
Terms for subject Economy containing 经 过 | all forms | in specified order only
一般来说,制成的货品在发货前要经过一些严格检验Generally speaking, the manufactured goods undergo strict examinations before dispatch
经过宣布的无效avoidance without declaration
不必经过批准的预算调整automatic changes of budgeting
产品在出厂前都应经过检査Products should be inspected before leaving the factory
从事这类投资,投资者可以不离开本国,通过国际经纪商或金融机构就可以办到These investments can be made without leaving the home country through an international investment broker or a banking institution
他们已经有了通过日本某家公司购买机器零件的途径They have had an approach from a Japanese company to buy the parts of the machine
他们已经错过6 月6日的最后期限They have missed their June 6 deadline
他连续当过销售员、部门经理和公司总裁He served successively as salesman, department manager and managing director of the company
再制品经过加工的产品processed product
因为这些零件已经过严格的检验,因此适合于装配These parts are suited for assembling because they have stood strict test
如果公司的销售量超过30%,经理将给其雇员增加奖金The manager will give his employees a supplement to their premium if the company's sales surpass 30%
平均经过时间the mean elapsed time
我们企求在销售产品的过程中防止那些有害和不经济的做法We hope to prevent those detrimental and uneconomic practices in our distribution of the products
我们曾经历过一段时期的销售回跌We experienced a period of falling sales
我们正寻求在电子行业有过成功经历的人We are looking for someone with a background of success in the electronics industry
我方获得了经营一家美容中心的不可过户的许可证We are granted the non-transferable license to run a beauty center
批发商不应经营太多的品种,也不能留有过多的库存Wholesalers should not carry too many lines or too much stock
投资商、经纪人股票管理的过户帐储金transfer account lodgement for investors, stock management for market-makers
时间经过elapsed time
本订单,包括其正面及反面的条件与条款,已经过细致的研究The order, including the conditions and terms on the face and reverse side, has been studied careful ly
经同意,在该契约过期以后仍将这些单证保存3年It is agreed to preserve these documents for a period of 3 years after the expiry of the deed
经济停滞下的过剩人口the stagnant surplus-population
经济增长的过程process of economic growth
经济增长的过程process economic growth
经理答应过全面加薪,但食言了The manager went back on his promise to increase salaries across the board
经营过程再设计business process re-engineering
经营过程重组business process reengineering
经过一整天的讨论,委员会同意了这个方案After a whole day's discussion the committee agreed on the scheme
经过一段时间,他们已建立起牢固的业务关系After a lapse of time, they have established firm business relations
经过三个月的试产,成品还不能被接受After 3 months' trial production, the end product is still not acceptable
经过三天査找毛病后,工程师向厂长通报了这些机器的运转状况After three days of the detection of fault, the engineer informed the factory director of the working condition of these machines
经过专门训练的人力the trained manpower
经过两个月的谈判,贷款在昨天谈判成功了After two months of negotiations the loan was finalized yesterday
经过仔细调查,我们认为箱子必定是在运输途中受到粗鲁搬运A careful investigation inclines us to think that the cases must have been roughly handled on route
经过公证的拒付证书an authenticated protest
经过几天友好的讨论,现已达成交易并签署了合同After a few days of friendly discussion we have now concluded business and signed a contract
经过审计的账目audited statement of the account
经过审讯后发现承包商曾提供过贿赂It is found, after hearing n., that gratuities were offered by the contractor
经过时间交易记录elapsed time transaction
经过第三国过境passage in transit through another country
经过签收的发货单表示运货已收到A signed invoice presumes receipt of the shipment
经过调整的翻转趋势reverse trend adjustment
经过适当考虑后,我们同意给予你方5%的佣金Upon due consideration n., we agreed to grant you 5% commission
经过长时间谈判,他们拟同意以即期付款交单方式支付货款After a long time of negotiation, they are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped
装船之前,货物经过了仔细检査The goods were carefully checked prior to shipment
说明法案制定经过的条文enacting clause
说明制定法案经过的条款an enacting clause
过去经济动态分析ex post analysis
过去经验分析analysis of past experience
过度繁荣的经济overheated economy
过渡中的经济体economies in transition
过渡经费bridge facility
过渡经费the bridging facility
这个国家在20世纪80年代有过一段经济增长时期The country enjoyed a period of economic growth in the 1980s
这批货经过海关检査后方可进入我国The shipment should be subject to verification by the customs before it is allowed into our country
途中经过the passage in transit
那些顾客是经过严格挑选的Those customers are very select