
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
七向碳-碳纤维7D C-C weave
三向碳-碳纤维3-D C-C weave
三维编three-dimensional braiding
世界空间组World Space Organization
世界贸易组World Traditional Organization
东南亚条约组Southeast Asia n Treaty Organization
东非共同事务组East Africa Common Services Organization
乙烯醇vinyl and fabric
亚太电信组Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
亚太空间合作组Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organization
亚太空间多边合作组Asia-Pacific Multilateral Cooperation in Space
亚太空间技术和应用多边合作组Asia-Pacific Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology & Applications
亚太经济合作组Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
亚洲太平洋地区电信组Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
状水系anastomosing drain age pattern
interlaced code
以信元为基础的交算法cell-based interleaving algorithm
伪装camouflage fabric
免疫组immune organ (实现免疫功能的)
全俄国际空间通信组MOKS (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
六向碳-碳纤维6D C-C weave
分组交packet interleaving
包晶组peritectic structure (合金中的)
匕大西洋公约组一体化通信系统管理局NATO Integrated Communications System Management Agency
北大西洋公约组Organisation du Traite de l'Atlantique Nord
北大西洋公约组保养供应组织NATO Maintenance and Supply Organization (为导弹、飞机等提供零件与勤务)
北大西洋公约组军事指挥、控制与情报系统NATO military command, control and information system
北大西洋公约组/军事标准化机构North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Military Agency for Standardization
北大西洋公约组卫星通信NATO satellite communications (系统)
北大西洋公约组导弹发射场NATO missile firing installation (克里特岛)
北大西洋公约组指挥、控制与情报系统NATO command, control and information system
北大西洋公约组海麻雀水面导弹系统NATO Sea Sparrow surface missile system
北大西洋公约组生产与后勤组织NATO Production and Logistics Organizations
北大西洋公约组电子战咨询委员会NATO Electronic Warfare Advisory Committee
北大西洋公约组科学委员会NOTO Science Committee
北大西洋公约组管理局NATO Management Agency
北大西洋公约组陆军顾问团NATO Army Advisory Group
北大西洋公约组霍克导弹生产与后勤组织NATO Hawk Production and Logistics Organization
北约组Organisation du Traite de l'Atlantique Nord (法文)
单丝连续编continuous monofilament, braided
印度空间航天研究组Indian Space Research Organization
印度空间研究组Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
印度空间研究组卫星中心ISRO Satellite Center (ISAC)
印度空间研究组惯性系统研究所Inertial Systems Unit
印度空间研究组测控网络ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Comma nd Network (ISTRAC)
印度空间研究组遥测、跟踪和控制网ISRO's telemetry, tracking and command network
卷积交convolutional interleaving
四向碳-碳纤维4D C-C weave
国家太空组National Space Organization (中国台湾的航天计划主管机构)
国家电信组OTE (希腊文缩写的音译)
国家长途通信组Arento National Telecommunications Organization (埃及)
国防科学技术组Department of Defence Science & Technology Organization (澳大利亚)
国际安全信息业务组International Security Information Service
国际小型卫星组International Small Satellite Organization
国际广播和电视组International Broadcasting Television Organization
国际标准化组International Standards Organization
国际标准化组Organisation Internationale de Normalisation (法文)
国际气象组International Meteorological Organization (联合国,已改名为 WMO)
国际法定计量学组Organisation Internationale de la Metrologie Legale (法文)
国际海事卫星组International Maritime Satellite (Organization)
国际电信卫星组International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
国际空间站组International Space Station Organization
国际空间通信组International Organization for Space Communications
国际空间通信组International Organization of Space Communications (Intersputnik)
国际通信卫星组International Telecommunication Satellite Consortium
国际通信卫星组International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Intelsat)
埃及军事工业化组Egyptian Military Industrialization Organization
多层斜纹biased fabric (多层中有一层或几层为斜纹)
多相组polyphase structure
太阳观测联合组Joint Organization for Solar Observation
已改名为国际移动卫星组International Maritime Satellite (Organization)
带状组banded structure (金相学的)
平纹plane weave
微细组fine texture
扭变角distorted-angle fabric
物重量on weight of fabric
政府间海事咨询组Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (联合国,已改名 IMO)
数据处理业务组协会Association of Data Processing Service Organization
无纺nonwoven fabric
日本通信促进组Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan
条令、组、战术、装备和后勤doctrine, organization, tactics, materiel, and logistics
条令、组、训练、装备、后勤、人员和设施doctrine, organization, training, materiel, logistics, personnel, and facilities
极化交polarization interleaving
柱状组columnar structure (金相学的)
核能生产国组Organization of Nuclear Energy Producers
欧洲卫星利用控制组Eucosat European Control by Satellite (欧洲非赢利性国际组织)
欧洲卫星发射组European Satellite Launching Organization
欧洲卫星咨询组European Satellite Consulting Organisation
欧洲卫星咨询组European Satellite Consulting Organization (ESCO)
欧洲宇宙研究组Organisation européenne de recherches spatiales (法文)
欧洲安全与合作组Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
欧洲气象卫星组Eumetsat European Meteorological Satellite Organization
欧洲气象卫星组European Meteorological Satellite Organization
欧洲气象卫星组European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
欧洲气象卫星组极轨卫星系统EUMETSAT polar system
欧洲空间研究组European Space Research Organization
欧洲空间研究组卫星European Space Research Organization
欧洲航天空间标准化合作组European Corporation for Space Standardization
欧洲航天发射器组European Space Lauricher Organization
欧洲辐射燃料化学处理组European Organization for the Chemical Processing of Irradiated Fuels
欧洲运载器发展组European Launcher Development Organization
欧洲通信卫星组Eutelsat European Telecommunications Satellite Organization
欧洲通信卫星组European Telecommunications Satellite Organization
欧洲通信卫星组European Communication Satellite Organization
欧洲通信卫星组卫星Eutelsat European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (欧洲通信卫星组织经营的地球静止轨道区域通信卫星系列)
比特交奇偶检验bit interleaved parity
比特交调制bit interleaved modulation
涂铝aluminized fabric
澳大利亚国家航空航天组Australian National Aerospace Organization
热编thermal braid (用高热导率材料编织成的具有一定柔性的部件)
片层状组lamellar structure (合金中的复相组织)
牛物技术工业组Biotechnology Industry Organization (美国生物技术贸易联合会)
玛瑙国家企业组GPO Agat (俄罗斯,研究航天经济)
环向纤维编circumferential fiber weaving
球状组globular structure (粒状组织)
生产检查、组和性能监控技术production reviewing, organization and monitoring of performance techniques
生物信息处理组biological information processing organization
电视标准咨询组television advisory standard organization
矩阵型组matrix organization
碳纤维物增强材料carbon fibre reinforced material
空军空间与导弹系统组Air Force Space and Missile System Organization
空间研究和遥感组Space Research and Remote Sensing Organisation (孟加拉国)
等粒状组equigranular texture
粗晶组coarse grained structure
粮食与农业组Food and Agriculture Organization (联合国)
精密组fine texture
系统操作组system operation organization
中毒性缺氧histotoxic hypoxia
中毒性缺氧histotoxic anoxia
分解结构organization breakdown structure
协同organizing coordination
原则organizational principle
性缺氧tissue hypoxia
效能organization efficiency
tissue fluid
缺氧histogenic hypoxia
女号运载火箭launch vehicle vettore europeo di generazione avanzata
texture (多晶体金属中)
物增强氯丁橡胶囊fabric-reinforced neoprene bladder (液浮喷管的)
物密度fabric count
物结构fabric construction
物透气量fabric porosity (降落伞伞衣的)
物透气量cloth permeability (降落伞伞衣的)
织物的selvedge (selvage)
防火处理的Z-treated wool
综合空间组Integrated Space Cell (印度)
缎纹satin weave
knitted fabrics
复合材料braided composite
工艺knit process
电缆braided cable
碳/碳喷管weaving carbon /carbon nozzle
网状组net structure (金相学的)
耐酸acid-proof fabric
联合国停战监督组United Nations Truce Supervisory Organization
联合国教科文组United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
联邦科学与工业研究组Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO, 澳大利亚)
联邦科学与工业研究组地球观测中心CSIRO Earth Observation Center (EOC, 澳大利亚)
联邦科学与工业研究组通信与工业物理部CSIRO Telecommunications &Industrial Physics (澳大利亚)
联邦科学和工业研究组Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (澳大利亚)
脉冲交pulse interlacing (卫星通信中的一种时分多路复用过程)
自组self organization
自组self-organization layer
自组控制器self organizing controller
自组self-organizing machine
自组特征映射self-organizing feature map
自组现象self-organization phenomena
自组程序self-organizing program
自组系统self organizing system
自组网络ad-hoc network
自组计算机self-organizing computer
自组设备self-organizing equipment
航天与导弹系统组space and Missile Systems Organization (美国空军武器系统研究部)
航天与导弹系统组Space and Missile Systems Organization (美国空军武器系统研究部的)
航天与导弹试验组Space and Missile Test Organization
航空空间遥感发展联合组Groupement pour le développement de la télédétection aérospatiale (法国,法文)
荷兰工业空间组Netherlands Industrial space Organisation
荷兰工业空间组Netherlands Industrial Space Organization
荷兰空间研究组Stichting Ruimteonderzoek Nederland
荷兰空间研究组Space Research Organization Netherlands (SRON)
营救组rescue organization
表数据组和化简table data organization and reduction
质量保证组quality assurance organization
造型shaped fabric
针状组acicular structure (金相中的)
阿拉伯卫星通信组Arab Satellite Telecommunication Organization
阿拉伯卫星通信组Arab Satellite Communication Organization
阿拉伯卫星通信组Arab Satellite Communications Organization (ARABSAT)
阿拉伯工业化组Arab Organization for Industrialization
非政府组机构nongovernmental organization
非洲区域卫星通信组Rascom Regional African Satellite Communications Organization
非洲区域卫星通信组卫星Regional African Satellite Communication Organization (通信卫星)
非洲地区性卫星通信组Regional African Satellite Communications Organization (RASCOM)
面向算题语言的组程序problem-oriented language organizer
项目型组project organization
顺序文件组sequential file organization
预浸渍玻璃纤维preimpregnated glass fabric
魏氏组Widmanstatten structure (金相学中的)