
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
《世界济与市场发展》World Economic and Market Developments
《世界济与金融概览》World Economic and Financial Surveys
《世界济展望》World Economic Outlook
世界济展望更新WEO Update
世界济展望更新World Economic Outlook Update
世界济展望研究WEO exercise
世界济研究处World Economic Studies Division
世界银行发展济学年会Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics World Bank
东南部非洲宏观济和金融管理学院Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute
东南部非洲宏观济和金融管理学院Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa
《中东和中亚济展望》Middle East and Central Asia Economic Outlook
中亚地区济合作计划Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program
中央计划centrally planned economy
中非济与货币共同体Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa
中非济与货币共同体Central African Economic and Monetary Community
中非济联盟Central African Economic Union
中非关税与济同盟Central African Customs and Economic Union
中非国家济共同体Economic Community of Central African States
二元dual economy
五个系统性济体Systemic 5
五个系统性济体five systemic economies
亚太济合作理事会APEC Forum
亚太济合作理事会Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
亚太济合作理事会APEC Council
亚太济合作理事会Asia-Pacific Economic Forum
亚太济合作理事会Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
亚太济合作理事会Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum
亚太济合作组织APEC Forum
亚太济合作组织APEC Council
亚太济合作组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
亚太济合作组织Asia-Pacific Economic Forum
亚太济合作组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
亚太济合作组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum
亚太济论坛APEC Council
亚太济论坛APEC Forum
亚太济论坛Asia-Pacific Economic Forum
亚太济论坛Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
亚太济论坛Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
亚太济论坛Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum
亚太社会Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
亚洲新兴工业化济体newly industrialized Asian economies
以关系为基础的济体relationship-based economy
企业enterprise economy
伴随济增长的调整adjustment with growth
低收入小型济体small low-income economies
供应学派济学supply-side economics
信贷驱动的济增长credit-driven growth
全球常账户统计差异world current account discrepancy
全球常账户统计差异world current account statistical discrepancy
全球常账户余额统计差异工作小组Working Party on the Statistical Discrepancy in World Current Account Balances
全球济与金融展望global economic and financial outlook
全球济模型Global Economy Model
全球性常账户差额global current account balance
关于加强合作促进全球济扩张的宣言Madrid Declaration
关于加强合作促进全球济扩张的宣言Declaration on Cooperation to Strengthen the Global Expansion Interim Committee
其他济流量表statement of other economic flows
具有济意义的价格economically significant price
具有包容性的济增长inclusive growth
内向型inward-oriented economy
减贫和济管理网Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network
刺激济的政府支出pump priming
刺激济的政府支出deficit spending
刺激济的政府支出deficit financing
单一作物single-crop economy
单一作物one-crop economy
古典宏观济模型classical macroeconomic model
国别济学家country desk
国别济学家desk officer for ... (country)
国别济学家desk economist for ... (country)
国家济备忘录country economic memorandum
国民济平衡体系System of Material Product Balances
国民济平衡体系System of Balances of the National Economy
国营贸易state trading economy
国际济与货币事务咨询组Group of Thirty
国际济与货币事务咨询组Consultative Group on International Economic and Monetary Affairs, Inc.
国际济新秩序New International Economic Order
国际济秩序international economic order
国际货币济学international monetary economics
地下gray economy
地下underground economy
地下shadow economy
地区济展望Regional Economic Outlook
基本宏观济政策underlying macroeconomic policy
基金组织中东济与金融中心IMF Middle East Center for Economics and Finance
基金组织的济增长跟踪系统IMF's Growth Tracker
基金组织的济增长跟踪系统Growth Tracker
外向型济体outward-looking economy
外向型济体outward-oriented economy
外部external economy
外部positive externality
外部不external diseconomy
外部不negative externality
多区域济计量模型MULTIMOD econometric model
多区域济计量模型multiregion econometric model
太平洋济合作理事会Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
欧盟宏观济失衡程序Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure
宏观济平衡汇率macroeconomic balance exchange rate
宏观济平衡法macroeconomic balance approach
宏观济研究处Macroeconomic Studies Division
宏观济管理macroeconomic management
宏观济约束macroeconomic discipline
对不动产征收的常性税收recurrent taxes on immovable property
对净财富征收的常性税收recurrent taxes on net wealth
封闭closed economy
小岛济体small island economy
稳定的经济体mature stabilizer
市场market-oriented economy
市场market economy
市场导向型market-oriented economy
市场导向型market economy
平行parallel economy
开发与国际济合作总干事办公室Office of the Director General for Development and International Economic Co-operation
开始稳定的济体early stabilizer
开放型open economy
影子gray economy
影子underground economy
影子shadow economy
报告济体reporting economy
拉丁美洲济体系Latin American Economic System
拉丁美洲和加勒比济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
指令controlled economy
指令command economy
济类别分类的支出和贷款减去还款expenditure and lending minus repayments by economic type
撒哈拉以南非洲济和统计观察站Economic and Statistical Observatory for Sub-Saharan Africa
政治political economy
新兴工业化济体newly industrialized economy
新兴市场济体emerging market economy
新兴市场济体emerging market economies
无货币的moneyless economy
易货barter economy
最近的济发展情况Recent Economic Developments IMF background paper
有偿的常性转移requited current transfer
服务型tertiary economy
服务型service economy
分类的政府机构unclassified government agency
机构间济与金融统计小组Inter-Agency Group on Economic and Financial Statistics
欧洲委会Economic Commission for Europe
欧洲济与货币联盟Economic and Monetary Union
欧洲济共同体European Economic Community
欧洲济区European Economic Space
欧盟理事会提出的两项旨在加强欧元区济监管与合作的法案two pack European Union
比荷卢济联盟Benelux Economic Union
泡沫bubble economy
混合型mixed economy
灰色gray economy
灰色underground economy
灰色shadow economy
现金cash-based economy
现金cash economy
知识knowledge economy
知识knowledge-based economy
福利济学welfare economics
科威特阿拉伯济发展基金会Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
管制型controlled economy
管制型command economy
系统重要性较低的济体systemically less important economies
济租金pure economic rent
久耐用的货物hard goods
互会Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
合组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
合组织Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
合组织全球税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information
合组织全球税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes
合组织的公司治理原则OECD Principles of Corporate Governance
审计的财务报表audited financial statements
常性交易current transaction
常性国际交易current international transaction
常性开支recurrent expense
常性开支recurrent outlay
常性开支recurrent expenditure
常性开支current expenditures
常性开支current expenditure
常性收入recurrent income
常性收入current receipts
常性收入recurrent receipts
常性收入recurrent revenue
常性收入current revenue
常性税收recurrent tax
常性赠予current grants
常性转移current transfer
常性转移支付/收入current transfer payments/receipts
常性预算recurrent budget
常性预算current budget
常账户current account
常账户下的交易current transaction
常账户交易current account transaction
常账户余额或差额balance on current account
常账户余额或差额current account balance
常账户的可兑换性current account convertibility
常账户逆差current account deficit
常账户顺差、逆差current account surplus/deficit
常项目current account
常项目交易current transaction
抵补的期权covered option
济上的相互依存性economic interdependence
济与金融政策备忘录Memorandum on Economic and Financial Policies
济互助委员会Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
济价值economic value
济体净值net wealth position
济体净值net worth
济体净值net wealth
济体净值net worth of an economy
济信息系统Economic Information System
济利益中心center of economic interest
济单位economic unit
济单位economic entity
济单位economic agent
济及社会信息和政策分析部Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis
济及社会理事会United Nations Economic and Social Council
济发展近况Recent Economic Developments IMF background paper
济合作与发展组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
济合作组织Economic Cooperation Organization
济周期economic cycle
济周期trade cycle
济周期boom-bust cycle
济周期business cycle
济基本因素fundamental determinants
济基本因素economic fundamentals
济增长跟踪系统IMF's Growth Tracker
济增长跟踪系统Growth Tracker
济复苏援助规划Economic Recovery Assistance Program
济学家见习项目Economist Program
济实体economic entity
济实体economic unit
济实体economic agent
济实绩economic performance
济寿命useful life
济寿命service life
济寿命economic life
济年限service life
济年限useful life
济年限economic life
济性价格efficiency price
济性价格economic price
济情况economic conditions
济情况economic environment
济情况economic circumstances
济数据共享系统Economic Data Sharing System
济状况economic conditions
济状况economic environment
济状况economic circumstances
济福利economic welfare
济租金economic rent
济系统处Economic Systems Division
济表现economic performance
济表现弱于预期forecast disappointment
济运行情况economic performance
济问题》丛书Economic Issues IMF publication series
济顾问Economic Counsellor
济领土economic territory
济风险economic risk
社分析部Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis
社理事会United Nations Economic and Social Council
纪商brokerage company
纪商brokerage firm
纪商brokerage house
纪存款brokered deposits
纪存款brokered funds
纪费brokerage fee
operation finance
营不善的金融机构unsound financial institution
营与维护operation and maintenance
营性租赁operating leasing
营性租赁operational lease
营性租赁operational leasing
营性租赁operating lease
营总差额gross operating profit or loss
营总差额gross operating balance
营总盈亏gross operating profit or loss
营总盈亏gross operating balance
营核算business accounting
营费representation expenses
营费business expenses
营风险operational risk
费分派apportionment of appropriations
过周期调整的cyclically adjusted
过季节调整的seasonally adjusted
销委员会marketing board
风险加权的资本risk-based capital
风险加权的资本risk-weighted capital
风险加权的资本比率risk-based capital ratio
风险加权的资本比率risk-weighted capital ratio
风险调整的资产risk-adjusted asset
风险调整的资产risk-weighted asset
验数据empirical data
继续营的企业going concern
综合济账户integrated economic accounts
聚集agglomeration economies
自由济区free economic zone
自由企业free enterprise economy
范围economies of scope
西亚济社会委员会Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
西亚社会Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
西非共体Economic Community of West African States
西非济共同体West African Economic Community
西非济货币联盟West African Economic and Monetary Union
西非国家济共同体Economic Community of West African States
规模economies of scale
货币monetized economy
货币monetary economy
货币济学monetary economics
货币化monetized economy
货币化monetary economy
资深济学家Senior Economist
跨太平洋战略济伙伴关系Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership
转轨济体transition economy
转轨济体country in transition
转轨济体transition country IMF country classification
连续两次下降的济衰退double-dip recession
逆差济体deficit economies
金融financial economy
金融一体化的济体financially integrated economies
阿布扎比阿拉伯济发展基金会Abu Dhabi Fund for Arab Economic Development
阿拉伯济社会发展基金Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
阿拉伯济统一理事会Council for Arab Economic Unity
阿拉伯社发展基金Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
阿拉伯统理事会Council for Arab Economic Unity
阿拉伯非洲济发展银行Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
常性财产税nonrecurrent taxes on property
常性财产税nonrecurrent levies on property
非市场nonmarket economy
非洲济委员会Economic Commission for Africa
《非洲地区济展望》Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Economic Outlook
非现金noncash economy
顺差济体surplus economies
预期济寿命expected economic life
预期济寿命expected economic lifetime
黑色black economy