balance
现汇settlement with foreign exchange on hand
现金cash balance
现金settlement of cash
现金settlement for cash
现金算合约cash settlement contract
现金算股本衍生工具cash settled equity derivatives
现金收支及存表statement of receipts and disbursements and cash balance
现金收支及存表statement of cash receipts disbursements and balance
用于贸易算的人民币供给supply of renminbi for trade settlement
用人民币计价use RMB for quoting price and setting account
用人民币计价use renminbi for quoting price and settling account
用人民币进行贸易use the renminbi in trade deals
用人民币进行跨境贸易use the renminbi as the settlement currency for cross-border trade
用日元和人民币yen-yuan settlement
用本币进行跨境贸易settle cross-border trade in own currency
果追溯到原因的a posterior
电子electronic clearing
电子算系统electronic clearing system
电子算系统e-clearing system
电子自动对盘及执行/算系统electronic order matching and execution/ clearing system
电子资金转移算体系electronic funds transfer system
票据settlement of a bill
离岸offshore settlement
离岸人民币贸易算中心offshore centre for renminbi trade settlement
税款settlement of tax
窗口window settlement
VPN第三代中央算系统的虚拟专用网络CCASS/3 virtual private network
第三者third party clearing
筹资的到期the maturity structure of financing
组织organize clearing
余额科目closing balance account
帐户terminal account
帐簿book of final entry
closing period
流动性交易terminate the liquidity trade
经常帐户current account balance
经济构调整adjustment of economic structures
经费balance of appropriations
balance outstanding
余帐目balance account
余收益balancing charge
余账户closing balance account
关差额clearing balance
credit or debit notes
bank copy (copying)
合公司间内部利益与母公司控制权成数之变化intercompany profit and changes in parents percentage of control
合后综合报表:产权法或成本法consolidated statements after acquisition: equity method or cost method
合证券购买权证wedding warrant
后平衡表资产负债表postclosing balance sheet
售汇制度system of exchange, settlement and sales
存, 差额会计balance
closing entry
closing of book
closing the book
closing the books
reckon accounts
render account
settle a bill
square up
strike a balance
to settle an account
square array
render an account
closing out
购货时的check out
close books to (closing the books)
close off
closed account
closing accounts (closing the books; closing the ledger)
close an account
carry forward
balance the book
balance strike
帐分录closing entry
帐前试算表unadjusted trial balance
帐前试算表pre-closing trial balance
帐后发生的经济业务subsequent event
帐后记录分录post-closing entries
帐后试算表post-closing trial balance
帐户abstract account
帐整理closing adjustment
帐日closing date
帐日day of reckoning
帐日account day
帐日放款account day’s loan
帐柜台check out counter
帐目settled account
帐程序closing procedure
帐计算表working sheet
帐记录book of final entry
帐试算表closing trial balance
close books to (closing the books)
balancing account
收日balance sheet date
束债务危机end the debt crisis
束定量宽松政策end the policy of quantitative easing
束帐户to close an account
束帐户close an account
构优化structural improvement
构性调整structural adjustment
构调整融通安排structural adjustment facility
构调整贷款structural-adjustment lending (loan)
案书美国所得税纳税人与税务当局的书面协定closing agreement
balance due
欠于人balance due to
欠余额balance due
欠明细account rendered
欠清单account rendered
欠账目account in arrear
bank's exchange settlement
汇时间制time of settlement basis
settle up
all squared
清, 整顿square
清各帐balance the book
清合约closing-out contract
清帐目make account square
清支付证书settlement warrant
账交易for the account
账后事项subsequent event
账后会计事项post-statement event
账后牌价quotation after the closing
账手续account closing procedure
账计算表work sheet
FWD carry forward
carried down
carried over
carry forward
转下期页,册金额amount carried forward
转下期损失loss carried forward to the next term
转下期损失loss carried forward to the following term
转下期金额amount carried forward
转下页balance forward
转余额balance carried forward
转利率carry-over rate
转基金carry-over funds
转帐户continuing account
转库存carry over
转库存量carry-over stock cartage
转成本的方法methods available for the carryover of cost
转损益loss and gain brought forward
转预算rollover budget
美元算系统U.S. Dollar Clearing System
翌日净额算系统next day net settlement system
联交所期权算所参与者SEOCH participant
联交所期权算所抵押品SEOCH collateral
联系性公司之connecting affiliates
联邦算系统Fed wire
股份算费stock clearing fee
股份变动日daily movement statement
营运working balance
衍生产品算及交收系统Derivatives Clearing and Settlement System (指香港交易所于2004年4月推出的所有期权及期货合约的结算及交收系统)
被冻的英镑blocked sterling
被冻账户frozen account
被冻资产frozen assets
西非经济共同体团与经济开发基金West African Economic Community Fund for Solidarity and Economic Development
认可算所recognized clearing house
认真总这场金融危机的教训earnestly draw lessons from the ongoing financial crisis
记帐settlement on account
记账settlement through account
证券securities clearing
证券算制度securities clearing system
调整优化经济adjust and optimize the economic structure
调整经济restructure the economy
调整经济carry out economic restructuring
调整经济构过程process of transforming and restructuring economies
负债liabilities structure
财务fiscal clearance
财务报表financial statement structure
财政年度算日期date of financial year
财政年度终close of financial year
账户account balanced
账户settlement on account
账期settlement for account
账簿settlement of book
账面存量算系统book-entry stock settlement system
货币monetary settlement
购货客户statements to customers
贸易账户settlement of trade accounts
资产asset settlement
资本构偿债能力capital structure solvency
资本构决策capital structure decision
资本构分析capital structure analysis
资本构报酬capital structure return
资本构构成capital structure composition
资本构理论capital structure theory
资本构管理capital structure management
资本构计划编制capital structure planning
资本构重要性importance of capital structure
资本构风险capital structure risk
资本冻capital tie-up
资本冻capital freeze
赋税亏损tax-loss carryforward
轧平未头寸square one's open positions
迅速解决make a prompt settlement
退伙人股份settlement with retiring partner
逐步清式pay-as-you-go basis
遗嘱执行人的closing the executor's books
采用人民币进行国际贸易use the renminbi to settle international trade transactions
金融构理论theory of financial structure
金融构理论financial structure theory
金融市场微观构理论financial market microstructure theory
销售客户customer’s statement
防范库存周期束所引发的双底衰退prevent a double dip resulting from an end to the alone inventory cycle
随机random closing
隔夜大批overnight bulk clearing
算参与者non-clearing participant (期权交易用语)
算期权交易参与者non-clearing options trading participant (期权交易用语)
非贸易non-trade settlement
预先承诺终precommitment closure
预定算期assumed local date
预算budgetary surplus
预算外行政构的资助费support to extra-budgetary administrative structure
香港中央证券登记有限公司HKSCC Registrars Limited
香港中央代理人有限公司HKSCC Nominees Limited
香港中央算有限公司Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited.
香港交易及算所有限公司Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
香港交易及算所有限公司Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
香港期货算有限公司HKFE Clearing Corporation Limited
香港联合交易所期权算所有限公司SEHK Options Clearing House Limited (简称"联交所期权结算所")
香港银行同业算有限公司Hong Kong Inter-bank Clearing Limited
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