
Terms for subject United Nations containing 经 过 | all forms | in specified order only
亚洲及太平洋国家通过外国投资进行经济合作会议Conference on Economic Cooperation through Foreign Investment among Asian and Pacific Countries
原始数据集经过滤波或圆滑filtered or smoothed subset of the original data
将环境因素纳入经济决策过程南亚次区域专家组会议Subregional Expert Group Meeting on Integrating Environmental Considerations into Economic Policy-making Processes for South Asia
最不发达国家、内陆和过境发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家和结构薄弱、易受损和规模小的经济体特别方案Special Programme for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries, Small Island Developing States and Structurally Weak, Vulnerable and Small Economies
通过经济增长和社会发展减缓贫穷委员会Alleviation through Economic Growth and Social Development
通过经济增长和社会发展减缓贫穷委员会Committee on Poverty Alleviation through Economic Growth and Social Development