
Terms for subject Commerce containing 经 济 的 | all forms | in specified order only
为发展经济的金融公司developmental financing corporations
为发展经济的金融机构developmental financing institutions
他被授权批准对该国实行经济制裁的提案He was given the authority to approve the proposals for economic sanctions against that country
促进当地经济的发展stimulate the development of local economy
停滞不前的经济dormant economy
只有少数货币不受世界经济危机的影响Only a few currencies are free from the influences of the world economic crisis
国家调整的经济关系state-regulated economic relations
大银行报导经济的小册子bank letter
宏观经济管理的微观基础micro basis for macroeconomic regulation
建立新的国际经济秩序宣言Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order (1974年4月至 5. 月联合国大会第六届特别会议通过两个文件之一,另一文件为 Programme of Action 行动纲领)
扩张中的经济expansionary economy
扩张中的经济expanding economy
投资项目的财务及经济可行性financial and economic viability of a project
推测严重经济衰退的可能性speculate about the possibility of an economic slump of disastrous proportions
改革旧的经济制度transform the old economic system
新经济体制改变了国家的面貌The new economic system has changed the appearance of the country
繁荣的经济flourishing economy
经济危机严重影响了该国的岀口The economic crisis has seriously affected its exports
经济的utilities average
部门内的经济研究sectoral economic studies