
Terms for subject Technology containing 结构 面 | all forms | in specified order only
一级结构面grade one discontinuity
三级结构面grade three-discontinuity
三角洲沉积削面结构profile of sedimentary structure of delta
三角面壳体结构triangular shell structure
不规则状结构面irregular-shaped discontinuity
不连续结构面no-continuous discontinuity
中等粗糙的结构面medial rough discontinuity
主正交各向异性桥面结构major-orthotropic deck structure
二级结构面grade two-discontinuity
五级结构面grade five discontinuity
似粗面结构trachytoid texture
假设界面结构hypothetical interfacial structure
光滑结构面smooth discontinuity
全深处理的路面结构fully treated pavement structure
具填充物的软弱结构面filled discontinuity
分划性结构面divisional structural plane
刚性结构平面rigid structural plane
协和界面胶结物结构compromise boundary cement texture
卸荷结构面滑坡landslide of unload structural plane
原生结构面primary discontinuity
双向钢结构battle deck bridge floor (房屋和桥梁用)
双面墙结构double wall construction
双面墙结构conventional wall construction (木框架结构夹衬板,两边覆以胶合板的墙体结构)
双面结构bilateral structure
变质结构面metamorphic discontinuity
台阶状结构面stepped discontinuity
四级结构面grade four discontinuity
四面体键结构tetrahedral bonding structure
土结构界面soil-structure interface
在表面应力条件下的结构体系structure system in surface stress condition
地板结构平面图floor construction plan
地板结构平面图floor framing plan
地沥青路面的整体性结构streamlined construction of asphalt paving
基本结构平面construction plane
复合结构面滑坡landslide of compound structural plane
复合型路面结构composite type pavement structure
复性结构面composite structural plane
复曲面结构toroid structure
多层结构路面multilayer structure pavement
多面体结构polyhedral structure
密封式路面结构envelope pavement
封闭式路面结构enveloped pavement
封闭式路面结构closed pavement structure
屋面下部结构片材roof substructure sheeting
岩体结构面structure surface of rock mass
岩体结构面discontinuity of rock mass
带开孔面板的直立墙结构vertical wall structure with perforated face
带开孔面板结构structure with perforated face
平直结构面straight discontinuity
平衡表面结构equilibrium surface structure
平面承重结构planar load-bearing structure
平面承重结构planar weight-carrying structure
平面承重结构area covering structural element
平面承重结构建筑物area covering structure
平面支座结构flat bearing structure
平面支承结构planar bearing structure
平面支承结构planar supporting structure
平面支承结构flat supporting structure
平面构架结构planar frame structure
平面框架结构plane frame structure
平面框架结构planar frame structure
平面框架结构plane frame work
平面框架结构flat frame structure
平面结构planer structure
平面结构plate structure
平面结构planar construction
平面锯齿结构planar zigzag structure
平面骨架结构planar frame structure
建筑结构面area of structure
建筑物的表面结构surface structure in building
建筑结构平面图plan of building structure
张性结构面tensional structural plane
张扭性结构面tension-shear structural plane
张扭性结构面tenso-shear structural plane
张扭性结构面structural plane of tenso-shearing origin
悬空式面板结构suspended deck structure
扭压性结构面shearing compressive plane
扭张性结构面shearing tensile plane
折叠表面互相穿插的结构体系structure system through interpenetration of folded surface
护面结构pavement structure
抽水孔结构剖面图profile of pumping well construction
无充填物的软弱结构面clean discontinuities
未上釉的结构用砌面块unglazed structural facing unit
极光滑的结构面most smooth discontinuity
柱状结构面surface of columnar structure
标引性结构面indicative structural plane
格形结构面稳定性分析stability analysis of cells
桥面结构floor system
桥面结构floor framing
桥面结构floor construction
桥面结构deck structure
楼板结构平面图floor framing plan
次生结构面secondary discontinuity
沉积结构面sedimentary discontinuity
沟道衬底平面结构channelled-substrate-planar structure
沟道衬底平面结构channeled-substrate-planar structure
沥青路面结构asphalt pavement structure
波浪状结构面wavy discontinuity
海面钻进结构offshore drilling structure
火成结构面igneous discontinuity
界面结构interfacial structure
石棉水泥板结构屋面asbestos-cement structural roofing
石棉水泥板结构屋面asbestos-cement board structural roofing
石棉结构屋面asbestos structural roofing
粒状结构面granular texture surface
粗糙的结构面rough discontinuity
结构临界断面critical structural section
结构剖面structure profile
结构剖面structural profile
结构剖面图section of structure
结构化界面constructive interface
结构危险断面critical structural section
结构塑料贴面structural plastic trim
结构屋面板structural deck
结构平面structural plan
结构平面structure plane
结构平面plane of a structure
结构平面图framing plan
结构底面base of a structure
结构截面厚度depth of structural section
结构截面高度depth of structural section
结构断面structural section
结构断面structural cross-section
结构橡胶胶粘面structural rubber trim
结构混凝土面层structural concrete topping
结构竖立缝钢屋面板structural standing seam steel roof panel
结构竖立缝铝屋面板structural standing seam aluminium roof panel
结构竖立缝铝屋面板structural standing seam aluminum roof panel
结构纵剖面图construction profile
结构面structural surface
结构面structural plane of rock mass
结构面divisional plane
结构面充填物成分composition of filling material of discontinuity
结构面充填程度filled degree of discontinuity
结构面力学性质控矿mechanical character of structural plane
结构面密集程度dense degree of discontinuity
结构面张开程度opening of discontinuity
结构面形态特征shape feature of discontinuity
结构面structural area
结构面等级grade of discontinuity
结构面粗糙程度roughness of discontinuity
结构面组合形式assemblage form of discontinuity
结构面胶结程度degree of cementation of discontinuity
结构面起伏度discontinuity waviness
结构面连续程度continuous degree of discontinuity
结构面间距spacing of structural planes
结构黏土地面砖structural clay facing tile
结构黏土面块structural clay facing block
结构黏土面砖structural clay facing block
结构黏土面砖隔墙structural clay facing block partition (wall)
船体横断面结构扭变应力racking stress
船体纵剖面结构图construction profile
英国新建道路柔性和刚性路面结构设计指南a guide to the structural design of flexible and rigid pavement for new roads
表面活性剂分子结构surfactant molecular structure
表面结构分析surface structure analysis
贴面砖石墙结构masonry veneer wall construction
贴面结构veneered construction
起绒表面结构raised surface structure
超环面结构toroid structure
路基路面结构roadway structure
路面多层结构multiple layer structure
路面结构road construction
路面结构层pavement structure layer
路面结构设计pavement structure design
路面结构评价pavement structural evaluation
软弱结构面【地weak plane
软弱结构面的剪切试验shear test of weak plane
软弱结构面的剪切试验shear test of discontinuities
轻质屋面空间承重结构lightweight roofing spatial loading bearing structure
轻质屋面结构工程lightweight roofing structural engineering
轻质金属结构断面lightweight metal construction section
结构面side construction tile
连续结构面continuous discontinuity
道路路面结构road structure
钢筋混凝土结构地面板floor slab
钢结构剖面steel structural section (图)
钻孔结构剖面图bore hole construction profile
铝制结构正面aluminium face
铝制结构正面aluminum front
铝制结构正面aluminium front
铝制结构正面aluminum face
铝制结构正面aluminium facade
铝制结构正面aluminum facade
铝制结构立面aluminium face
铝制结构立面aluminium front
铝制结构立面aluminum front
铝制结构立面aluminium facade
铝制结构立面aluminum face
铝制结构立面aluminum facade
铺面结构pavement structure
锯齿形屋面结构saw-tooth roof structure
锯齿状结构面serrate discontinuity
镶面结构veneered structure
镶面结构veneered construction
集料表面结构aggregate surface texture
非常粗糙的结构面very rough discontinuity
非结构性的顶面灰浆准条non-structural top screed (定灰浆厚度的施工工具)
结构octahedral structure
面向对象的结构object-oriented construction
面心立方结构face-centered cubical structure
面板结构的坡度inclination of deck structure
饰面混凝土结构fair-faced concrete texture
黏土结构面structural clay facing tile
黏土结构地面砖structural clay floor tile