
Terms containing 结票 | all forms | in specified order only
securit.一般票据结算general clearing
econ.你方金额为567美元的支票一张可结清你方账目Your check for $567 will clear your account
fin.允许进出口贸易以人民币开具发票和结算allow imports and exports to be invoiced and settled in renminbi
securit.冻结在股票账户中所有登记的股票freeze all shares registered in securities accounts
fin.冻结支票blocked cheque
tech.冻结支票blocked check
gen.初步结果显示共和党获得了 n%的选票Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote
securit.北京票据结算中心Bill Clearing Center of Beijing
securit.同域票据结算local clearing
econ.宣布投票结束declare the ballot closed
econ.宣布投票结果declare the ballot closed
econ.已冻结的支票blocked check
tech.常备客票结账管理系统hard regular card financial statement system
gen.我没带支票簿,就用现金结账了I didn't have my checkbook with me, so I paid in cash
tech.投票结果results of a poll
busin.按期结清银行支票take up one's note at the bank when due
proj.manag.支票结算clearing cheque
securit.支票结算cheque clearing
proj.manag.暂时来说、不包括支票结算的功能、但日后若有足够需要、我们仍可考虑增设For the moment there will be no cheque clearing capability, but this is something which could be added later if there -was sufficient demand
busin.暂结股票过户账closing of transfer book
fin.未结清支票uncleared checks
busin.未结清支票uncleared effects
fin.未结算支票融通额uncleared cheques facilities
busin.汇票结算bill accounting
busin.汇票结算bill account
fin.汇编报表:结合公司内部债票交易结合之形态affiliation structures
fin.汇编报表:结合公司内部债票交易结合之形态consolidated statements: intercompany bond holdings
securit.特种票据结算special clearance
busin.票据交换所结算表clearing house proof
busin.票据交换所结算表clearing house settlement sheet
busin.票据交换结算余额基金fund for clearing balance
busin.票据交结所banker's clearing house
econ.票据交结所付款转账制bank giro
securit.票据密集结算paper intensive settlement
securit.票据结算bill clearing
fin.票据结算settlement of a bill
securit.票据结算clearing of bills
securit.票据结算paper clearing
securit.票据结算bill account
securit.票据结算业务clearing service
securit.票据结算制度paper clearing system
busin.票据结算差额bill clearing balance
securit.票据结算所决算表clearing sheet
securit.票据结算所决算表clearing house proof
securit.票据结算所报表clearing house statement
securit.票据结算行代理clearing house agent
securit.票据结算行代理到期票据clearing house due bills
securit.票据结算行保证金clearing house margin
securit.票据结算行到期票据clearing house items
securit.票据结算行服务clearing house service
securit.票据结算行贷款证明clearing house loan certificate
securit.票据结算额out clearing
securit.结冰股票为满足投资者回购交易而准备的股票icing stock
securit.结构化票据structured notes
proj.manag.结构性票据structured note
fin.结构性票据structured note (结构性票据是场外产品,它将数种不同成分捆绑在一起,以组建单种产品,通常是在债务工具(如中期债券)中嵌人期权。结构性票据/债券一般是以对市场的观点为导向,并且其设计目的通常是吸引具有高度集中的风险/回报需求和市场观点的投资者)
econ.结算支票clearing house check
fin.结算支票settlement check
securit.结算支票clearing check
securit.结算汇票in settlement of bills
econ.结算汇票票款in settlement of bills
fin.结算票据bill for clearing
econ.结算票据clearing of bills
securit.股东年会投票结果voting results at annual general meetings
econ.股价下挫的结果是股票盈利降低Falling share prices bring forth falling profitability
securit.股票所有权结构stock ownership structure
busin.股票结存share balance
securit.股票结算公司stock clearing house
econ.自制作传票至年终结算止的整套簿记过程bookkeeping cycle
securit.自动票据结算操作系统ACH operator
securit.银行票据结算bank clearing
proj.manag.银行票据结算所bankers' clearing house
securit.附寄结单的独立股票账户stock segregated account with statement service