
Terms containing 终点 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.下降终止点end of descent
sport.两种计时方法均应被承认为正式计时:—手计时、—以终点摄影系统为基础的全自动计时Two alternative methods of time-keeping shall be recognised as official:— Hand timing,— Fully Automatic timing obtained from Photo Finish system
tech.中央终点central terminal station
tech.中心终点central terminal station
earth.sc.中间终点central terminal station
avia.主动段终点弹道倾角cutoff angle
avia.主动段终点质量burnout mass
tech.主动段终点燃料燃尽时的高度burn-out altitude
avia.主动段终点高度burnout altitude
avia.主动段终点高度误差burnout altitude error
tech.主要终点major terminal
tech.主要结点地面终端机major nodal earth terminal
tech.交货终点delivery terminal
tech.交通终点traffic destination
econ.交通起终点调査origin-destination survey
chem.亲馏终点distillation end point
sport.他的终点冲刺确实是了不起His final sprint was really wonderful (注释:sprint 作名词使用时主要的意义有两个。一是冲刺; 另一是短跑。具体的意义要根据它在句子中或上下文所起的作用而定。)
sport.他的终点冲刺确实是了不起His sprint at the finish was really wonderful (注释:sprint 作名词使用时主要的意义有两个。一是冲刺; 另一是短跑。具体的意义要根据它在句子中或上下文所起的作用而定。)
tech.以市中心区为终点的交通downtown terminal traffic
stat.任意终点random endpoints
tech.传输连接终端点识别器transport connection endpoint identifier
avia.信令终结点signaling end point
tech.偏移终了点号end point number of migration
tech.入口终点entrance terminal
auto.公共汽车终点bus destination stop
tech.公共汽车终点bus depot
commer.公路卡车运输终点truck terminal
avia.具有人工终点的航向heading with manual termination
avia.具有高度终点的航向heading with an altitude termination
avia.军事终点航站机动飞行区military terminal maneuvering area
avia.军事终点航站机动飞行区military terminal manoeuvring area
avia.军事终点航站飞行区military terminal movement area
avia.军事交通管理与终点航站局military traffic management and terminal service
gen.冲过抵达 终点breast the tape
sport.几乎同时到达终点blanket finish
sport.几乎同时到达终点的比赛close finish
sport.几乎同时到达终点的比赛blanket finish
tech.出口终点exit terminal
anim.husb.出料终点striking point
tech.出行终点trip destination
tech.出行终点模型trip end model
tech.分段终点位置end position of segment
tech.分车道行驶公路区段终点标志divided highway ends sign
tech.分隔公路区段终点标志divided highway ends sign
tech.分馏终点end point of fractionation
nautic., tech.到航线终点距离distance to the end along course
tech.到货终点receiving terminal
tech.到货终点receiving end
tech.到达终点destination terminal
sport.到达终点的次序order of finish
sport.到达终点线reach the finish line
tech.匝道终点ramp terminal
busin.终点市场subterminal market
tech.半圆形终点semi-circular termination (站)
construct.终点连接single-ended list
tech.终点连接表single-ended list
auto.压缩终点尚未燃烧时压力compression end pressure without combustion
auto.压缩终点尚未燃烧的温度compression end temperature without combustion
auto.压缩行程终点温度compression temperature
agric.反应终点reaction endpoint
tech.可编程序销售点终端programmable point-of-sale terminal
sport.113 号赛跑运动员在到达终点线之前身体垮下来了Runner No. 113 collapsed before reaching the finish line.
sport.8 号运动员在长跑比赛中跑得太快、他在到达终点之前虚脱了身体垮了Runner No. 8 ran too fast in the distance race, he collapsed before reaching the finish line
sport.同时到达终点game ended in a draw
sport.同时到达终点game all
tech.终点速度velocity towards destination
tech.售货点终端point-of-sale terminal
tech.商业区交通终点shopping terminal
tech.喷油终点fuel injection end
tech.固定终点时间fixed terminal time
sport.国际终点摄影裁判员International Photo Finish Judges
sport.国际终点摄影裁判员International Photo Finish Judge
tech.国际交通终点international terminal
tech.国际航空终点international terminal
tech.图的终点sink of graph
sport.在 100 米、200 米和 400 米短跑中、8 名运动员从起跑器冲岀后、沿着跑道向前飞奔、躯体必须通过终点才能获胜In 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters sprints, eight runners burst from starting blocks and run forward inside their lanes. Torso must cross the finishing line to win
终点线under the wire
sport.在径赛时决定一名参赛运动员是否到达终点取决于他的躯干的位置、而不取决于他的手臂、腿或头部的位置In track events it is the torso, not the arms, legs or head that determines when the competitor has reached the finish line
sport.在接力赛跑时、参赛队员必须在接力区内传递接力棒、任何一个跑到终点不携带接力棒的队将被取消比赛资格In relay races, the batons must be passed within a take-over zone and any team finishing without the baton will be disqualified
tech.在渠道下游终点附近near the lower end of the canal
econ.在铁路终点站交货at railhead
avia.在飞机起点和终点on-flight origin and destination
tech.城市终点city terminal
dril.增斜段终止点end of build
agric.复制终点replication end
comp.复合终端节点composite and node
auto.终点送货货物分送multiterminal delivery
econ.多用途终点multipurpose terminal
tech.多终端存取特点multiple terminal access feature
tech.多角形终点polygonal termination
busin.始发与终点线arrival and departure siding
tech.客车终点站火枢纽站limousine terminal
tech.客运终点passenger terminal building
tech.客运终点passenger terminal
tech.电车道的尽头式终点tramway dead-end terminal
tech.尽端终点stud terminal
tech.岔段终点stub terminal
tech.工作面终点face end
avia.序列航线终点end of sequential route
sport.应在比赛路线上靠近终点处设置一块显示严重警告红卡的公告牌A Warning red card Posting Board shall be placed on the course and near the finish
tech.底层终点站平台bottom terminal landing
avia.弹道终点ballistic impact
busin.抵达终点arrival at destination
gen.抵达航行终点bring up
tech.指向运输终点的运输terminal routing
tech.指定终点selection terminal
sport.接力赛跑队第四名队员要求速度快、终点冲刺能力强The fourth runner of the relay team shall be a fast runner with strong finishing power
tech.接坡终点ramp terminal
auto.内燃机放热终点heat release end
avia.断路器终点breaker end
tech.曲线终点end of curve (E.C.)
tech.曲线终点point of tangent (P. T.)
tech.曲线终点point of tangency
earth.sc.曲线终点point of tangent
tech.曲线终点end of curve
tech.曲线终点end of curve sign
tech.曲线终点curve end post
dril.曲线段终止点end of curve
nautic., tech.最终安全地点ultimate points of safety
econ.最终消费点final consumption point
avia.最终演习点end exercise point
avia.最终进场 进近定位点final approach fix (仪表进近程序的最终进近航线上的定位点或航路点,在精密进近程序中该点位于下滑道栏截点之前;若在非精密进近程序中已经指定了一个进近最后定位点,则该点就在指定的定位点之前; 如在非精密进近程序中已经指定了下阶段定位点但却未指定最后进近定位点,该点就位于所有下阶定位点之前; 在未指定进近最后定位点及下阶定位点的非精密进近程序中,该点能让飞机进行通常的着陆进近。从该定位点开始飞机要按最终仪表飞行规则“IFR ”进近到机场,而且该点还表示最终进近段的起点)
avia.最终进场进近定位点final approach fix
avia.最终进场 进近final approach point (该点仅用在未给出最后进近定位点的非精密进近中 (如在装有甚高频全向无线电信标 VOR 的机场上),此处确定飞机由程序转弯进人着陆航线的第5边并开始最后进近下降。FAP 起最后进近定位点的作用,并可以识别最后进近段的开始)
avia.最终进场进近final approach point
avia.最终进场点final approach way-point
avia.最终进近定位点右转弯final approach fix/right
avia.最终进近定位点左转弯final approach fix/left
avia.有固定航路点有人工终端的背台航道course from fixed waypoint with a manual termination
tech.未检波点线终了桩号end stake number of the last receiver line
tech.标度终点end of scale
tech.标度终点maximum scale value
tech.水运终点marine terminal
chem.永停终点dead-stop end point
tech.永停终点dead stop end point method
busin.汽油卸货铁路终点petrol railhead
busin.汽车运输终点motor freight terminal
tech.汽车运输终点trucking terminal
gen.汽车运输终点motor freight terminal
tech.泡沫终点lather end point
tech.泡沫终点foam end point
tech.浊度法终点检测nephelometric end-point detection
tech.测定终点measurement endpoint
tech.测线终点位置stopping position of survey line
tech.测量终点tie point
anim.husb.炼乳的浓缩终点striking point
tech.海运终点coast depot
tech.海运终点客运站marine terminus building
tech.海运终点marine terminal
tech.滴定终点end point of titration
anim.husb.煮沸凝结试验终点clot-on-boiling end point
tech.生物学终点biological end point
tech.生物学终点biologic end point
tech.电导终点滴定法conductometric end-point titration
tech.电车终点tramway terminal
tech.矿体终止点ore terminal
tech.破坏终点failure end point
tech.碱度终点alkalinity end-point
anim.husb.稀释终点diluting end point
tech.稀释终点dilution end point
dril.稳斜段终止点end of tangent
gen.货物空运终点air-freight terminal
commer.空运终点Air Freight Terminal
busin.空运终点枢纽站Air Freight Terminal
avia.空间终点站微波控制microwave aerospace terminal control
drag.穿过终点线cross the finish line
pigeon.race.竞翔终点home point
gen.голуб.гонк. 竞翔终点home point
tech.线路终点end of track
tech.线路终点line-end station
avia.end point
agric.终止位点terminator site
sport., med.终止位点terminator
tech.终止地点ending place
avia.终止点point of termination
tech.终止节点terminal node
chem.终沸点full boiling point (全部馏分蒸出时的温度)
earth.sc.终沸点end point
earth.sc.终沸点石油产物end boiling point
gen.【油】终沸点end point
gen.终点terminus ad quem
gen.终点tag end
agric.终点terminal point (punctum terminale)
agric.50%终点end point -50
earth.sc.终点at or to the end
econ.终点terminal node
earth.sc.终点ad finem
avia.终点termination point
tech.终点termination dead end
tech.铁路分线的终点dead end
tech.终点finishing point
econ.终点事项ending event (successor)
tech.终点交通terminal traffic
agric.终点产物end product
agric.终点产物end point product
agric.终点产物抑制end product inhibition
agric.终点产物激活end-product activation
agric.终点产物阻遏end product repression
fin.终点仓单贷款terminal warehouse receipt loans
tech.终点位置end position
tech.终点作业terminal operation
tech.终点信号terminal signal
tech.机场终点停机坪terminal apron
tech.终点停机坪terminal apron
tech.终点停止滴定法dead stop process
sport.终点冲刺make a sprint finish
sport.终点冲刺sprint for the finishing line
tech.终点冲量terminal impulse
tech.终点制动end brake
tech.终点destination zone
tech.终点压力terminal pressure
tech.终点反向进位final negative carry
tech.终点反应terminal reaction
tech.终点和距离标志destination and distance sign
tech.终点地址end address
tech.终点terminal field
busin.终点处理运输物clearance terminal
tech.终点容量terminal capacity
busin.终点市场合作社terminal market cooperative
sport.终点finishing tape
tech.终点开关terminal switch
tech.终点指挥部terminal command
tech.终点控制end point control
gen.终点提升机terminal elevator
drag.终点摄像员photo-finish operator
sport.终点摄影主裁判chief photo finish judge
sport.终点摄影助理裁判员assistant photo finish judge
sport.终点摄影机photo-finish camera
sport.终点摄影机photo finish camera
sport., med.终点摄影计时仪photochronograph at the finish
tech.终点方向及距离标志destination and distance sign
racing终点chequered flag
racing终点check flag
busin.终点时间terminal time
tech.终点时间指示器terminal-time indicator
avia.终点机场天气预报terminal aerodrome forecast
gen.终点机场导航系统terminal area navigation system
gen.终点机场监视雷达terminal area surveillance radar
tech.终点terminal rod
tech.终点条件end condition
croq.终点goal pole
tech.终点end dep
tech.终点比率法termination rate method
tech.终点气象预报terminal area forecast
tech.终点汽油end point gasoline
tech.终点油库terminal tank
tech.终点油库final tank
tech.终点油量terminal impulse
tech.终点end point method
tech.终点泵站terminal pump station
tech.终点消毒站terminal sterilization facility
tech.终点温度end point temperature
tech.终点shipping terminal
tech.终点last port
tech.终点storage port
tech.终点terminal port
port.facil.终点port terminal
agric.终点滴定end-point titration
sport.终点照片photo-finish picture
sport.终点照片photo finish picture
sport.终点照相机photo finish camera
gen.终点head sign
busin.终点状态terminal state
tech.终点环线terminal loop
gen.终点甚高频无线电全向信标terminal VHF omnirange
tech.终点电压end-point voltage
avia.终点着陆full stop landing
avia.终点着陆系统terminal landing system
anim.husb.终点碱度endpoint alkalinity
anim.husb.终点碱度terminal alkalinity
anim.husb.终点碱度end-point alkalinity
agric.终点稀释试验end-point dilution assay
gen.终点空中交通管制用半自动设备semi-automatic facility for terminal air traffic control
tech.终点突变end point mutation
agric.终点突变型end point mutant
econ.终点a station of destination
avia.终点destination station
tech.终点end bull plant
tech.终点end bull station
tech.终点end depot
tech.终点end tank farm
railw.终点end station
tech.终点stub-end station
tech.终点terminal area (机场)
tech.终点terminal station
tech.终点reversing station
busin.终'点arrival station
busin.终点terminal point
commer.终点起卸装置terminal elevation
tech.终点站候车室terminal building
tech.终点站候车室passenger terminal building
tech.终点站停车时间layover time
econ.终点站市场terminal market
tech.终点站建筑terminal building
tech.终点站建筑principal terminal building (铁路)
tech.终点站房terminal building
tech.终点站房passenger terminal building
tech.终点站房屋terminal building
adv.终点站招贴terminal poster
econ.终点站服务费terminal charge
tech.交通终点站百货商店terminal department store
tech.终点站百货商店terminal department store
tech.终点站设备terminal facility
tech.终点站通过能力terminal throughout capacity
sport.终点线标志通常是在跑道的表面上用线画出The finish line is usually marked on the surface of a running track
anim.husb.终点细胞密度与饱和密度 saturation density 同义terminal cell density
tech.终点能量end point energy
tech.终点home airport
tech.终点terminal airport
tech.终点destination airport
tech.终点end line
sport.终点裁判judge at the finish
outd.终点裁判funnel judge
sport.终点裁判员finishing line judge
sport.终点裁判员finishing line referee
sport.终点裁判员finish line referee
sport.终点裁判员finish judge
sport.终点裁判员finish line judge
sport.终点裁判员judge of the finish line
sport.终点裁判长finishing line chief referee
tech.终点装配end assemblage point
tech.终点terminal angle
gen.运动员终点计时钟time-to-go clock
port.facil.终点设备terminal facility
tech.终点设施terminal facility
chem.终点误差end point error
busin.终点货运站terminal depot
econ.终点货运费terminal charges
tech.终点起爆final mass
tech.终点转换开关travel-reversing switch
tech.终点辨认recognition of end-point
tech.终点过滤器ultimate filter
tech.终点迟滞terminal delay
gen.终点预测terminal forecast
tech.终点飞机场terminal aerodrome
tech.终点馏分end point of fraction
avia.终端会合点terminal rendezvous point
tech.终端地区弹着点terminal area impact point
busin.终端节点backend node
earth.sc.终端节点控制器terminal node controller
tech.终端触点terminal contact
securit.终结交叉点中期线下移与长期线相交之点dead cross
racing维修区通道终点end of the pit lane
avia.耐受终点tolerance end point
avia.耐受终点tolerance endpoint
econ.各种方式联运集装箱终点intermodal container terminal
busin.联运集装箱终点inter-modal container terminal
tech.航程终点point of destination
econ.航空终点airline terminal
busin.航空终点air terminal
avia.航路终点变更destination change
tech.航运终点navigation head
tech.航运终点设施ship-terminal utilities
tech.船到终点bring up
tech.船运终点shipping terminal
tech.行程终点stroke end
tech.行程终点trip end
auto.行程运行终点end of run
avia.行程终点end of run
auto.行驶终点编码器destination encoder
tech.补机牵引始终点helper station
tech.设计终点end of design
tech.评价终点assessment endpoint
tech.贝氏体转变终了点bainite finish point
dril.货运终点freight terminal
tech.货运终点cargo terminal
tech.货运终点loading terminal
tech.货运终点cargo-handling terminal
sport.赛跑运动员向终点线全力冲刺The runners dashed to the finishing line (注释:dash 作名词使用时的主要意思有两个,一是冲刺,另一是短跑。具体的意思要根据它在上下文所起的作用而定)
auto.赛车道终点end of track
earth.sc.赤道地球终点Equator Earth terminal
tech.终点调查origin-destination survey
tech.终点调查origin-destination study
earth.sc.起点 /终点origin/destination
sport.起点与终点线start and finish line
auto.起点到终点origin to destination
auto.起点线与终点线start and finish line
tech.路线终点termination of railway
tech.路线终点end of route
tech.路线终点end of railway
tech.车速限制区终点标志end speed zone sign
tech.输油终点terminal station
tech.过滤终点filtration end point
econ.运往终点be sent to the railhead
tech.运油车的终点bulk-oil terminal
agric.运行终点run end-point
tech.运行终点end of run
tech.运货汽车终点truck terminal
tech.运货汽车终点lorry terminal
econ.运输终点shipping terminal
tech.运输终点transport terminal activity
tech.运输终点transportation terminal
econ.运输管道终点pioneer terminal
sport.这位赛跑运动员接近终点时最后冲刺The runner spurted as he approached the finishing line
sport.这位长跑运动员跑到终点时吃力地喘气The runner was breathing hard when he finished the long distance race
tech.进口终点entrance terminal
tech.连接终点connection terminal
tech.连接终点connection endpoint
avia.连接终端点connection terminal point
avia.通用航空终点general aviation terminal
tech.通航终点head of navigation
tech.通道终结点path termination point
dril.造斜终点end of kick off
dril.造斜终点水平位移end of kick-off horizontal course
dril.造斜终点视深度end of kick-off apparent depth
dril.造斜段终点end of build
tech.道路终点枢纽terminal interchange
tech.遮光栅终点end of sun screen
tech.醇解终点end point of alcoholysis
econ.铁路终点railway of destination
tech.铁路终点end of track (站)
tech.铁路终点railroad terminal (站)
tech.铁路终点rail terminal (站)
tech.铁路终点railway terminal (站)
tech.铁路终点end of railway (站)
econ.铁路终点交货at railhead
tech.铁路终点储备的物品railhead reserves
tech.铁路终点railroad terminal
tech.铁路终点terminal railway station
econ.铁路终点railway terminal
tech.铁路终点dead-ended railroad station
busin.铁路终点站交货at railhead
tech.铁路到港口的终点railroad connection
econ.铁路线的终点railhead (或起点)
avia.链路终接点link terminating point
fin.销售点终端point of sales
busin.销售点终端机point of sale terminal
tech.销售点终端机point-of-sale terminal
tech.销货点终端机point-of-sale terminal
AI.非终叶节点non-terminal node
avia.飞越终点destination over fly
tech.首检波点线终了桩号end stake number of the first receiver line
tech.马氏体转变终止点martensite finishing point
tech.马氏体转变终止点martensite finish point
tech.高终沸点high end point
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