
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 经营 | all forms | in specified order only
一人经营商店one person control
专业化经营specialized operation
丧失经营能力lose ability of operating
个人经营individual operator
个体经营individual operation
个体经营individual operator
中外合作经营Chinese-foreign cooperative business operation
中等规模经营moderate scale management
为盈利而经营的保险proprietary insurance
主动经营active management
买卖经营selling operation
从事经营deal in some goods
企业经营决策business management policy-making
企业经营决策business management decision
企业经营business management right
企业信托经营business trust
优先经营priority of operation
保险市场经营insurance marketing
信托经营trust operation
借贷经营loaning operation
公司经营corporate business
共同经营joint operation
共同经营common operation
内部经营internal operation
冒险经营speculative operation
冒险经营risky operation
减产经营belt tightening management
出口经营management of export
出口产品分类经营classified operation of exports
分开经营separate operation
分散经营separate operation
副业经营sideline operation
劳务市场经营service marketing
单一经营single operation
单一经营simple operation
单一市场经营simple marketing
压缩经营费用cutting down operating expenses
合伙经营pooling of interests
合伙经营pooled interdependence
合作经营cooperative management
合作经营企业joint operating enterprise
合力经营cooperative management
合法经营rightful operation
合法经营legal operation (dealing)
合法经营lawful business
合股经营joint shareholding business
合资经营jointly operated
合资经营jointly invested operation
合资经营joint venture law
同步市场经营synchro marketing
向上经营trading up
向下经营trading down
商业经营commercial operation
商品经营commodity management
商品经营merchandise management
商品经营commodity operation
商品经营commodity dealing
商品出口经营commodity export operation
商品出口市场经营commodity export marketing
商品分类经营classified operation of commodities
商品市场经营merchandise marketing
商品期货经营commodity futures operation
国内经营home operation
国内经营internal operation
国内经营domestic operation
国内市场经营domestic marketing
国际经营业务international transaction
国际经营业务international transact business
国际经营international operator
国际化经营internationalized operation
国际市场经营策略international marketing strategy
国际租赁市场经营international leasing marketing
国际贸易经营international trade operation
国际运输经营international transport operation
地产经营land management
垄断经营monopolized operation
外汇经营foreign exchange operation
多国经营international operation
多式联运经营multimodal transport operation
多式联运经营multimodal transport operator
多目标经营multiple objective operation
多目标经营multitarget operation
多目标经营multiple goal operation
多种经营multifarious operation
多种经营multiple operation
多种经营multiple business
多种经营comprehensive operation
多种经营企业diversification consortium
多角化经营diversified business
大规模经营full scale operation
实际市场经营费用actual cost of marketing
小本经营retail operation
小本经营retail business
市场经营marketing logistics
市场经营信息marketing information
市场经营利润marketing profit
市场经营功能marketing function
市场经营受挫marketing failure
市场经营学说marketing theory
市场经营对策marketing game
市场经营工作marketing task
市场经营效率marketing efficiency
市场经营理论theory of marketing
市场经营目标marketing target
市场经营程序marketing program
市场经营程序marketing procedure
市场经营设施marketing facilities
市场经营试验marketing experimentation
市场经营部门marketing firm
市场经营部门marketing division
市场经营问题marketing problem
市场经营预测marketing forecast
市场经营风险marketing risk
库存控制经营原则inventory control operating doctrine
开始经营open business
我方冒昧向您介绍,我们经营丝绸产品,并出口欧洲和日本We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan
房地产经营realty operation
所有权与经营权分离divorce of ownership and operation
扩大经营准备金reserve for business expansion
投机经营speculative operation
投机经营speculative business
经营功能分类classification by operation functions
按业务范围分的类,按经营范围分的类classified by scope of business
按业务范围分类,按经营范围分类classification by scope of business
改变经营方向reorient operation
改善经营improvement of operation
改善经营管理improving business management
旅游经营者间直接贸易principal-to-principal trade
无差别市场经营undifferentiated marketing
无条件经营unconditional operations
无照经营unlicensed operating
时装经营fashion merchant
经营权的信托active trust
服务经营service operation
本国市场经营domestic marketing
本行业经营licensed marketing
正当经营rightful operation
特许经营franchise rights
独占,垄断,独家经营make a monopoly of all
独家经营monopoly operation
独家经营sole agency
独家经营monopolized operation
独家经营公司monopoly company
独家经营sole agent
独家经营契约monopoly contract
独家经营sole agency
独家经营sole owner
独资经营single proprietorship
独资经营personal proprietor ship
独资经营sole proprietorship
独资经营individual operation
独资经营individual operator
生产经营能力production operational capacity
盘存控制经营原则inventory control operating doctrine
目标经营management by objectives
直接经营费用direct operating costs
直接市场经营direct marketing
短期经营venture account
短期资本经营money manager
私人经营individual operation
租船经营charter operator
租赁经营leasing management
经营不善bad management
经营不振business slump
经营专业化specialization of operation
经营业务operate business
经营业绩operating performance
经营买卖operate business
经营亏损operating loss
经营亏损operating deficit
经营代理商management agent
经营企业operate business
经营低档商品增加销售量trading down
经营内容line of business
经营决策management decision
经营净利net income from operation
经营出口export operation
经营分析management analysis
经营利差running margin
经营利润profit of operation
经营利润profit from operation
经营利润profit from business
经营制度operation system
经营协议management agreement
经营单位unit of operation
经营合伙trading partnership
经营合伙人partner's in a trade
经营周期cycle of operation
经营商业operate business
经营国际化internationalization of operation
经营基金operation fund
经营science of operation
经营实力business capacity
经营实绩operating performance
经营审计operating audit
经营审计management audit
经营必须条件requisites of operation
经营成本operation costs
经营成本management costs
经营成本cost of operation
经营成果result of operation
经营成果operating results
经营成绩operational performance
经营所得proceeds of business
经营所得资金总额total fund generated from operation
经营手册operating manual
经营手续operating procedure
经营投资managing investment
经营报告operating report
经营支票贴现check reading
经营收入operating gain
经营收益operating earnings
经营收益operating receipts
经营收益gain of business
经营改进improvement of operation
经营效果managerial efficiency
经营效率efficiency of operation
经营效益operating performance
经营方式mode of operation
经营方式modality of operation
经营方案operating program
经营方案operating plan
经营方针operation policy
经营服装出口engage in garments export
经营机会opportunity for operation
经营right of operation
经营权转让transfer of operation right
经营杠杆operating leverage
经营条件condition of operation
经营模型model of management
经营步骤operating procedure
经营状况condition of operation
经营状态state of operation
经营目标object of operation
经营目标business objective
经营研究operational research
经营程序operational procedure
经营管理operation and management
经营管理决策business management decision
经营管理权business management right
经营纯亏损net operating loss
经营能力operation capacity
经营范围scale of operation
经营范围scope of operation
经营范围business scope
经营规模size of run
经营规模magnitude of operation
经营计划指标indicator of operating plan
经营许可证permit for operation
经营账户managed account
经营费用managed expenses
经营费用management expenses
经营费用managerial expenditure
经营费用working costs
经营费用working expenditure
经营费用operating expenses
经营费用managed costs
经营资本rolling capital
经营资金operating fund
经营资金management funds
经营资金容量management funds volume
经营进出口operate export and import
经营部门operating section
经营银行业务operate banking
经营雷达图radar figure of management
经营非挂牌股票市场outside market
经营项目item of business
经营项目items of business
经营项目business items
经营项目分类classification of operation items
经营预算operational budget
经营风险operating risk
经营高档商品提高利润率trading up
经营unified management
综合经营multifarious operation
综合经营comprehensive operation
联合经营joint operation
联合经营pooling of interests
联合经营collective operation
联合经营collective management
联合经营公司joint operating company
联合经营成本joint cost of operation
自由经营free management
自由经营free business
营业外经营outside ventures
营业纯利率,经营纯利率net profit rate to operation
营业经理sales manager
营销总经理general merchamdise manager (GMM)
营销经济学economics of marketing
证券经营securities operation
货币经营monetary operation
资本市场经营线capital-marketing line
越区经营的企业runaway shop
跨国经营multinational operation
跨国经营transnational operation
跨国经营international operation
跨国经营公司international operator
跨国企业经营transnational enterprise operation
跨国市场经营transnational marketing
转高档经营trade up
进出口经营import-export operation
进出口经营import-export operation right
进出口经营范围scope of export and import operation
进出口经营范围scope of export and import business
集体经营collective operation
集合经营pooling of interests
零星经营retail operation
非正当经营shady operation
风险性经营risky operation
经营标准high standard of operation
高利润经营high profit operations