
Terms containing 经济复苏 | all forms | in specified order only
fin.世界经济复苏world economic recovery
fin.世界经济复苏global economic recovery
fin.世界经济复苏势头momentum of the world economic recovery
fin.使经济复苏restart the economy
fin.全球经济增长复苏revival of global economic growth
fin.全球经济的复苏revival in the global economy
tech.周期性经济复苏cyclical economic recovery
tech.周期性经济复苏cyclic economic recovery
fin.国内经济的复苏domestic economic recovery
fin.增强经济复苏的内在动力build up the internal dynamism of economic recovery
fin.增强国际社会对世界经济复苏和发展的信心boost the confidence of the international community in global economic recovery and development
proj.manag.如果你认为标普500经济复苏后的市盈率在14至15之间、那么这个假设就有它的道理If you think a post-recovery price-earnings ratio for the S&P 500 will be something like 14 to 15, then this assumption makes sense
fin.巩固全球经济复苏strengthen the global recovery
fin.带来经济复苏bring about a recovery
fin.拉动世界经济复苏和增长的引擎engine driving world economic recovery and growth
fin.推动经济复苏的必然要求necessary requirement to promote economic recovery
fin.支持经济复苏support economic recovery
earth.sc.欧洲经济复苏委员会European Economic Recovery Committee
fin.由内需驱动的经济复苏domestic demand-led recovery
fin.确保经济复苏ensure economic recovery
fin.经济可持续复苏sustainable economic recovery
econ.经济复苏economic expansion
busin.经济复苏economic revival
busin.经济复苏cyclical recovery
interntl.trade.经济复苏economic recovery
interntl.trade.经济复苏economic resurgence
textile经济复苏economic rehabilitation
textile经济复苏economic renaissance
proj.manag.经济复苏pick up
textile经济复苏resurgence of the economy
textile经济复苏business recovery
tech.经济复苏economic revitalization
tech.经济复苏business revival
fin.经济复苏乏力的发达国家developed countries with flagging economic recoveries
IMF.经济复苏援助规划Economic Recovery Assistance Program
fin.经济复苏阶段stage of economic recovery
org.name.联合国非洲经济复苏和发展行动纲领United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development
fin.陷人停滞的经济复苏stalling economic recovery
org.name.非洲经济复苏优先方案1986-1990Africa's Priority Programme for Economic Recovery, 1986-1990