
Terms for subject Business containing 结账 | all forms | in specified order only
与… 结清账目settle accounts (with sb.)
与… 结清账目square accounts (with sb.)
与… 结清账目balance accounts (with sb.)
与…结清账目balance account with...
与…结清账目even up account with
以周为单位结账weekly account settlement
以账面结账settlement by book entry
以账面结算settlement by book entry
储备结算账户reserve settlement account
全面结账across the settlement
公司账结算closing of company accounts
内部结算账户internal settlement account
结账block account
结账即暂不许支取款项的账户frozen account
结账blockaded account
结账frozen loan
分组结平分类账sectional balancing ledger
划线结平账户ruling and balancing accounts
和…结清账目quit score with...
国内汇兑未结算账户domestic exchange unsettled account
国内汇兑结算账户domestic exchange settlement account
国库结余临时转账temporary transfer of treasury surplus
夏至结账6月 24日系英国四大结账日之一Midsummer Day
季度结账quarterly settlement day
季度结算贸易账quarterly trade account
工薪结算账户payroll clearing account
工资结算账户payroll clearing account
结账after closing
旅游结账凭证tour voucher
结账daily balance system
结账early closing
暂结股票过户账closing of transfer book
结账abstract account
结账abstract account
月终结账分录monthly closing entry
结账outstanding entry
未结清的分类账open ledger
未结算的账户unbalanced account
未结算账户open account
清理结算账户clearing account
清算待结账clearing account
结平账户account in balance
结平账户account balanced
结平账户balance an account
结束账户zeroing out
结欠账目outstanding account
结清账目square accounts
结清信托账户closing the trustee's books
结清各账balance the books
结清账目get one's account square
结清账目even up account
结清账目证书settlement warrant
结算账户reckoning an account
结算账目cast accounts
结算账目foot up on account
结算账目foot up an account
结账close books
结账balance strike
结账books close
结账close the book
结账foot up bill
结账pay the reckoning
结账balancing accounts
结账check out
结账close book
结账closing of book
结账closing out
结账settle an account
结账wind up an account
结账square accounts
结账closing ledger
结账balance an account
结账借方余额closing debit balance in account
结账前试算表pre-closing trial balance
结账work paper
结账后分录post-closing entry
结账后试算表after-closing trial balance
结账后资产负债表平衡表post-closing balance sheet
证券交易结账pay day
结账日放款account day's loan
结账时间closing time
结账调整closing adjustment
结账账簿books of final entry
结账退款withdrawal of settlement
英国四大结账日之一即 9 月19 日米迦勒节Michaelmas Day
英国式结账方式English form of closing the ledger
记账外汇结算settlement with foreign exchange on account
记账结算协定open agreement
账户暂结tentative closing of account
账户滚存余额结单running balance statement of accounts
账户结平account balance
账户结平account in balance
账户结构structure of accounts
账户结算evening-up of accounts
账户结转余额closing balance in account
账户编码结构account code structure
账目结余balance of the account
账簿组织结构organizational structure of ledger
账面结存balance on hand
遗嘱执行人的结账closing the executor's books
银行结账cut-off bank statement