
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
主要是唾液中的钙离子沉积在牙面上的软垢中形成了牙It is mainly calcium from the saliva which has formed hard deposits on the teeth
刮匙对清除深牙周袋内的牙石和病变组织是必需的Curettage is necessary to remove the calculus and diseased tissue from deep pockets
很快就会It will soon be finished
您可以用牙刷和牙线清除菌斑,但是清除不了牙You can remove the plaque with a tooth brush and dental floss, but you can't remove the calculus
您是否适合种植牙治疗取决于检査It depends on the result of the examination, whether you can have implant treatment or not
您牙面上坚硬粗糙的染色就是牙The hard and rough stain is dental calculus (tartar)
我将给您清理牙I will remove the tartar from your teeth now
石会刺激牙龈Dental calculus irritates the gums
超声洗牙时会发出嗡嗡声,产生水雾,并震碎牙It makes a buzzing noise, sprays a mist of water and breaks up the calculus
金属基托义齿很贵,但它比较实且厚度较薄,能传导食物的温度The metal plate denture is very expensive. It is not only tough and thin, but also can conduct the temperature of the food
龋坏是口腔内细菌形成酸的Tooth decay is the result of acid formation by bacteria in the mouth