
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
世界旅游和汽车组World Touring and Automobile Organization
世界知识产权组发展工业产权合作常设规划署WIPO Permanent Programme for Development Co-operation Related to Industrial Property
中国纺品进出口公司China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation
亚非经济合作组Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation
产品设计组organization for product design
产油国家联盟组Organization for Petroleum Producing Countries
人造及合成纤维纺artificial and synthetic fibres textile products
传统的民族手工艺纺traditional folklore handicraft textile product
信托组储蓄银行协会T.S.B. A trustee savings banks association
公司组细则corporate bylaw
功能式销售组functional type sales organization
劳工組labour organization
各级负责和职员负责混合式的销售组line and staff type of sales organization
商业组commercial organization
商会之组organization of the chamber of commerce
固定信托组fixed trust
国货币基金组international monetary fund
国际事业部组结构international division structure
国际劳工组International Labor Organization
国际同盟产销组international cartel
国际新闻组international press organization
国际标准化组集装箱ISO container
国际棉品贸易协定Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles
国际棉纺品贸易长期安排Long Term Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Cotton Textile
国际民用航空组International Civil Aviation Organization
国际民航组International Civil Aviation Organization
国际海事协商组Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
国际能源组International Energy Agency Program
国际货币基金组协定agreement of IMF
国际货币基金组协定条款第二次修正案Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the IMF
国际货币基金组总裁IMF managing director chairman
国际货币基金组执行董事会IMF board of executive directors
国际货币基金组提款权drawing rights of IMF (International Monetary Fund)
国际货币基金组活动IMF jargon
国际货币基金组理事会IMF board of governors
国际货币基金组的《国际金融统计档案》IMPS International Financial Statistics IES File
国际通讯组international communications organization
多种业务的联合销售组umbrella joint-marketing organization
尼龙与nylon & fabrics
工业组organization of industry
工厂效率和组能力plant efficiency and the institutional capability
按工种组的工会craft union
按码出售的yard goods
政府间商品专门组specialized intergovernmental commodity organization
政府间海事协商组简称海协Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
政府间海事协商组公约international maritime consultative organization conventions
政府间海事协商组公约Convention of the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization
政府间组inter-governmental organizations
有组市场organized market
有组的劳工organized labor
有组的证券交易所organized security exchanges
根据国际货币基金组规定的国际收支表balance of payments according to IMF formula
woven cotton fabries
棉纺品协定cotton textile agreement
欧洲合作与发展组Organization for European Cooperation and Development
欧洲经济合作组Organization for European Economic Cooperation
欧洲经济合作组委员会Council for the Organization for European Economic Cooperation
欧洲货币合作基金组European Monetary Cooperation Fund
消费国联合组common organization of consuming countries
混合组amalgamation (consolidation)
混纺毛wool blended products
生产者联合组producer's association
石油组petroleum organization
石油输出国家组Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
国际或联合国粮食农业组International Food and Agriculture Organization
联合国粮食农业组Food and Agriculture Organization
品监视机构textiles surveillance body ISB
organization man
价值organization value
商行的方法method of organizing business house
委员会Council for the Organization
成长与发展organization growth and development
的域员member of an organization
革新organization renewal
袜业stocking weaving
经济合作及开发组的工商业顾问委员会Business and industry advisory committee to the OECD
经济合作发展组Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济合作开发组Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济组economic organization
综合承包经营组qualified general contracting organization
联合国工业发展组工发组织United Nations Industrial Development Organization
联合国工业发展组UN Industrial Development Organization
联合国工发组总信托基金UNIDO Central Trust Fund
联合国粮农组联合管理处Joint United Nations/FAD Administrative Unit
联合国粮食及农业组粮农组织United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization
联合国组UND United Nations Organizations
联合国贸易组International Trade Organization
股份公司内部组章程statute of association
英国出口贸易研究组British Export Trade Research Organization
货币基金组中自动份额automatic IMF tranche
货源组arrangement of shipment
购买组purchasing organization
贸易合作组organization for trade cooperation
采购组purchasing organization
品,knit goods
衣物netted apparel
销售组和销售力量organization and sale force
阿拉伯石油输出国组Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting (Countries)
阿拉伯石油输出国组Organization of the Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
阿拉伯石油输出国组Organization of Arabian Petroleum Exporting Countries
零售组retailing organizations
非盈利组non-profit organization