
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
一群人正在研究消费者心理学和行为济学、 他们收集的证据令人印象深刻、 已达到学术水平A group there is studying consumer psychology and behavioral economics and amassing evidence that's impressive by any academic standard was collected
一般费补助金general support grant
不稳定的济情况volatile economic conditions
与银行有关的bank-related broker
中期济检讨报告mid-year review
举债financial leverage
产品理审计product manager audit
产量的扩张看起来已损害了公司令人羡慕的可靠性记录The pursuit of volume seems to have dented the company's enviable record for reliability
人力资源human resource manager
人力资源HR manager
介绍introducing broker
从事济活动的人口economically active population
从事济活动的人士economically active person
从过去一年多美国济出现衰退以来、 美国的失业率就一直处于上升趋势The proportion of jobless Americans has risen steadily since the United States sank into a recession more than a year ago
他是公认的开放源代码体系结构专家、具有企业计算方面的He is a recognized expert in open source architecture, whose experience includes enterprise computing
以制造业及服务业为主的manufacturing and services-based economy
以外贸为主的externally oriented economy
以服务业为主导的service-led economy
以非常收人支付非经常开支的结算capital financing
传真机效应、免费软件的升级规则、还有分布式智能的力量、都是正在兴起的网络济的一部分The Fax Effect, the rule of freeware upgrade, and the power of distributed intelligence are all part of an emerging network economics
传统traditional voice broker
伪造、变造、转让商业银行营许可证的、依法追究刑事责任Criminal responsibilities shall be affixed on those who fabricate, change and transfer the business license of a commercial bank
但在济学家翻阅历史时、非常明确的一点是、今年夏季爆发的市场动荡将不会是最后一次But as economists thumb through the history books, the one thing that is crystal clear is that this summer's turmoil will not be the last
但在宏观济层面、流动性依然充沛But at the macroeconomic level, liquidity remains abundant
供应济学supply-side economics
保险insurance broker
倚赖对外贸易的externally oriented economy
先进济体系advanced economy
全年full year cost
公共工程常开支public works recurrent expenditure
公共工程非常开支public works non-recurrent expenditure
其他非常开支新分目new other non-recurrent subhead
再保险纪人reinsurance broker
出乎意料地、她得到了这份录影带讲的小册子、她感受到内心的召唤、因此便携友同来To her surprise, she unexpectedly received a pamphlet about the video-lecture and she felt moved in her heart, so she came with a friend
出市floor broker
分公司总division general manager
前线line manager
副 总 deputy general manager
副总deputy GM
双谷济衰退double dip recession
同样地、如该业务整体上有调整的亏损、每名合伙人均应分配亏损Similarly, each partner should have a share of loss if the business has overall adjusted loss
向存储器传送地址是过一组为地址总线的并行导线进行的The address is transmitted to the memory through a set of parallel wires called an address bus
国家证券纪商协会National Association of Securities Dealers
国民济核算national accounting
国民济核算架构national accounts framework
在全球层面、似乎没有一套从济中抽走这些流动性的退出策略Globally, there does not seem to be an exit strategy in place to drain this liquidity from the system
在市场对任何坏消息都神过敏的情况下、 评级连降四级对市场产生冲击并不令人意外That the four-notch downgrade upset markets on trigger alert for any bad nexus is no surprise
在持续至今的济低迷之前、尽管日本生活水平很高、但它仍旧有很大的贸易顺差Japan, despite its very high standard of living, had, until the current economic downturn, a strongly positive balance of trade
在第二次世界大战之前、 英国曾是世界上重型资本货物的主要出口国Britain was one of the world's leading exporters of heavy capital goods until the Second World War
在这点上来说、恢复同业银行拆放市场、确保恰当的济融资是重中之重In this context, reactivating the interbank market and ensuring the proper financing of the economy is of paramount importance
地区服务理助理assistant district service manager
交易所场内纪商floor broker
基准的恒生指数 HSI自年初以来已下跌 24.1%The benchmark Hang Seng Index has dropped 24.1 percent since the start of the year
基本工程外的非常开支non-works capital expenditure
外汇exchange broker
多兀化的济体系diversifying economy
失责defaulting broker
她表示、向全球市场济开放、不一定带来更多的就业机会Opening up to the global market economy did not necessarily bring greater employment opportunities, she said
如果你认为标普500济复苏后的市盈率在14至15之间、那么这个假设就有它的道理If you think a post-recovery price-earnings ratio for the S&P 500 will be something like 14 to 15, then this assumption makes sense
如果第二块硬盘已有分区、只需要格式化您所需要的那些分区If there are partitions already on the second disk, simply re-format -whatever ones you need
宏观济变数macroeconomic variable
宏观济层面macroeconomic level
宏观济管理制度macroeconomic management
宏观济调控措施macroeconomic adjustment and control measure
家庭储蓄率下降与国际收支常项目顺差似乎有某种联系The decline in the household saving rate and the current-account surplus would seem to be connected
济的影响economic implication
对于济衰退可能对消费者行为产生什么影响、我在伦敦时装周上没发现多少一致看法I could find little consensus at London Fashion Week on the impact the downturn might have on consumer behaviour
对总体济的影响macroeconomic implication
小规模济体系small economy
在磁盘上更改了书签、 您想放弃未保存的更改、 然后重新载入吗?Bookmarks have changed on disk. Discard your unsaved changes and reload?
市场主导的济体系market-oriented economy
2005年、中国已成为世界第四大济体、若以购买力平价标准衡量的话、甚至是世界第二大经济体It became the fourth largest economy in the world in 2005, and is second in terms of purchasing power parity
应变济政策stop-go policy
当一个国家的房地产投机行为已超过了泡沫时期的日本、投资者们的担忧是不无道理的When real-estate speculation exceeds that of the Japanese real-estate bubble, investors are right to worry
律师事务所最常见的定价策略是成本加成定价、通常被认为是不济的The conventional law firm billing system is a form of cost-plus pricing, which is considered wasteful
必须运行服务器服务才能运行安装程序。请检查此服务是否已启动、然后重新运行安装程序The Server service must be running in order to run Setup. Verify that the service is started, and rerun Setup
executive director
总体济变数macroeconomic variable
总体济的层次macroeconomic level
总体济管理制度macroeconomic management
我们已成功地从模拟的驱动器故障中恢复、您也可以开始在生产环境中使用 RAID-1 了We've successfully recovered from a simulated drive failure, and you re ready to start using RAID-1 in a production environment
我们正在计划着手一项新的商业营项目We are planning to embark upon a new business undertaking
战略营业务单位strategic business unit
dealers 所有销商承诺的超出本服务卡上各条款的附加承诺由经销商自行兑现All dealers commitment beyond the provisions of the additional commitment in this service card will be charged by
所有由政府一般收入账目支付并记入开支预算内营账项下任何一个分目的开支all expenditure from general revenue account charged to any of the subheads listed in the estimates under the operating account
技术与济合作economic and technical cooperation
拒绝refusal to deal
持续营价值going concern value
政府希望把外汇储备多元化:在今年、政府对于新的国库券的购买已急速下降The government would like to diversify out of dollarsːits new purchases of treasury securities have fallen sharply this year
散股odd lot broker
整笔非常补助金block capital grant
文件已被输入到一台便携式电脑里了The documents have been typed into a portable computer
施工营管理合同construction management contracts
日本海外济协作基金The Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
早期的估计数字显示、 人们认为光是济损失可能就相当严重Early estimates suggested that the economic cost alone might be grievous
最后、技术理也许可以发现这些讨论里面保护了软件可移植性的复杂本质以及编译一个大项目的过程Finally, technical managers may find the discussion to be an insight into the complex nature of software portability and the process of building a large project
期货futures broker
期货介绍futures introducing broker
划线的支票uncrossed cheque
算定债权unliquidated debt
算定损害赔偿unliquidated damages
背书的支票unendorsed cheque
本组织的费应由各会员国依照大会的分配限额负担The expenses of the organization shall be borne by the members as apportioned by the General Assembly
正如我本周在对纽约和金融界的领袖们说的那样、济虽已回暖、但我们不可因此自满As I told leaders of our financial community in New York City earlier this week, a return to normalcy cant breed complacency
水坝式dam operation
注意力the economy of attention
海外济协作基金the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund
海外项目理部overseas project office
然而、如果有一种语言已使用一个简单的数据结构表示、那么这种情况就可以简化了However, this might be simplified if there was a language already represented with a simple data structure
燃煤减少对环境保护来说不失为一个好消息、然而又是济发展崎岖维艰的进一步佐证The reduction in coal burning is good news for an environment, but a further indication of a spluttering economy
特别理人special manager
特许营权合约concession contract
特许营权资产价值的形成及评估方法探讨The Value Composition of Business Concession Assets and Valuation Approaches
特许营税franchise taxes
独家销商exclusive dealer
独立营的个人self-employed person
独自营商号individual concern
现代营管理modern operational management
现在、 您已准备好、 可以将数据文件中的信息合并到一个标签出版物中了Now you're ready to merge information from the data file into the label publication
现场施工field construction manager
理性主义总以为自己比验主义更有宗教信仰Rationalism usually considers itself more religious than empiricism
生产line manager
由他人代理缺席业主进行的营管理absentee management
由市场力量支配的market-disciplined economy
由市场因素决定的自由企业济体系market-disciplined free-enterprise economy
目前该项目已扩展到软件、电影、录音和扫描书籍It has since expanded to software, films, audio recordings and scanning books
直接济报酬direct financial compensation
直线line manager
短期济指标short-term indicator of economic condition
社会济目标socio-economic objective
票据bill broker
类别产品category product manager
粗略济活动率crude activity rate
粗略计量济模式crude econometric model
组织organization expenses
交易所进行的卖空活动exchange-based short selling activity
修订的估值amended valuation
分派资产distributed assets
审计的周年账目audited annual account
审计的账目audited account
审计的资产负债表audited balance sheet
常性日常修理running repair
常性每年捐款ordinary annual contribution
常收人current income
常收人recurrent revenue
常账下的资助金新分目new recurrent account subventions subhead
常账新分目new recurrent account subhead
常账盈余surplus on recurrent account
常账目current account
常账资助金新分目new recurrent account subventions subhead
常费用recurrent cost
常资助金recurrent subvention
常资助金分目recurrent subvention subhead
常预算收人above-the-line receipt
折算的退休酬金commuted pension gratuity
授权的代表authorized representative
法庭判定awarded by court
济上自立的项目free-standing project
济内部收益率economic internal return rate
济净现值economic net present value (ENPV)
济发展学院世界银行的Economic Development Institution
济基础建设economic infrastructure
济复苏pick up
济寿命与残值economic life and salvage value
济总体数字economic aggregate
济技术因素economic and technological factors
济担保financial security
济持续增长sustained economic growth
济收益economic result
济放缓economic slowdown
济效益cost effectiveness
济服务economic service
济权economic power
济架构economic framework
济滑坡economic downturn
济状况financial position
济状况调查means test
济的周期性情况cyclical nature of the economy
济稳定计划economic stabilization programme
济索赔financial claim
济结构转型structural transformation of the economy
济结构重整economic restructure
济能力financial capacity
济膨胀和紧缩交替运用的政策stop-go policy
济补偿financial compensation
济规模size of the economy
济近期展望immediate outlook for the economy
济高度增长年boom year
磋商协议的承销费用negotiated underwriting
算定款项liquidated sum
算定的追讨金额liquidated demand
纪代表broker's representative
纪佣金brokerage charges
纪佣金收费表scale of brokerages
纪行broker's firm
纪费agent's fee
纬度geographic al position
营业务所需贷款operating loan
营中断保险business interruption insurance
营中的机构going concern
营利润盈余operating surplus
营单位战略business unit strategy
营周operating cycle
营地位business position
营守则code of practice
营战略business strategies
营报表operation statement
营收支表operating statement
营法the operational approach
营赤字operating deficit
证明的报表certified statement
调整的亏损adjusted loss
调整的价值adjusted value
调整的利润adjusted profit
调整的可接纳资产净值adjusted net admissible assets
调整的实数adjusted actual
调整的数字adjusted figure
调整的流动资产adjusted current assets
调整的盈余额adjusted surplus
调整的负债adjusted liabilities
operational fund
银行证明可兑现的支票certified cheque
销制度jobbing system
预先审定资格的投标者prequalified tenderer
预先审定资格的财团prequalified consortium
验性实例empirical evidence
验法the empirical approach
职能functional manager
联立计量济模式simultaneous econometric model
股票stock broker
股票纪业务stockbroking business
自 由济区free economic zone
自动售货机营商vending-machine operators
至于设计、这意味着平衡合意性、人的需求和技术的可行性、以及济的可行性In the case of design, that means balancing desirability what humans need, with technical feasibility, and economic viability
范畴economies of scope
被称为"黄金降落伞"的高额离职费、已渐渐成为当前企业界的普遍现象The high layoff packages, known as "golden parachute", are increasingly common in the corporate world
要求有编写机顶盒应用程序或曾开发机顶盒 UI 和界面的Experience of writing STB application program, UI interface is required
视觉符号与视觉Visual sign and visual experience
设计engineering manager
证券介绍securities introducing broker
新闻工作者financial journalist
服务financial service
货币money broker
贴现纪人discount broker
贸易济体系trading economy
资本要素在区域济发展中的作用与贡献the role and contribution of capital element to the development of regional economy
输入纬度、度、时区等资料、点"确定"以刷新星图Enter the latitude, longitude, and time zone in formation, then click the OK button to redraw the map for the new position
这不仅是济力量的重新定位、还涉及这股力量将如何被用来塑造全球经济秩序It's not simply a redirection of economic power but a question of how that power will be used to shape the global economic order
退还纪佣金refund of brokerage
递回济模式recursive economic model
部门服务division services manager
采购理/代理purchasing manager/agent
金银bullion broker
间接济报酬indirect financial compensation
事先批准subject to prior approval
常开支capital spending
常开支nonrecurring charge
常开支capital expenditure
常开支新承担额new non-recurrent commitment
常开支项目capital project
常总开支total capital expenditure
常拨款capital grant
常收人non-recurrent revenue
常收人capital revenue
常补助金non-recurrent grant
常补助金capital grant
常账capital account
常账下的资助金新分目new capital account subventions subhead
常账新分目new capital account subhead
常账新承担额new capital account commitment
常账资助金新分目new capital account subventions subhead
常账赤字deficit on capital account
常费用non-recurrent cost
常项目extraordinary item
济报酬组织自豪感、工作环境、职业发展机会等Non financial rewards Org pride, Work environment, Growth, Career opportunities etc
济报酬no financial compensation
非从事济活动的人口economically inactive population
项目理助理assistant project manager
领先济指标leading indicator
首席财务官们和共同基金理们或许正期待着散户投资者的这种回归CFOs and mutual fund managers may hope for just such a return of the retail investor
马瑟表示、一个地方的人口趋势将对当地造成很大的影响、它与劳动力市场的供求情况以及济增长紧密相关He said regional population trends matter, because they fre closely linked to labor supply and demand一and economic growth
高收人济体系high income economy