
Terms containing 结语法 | all forms | in specified order only
telecom.中心词驱动短语结构文法head-driven phrase structure grammar
el.句法结构和从属成分语法分析程序phrase structure and dependency parser
IT广义短语结构文[语]法generalized phrase structure grammar
telecom.广义短语结构文法generalized phrase structure grammar
AI.短语结构文法phrase structure grammar
el.短语结构矩阵文法phrase-structure matrix grammar
IT短语结构语法phrase structure grammar
AI.结合价语法valence grammar
IT结构化字段语法structured field syntax
el.结构语法图structural syntax diagram
IT结语法junction grammar
libr.语法结构syntax structure
el.语言语法结构syntactic organization of language