
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
上海销售会组得非常有成效The sales conference in Shanghai was organized very efficiently
专业化组机构specialized institutional framework
专业组professional association
世界经济组World Economic Organization
世界贸易的组与形态composition and pattern of world trade
业务组work organization
业务组形式a form of business organization
品的销路很好而且日趋扩大There is a great and growing market for our silk manufactures
中国纺品在国外受到越来越多的消费者欢迎Chinese dry goods have enjoyed growing favour among end-users abroad
中国纺品在国外受到越来越多的消费者欢迎Chinese dry goods have enjoyed growing favor among end-users abroad
中国纺品进岀口总公司China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation
中美洲国家组Organization of Central American States
事务组functional control
互助组beneficial association
互助组a beneficial association
互济组mutual aid association
亚太地区能源研究咨询组Asian and Pacific Energy Studies Consultative Group
亚洲经济合作组Organization for Asian Economic Cooperation
亚非经济合作组Asia-Africa Organization on Economic Cooperation
交换价格情报组open price association
产业组industrial organization
他们公司有一个汽车合用组Their company has a car pool
他们大量购买羊毛、毛品及此类商品They purchased wool, woolen fabrics and kindred articles in great quantities
他们是棉品出口商,已经经营了约20年They are exporters of cotton goods, having a business background of some 20 years
他现在是中国一家纺品公司驻北美的代理He now represents a Chinese textile firm in North America
他的公司只是一个毒品贩卖组的掩护机构His company is only a front for a drugs organization
企业中的单层管理组flat organization
企业组形式form of enterprise organization
企业组law of business organization
企业组的类别type of business organization
企业联合组undertaking syndicate
伊斯兰国家会议组Organization of the Islamic Conference
伙伴组associative organization
会计事务管理组accounting departmentalization
伞式组umbrella organization
信托组储蓄银行Trustee Savings Bank
信托组储蓄银行协会Trustee Savings Banks Association
信贷组credit facility
信贷组creditor debtor organization
健全的推销组a well-developed sales organization
全球性混合组globe wide mixed organization
内部审计组organization of internal audit
农业生产的组形式farm pattern
农场组farm organization
分部组divisionalized organization
分配组distribution organization
日本制成品进口促进组Manufactured Imports Promotion Organization
加人世贸组entry into WTO
加人世贸组accession to WTO
动力布机power loom
动态性组dynamic organization chart
劳动组job engineering
劳动组job management
劳动组human engineering
劳动组法研究methods study
化工及其他部门的工会组国际联合会International Federation of Chemical and General Worker's Unions
区域发展合作组Regional Cooperation for Development
G-10十国财团组Group of Ten
半合作组semi-cooperative organization
伊拉克南部石油组southern petroleum organization
原料生产国组raw material producer's organizations
各级负责与职员负责混合式销售组line and staff type of sales organization
合作事业组cooperative business association
合作组cooperative association
合作组co-operative organization
合法组legal entity
合理的劳动组methods engineering
合资企业与其他经济组的合并merger of the joint venture with other economic organization
商品交易所的清算组clearing organization of commodity exchange
商品联合组commodity association
国营贸易组state trading organization
国际商品组International Commodity Organization
国际垄断组international monopolies
国际工会组international trade union organization
9000 国际标准化组 9000ISO
国际标准化组品质管理与品质保证标准ISO 9000 Series
国际标准化组技术委员会International Standard Organization/Technical Committee
国际标准化组推荐标准International Standardization Organization/Recommendation
国际标准化组推荐草案ISO Draft Proposal
国际标准化组标志代号ISO Marking Codes
国际标准化组集装箱International Standard Organization container
国际标准化组集装箱规格ISO container
国际民航组派出的北大西洋气候观测船weather ship
国际纺品贸易协定multi-Fiber Arrangement
国际纺品贸易协定textiles (MFA)
国际纺品贸易协定Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles (1974年以后)
国际纺贸易安排a multifibre arrangement
国际组International Organization (IOs or IN-TORGs)
国际货币基金组International Monetary Fund (联合国)
国际货币基金组中自动份额automatic IMF tranche
国际货币基金组成员国的配额quota system
联合国国际货币基金组的黄金份额购买权gold tranche position in International Monetary Fund
国际通信卫星组International Communications Satellite Organization (Intelsat)
国际金融组International Finance Corporation
地方的纺品市场local cloth hall
垂直部门式组line organization
外国人对国内联合劳动组投资法the law of Investments of Resources of Foreign Persons in Domestic Organizations of Associated Labour
大公司组large company organization
套汇联合组arbitrage syndicate
如果你方对新型毛品需要不急,也许我们在下一个月可以接受你方订单If you are in no haste for the new-type woolens, perhaps we can accept your order in the next month
安第斯条约组又称安第斯集团,其成员国为:拉丁美洲的秘鲁、委内瑞拉、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、玻利维亚Andean Group
安第斯条约组又称安第斯集团,其成员国为:拉丁美洲的秘鲁、委内瑞拉、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、玻利维亚Andean Pact Organization
安第斯条约组Andean Pact Organization
工业与组心理学会Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
工业组原理principles of industrial organization
工业组的特性aspect of industrial organization
工业组经济学economics of industrial organization
工会组labour union law
工作组job engineering
巨型纺集团a mammoth textile group
已经组化的企业an organized concern
布匹物类dry goods
慈善组事业charity organization work
我们与纺业的主要经销商联系得非常好We are well connected with major dealers in the line of textiles
我方的棉品出口业务经营管理良好Our export business in cotton goods is managed and operated under a satisfactory condition
托拉斯组协定a trust agreement
技术改造项目组实施implementation of projects of technological transformation
按制造阶段型组organization by stage of manufacture
按制造阶段组organization by stage of manufacture
按定员定额组生产arrange production according to a fixed number of workers and fixed quotas
政府间海事协商组inter-government Maritime Consultative Organization
日本外贸组Japan External Trade Organization
NATO 是北大西洋公约组的缩写NATO is the abbreviation of North Atlantic Treaty Organization
有组的企业an organized concern
有组的信贷市场organized credit market
有组的市场an organized market
有组的犯法organized crime
有组的管理organized administration
核算组the accountancy organization
manchester goods
英国Manchester goods
亚麻、丝、 毛cotton fabrics (linen, silk, woolen)
棉纺业国际联合会International Federation of Cotton and Allied Textile Industries
欧洲专利组European Patent Organization
欧洲检测和鉴定组、欧洲检验与认证组织European Organization for Testing and Certification
欧洲经济合作与发展组的资本移动自由化法规Code of Liberalization of Capital Movements
欧洲经济合作组Organization for European Econ omic Cooperation
欧洲经济合作组European Economic Cooperation Organiztion
欧洲经济合作组石油应急小组Organization for European Economic Cooperation Petroleum Emergency Group
欧洲经济合作组石油应急小组OEEC Petroleum Emergency Group
欧洲质量控制组European Organization for Quality Control
soft goods
民间组a non-official organization
沙特阿拉伯标准化组Saudi Arabian Standards Organization
消费者组consumer organization
消费者组consumer’s organization
混纺the blend fabric
现场采购组field procurement organization
生产组industrial engineering
生产组management engineering
生产组production engineering (包括核算和管理)
生产组productive organization
由于组或技术原因造成停工waiting time
目前市场上的棉品供应过剩There is a glut of cotton goods in the market at present
目前我们亚麻品备货充足At present, we have enough stock of linen fabrics
直线领导制组line policy
石油价格的下降对石油组国家的经济造成了显著的影响The decrease of petrol price has a marked influence on the economy of OPEC countries
石油工业国家培训组Petroleum Industry National Training Organization
石油工业服务组Petroleum Industry Response Organization
社会组fabric of society
科学研究组research engineering
租船和船东组公会Conference of Chartering and Shipowning Organization
空间组spatial associations
符合取得减税条件的组eligible organization
管理和组的行为management and organizational behavior
联合国粮食与农业组UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
联合国粮食与农业组Food and Agriculture Organization
the textile goods
美国dry goods
品产销计划projected production and sale of textiles
部长Minister of Textile Industry
职能式、区域型organization by (function, location)
organize (起来)
关系organizational relations
分析与规划organizational analysis and planning
功能organic functions
单位organization unit
发展专家organizational development specialist
发展工作者organization development practitioner
发展工作者development practitioner
各企业"一条龙"的协作生产organize various specialized corporations for streamlined production
和方法分析an organization and method analysis
和管理organization and management
美国大纲articles of incorporation
organization theory
效率研究organizational effectiveness study
条例regulations governing the organization
条例organic rules
organizational law
constituent instrument
法案an organic act
的精神esprit de corps
章程the memorandum and article of association
结构organization structure
企业等的结构图organization plan
能力the organizational ability
行为的习惯形态habitual pattern of organizational behavior
organization tax
欧洲经济合作与发展组Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济合作与发展组的开发中心Development Center of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济合作与开发组Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济联合组应收款internal receivables among affiliated units
经营管理组managerial organization
综合组umbrella organization
美国州际清算基金组Interdistrict Settlement Fund
职能化组a functionalized organization
职能型组方式function type organization
联合国粮农组Food and Agriculture Organization
联合组委员会Joint Organizing Committee
自愿组a voluntary society
自由形式的组结构free-form organization structure
英国劳埃德保险业组Corporation of Lloyd's
行业联合组trade combines
管理七职能计划、组、人事、措挥、协调、报吿、预算Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, Budgeting
计划、组、人员配备、指挥、协调、报告和预算七项管理职能planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting
计算机业的雇员少于纺业的雇员There are less people employed in computers than in textiles
财政组fiscal organization
资本的组结构organic composition of capital
资源之组organizing of resources
软货物非耐用品,纺soft goods (nondurable goods)
这个新建立的组将持续存在6 年The organization founded shall continue for a period of six years
这批纺品包装不良可能是被驳回的原因Inferior packing of the textiles may be the cause for rejection
这批纺品必须在许可证期满前运到The dry goods must arrive before the expiration of the licence
部门化事业组divisionalized organization
部门组细则department write-ups
部门财力组departmental financial organization
hosiery trade
钩编fancy work
银行团组协定syndicate agreement
阿拉伯标准与计量组Arabian Standard & Measurement Organization
阿拉伯石油输出国组Arab Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
雇主组employer’s organization
非一亚亚非经济合作组Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation
非公司工商业组收入the unincorporated business income
非政府组机构non-governmental organizations
非洲石油组African Petroleum Organization
非组的信贷市场non-organized credit market
非营利组a non-profit organization
项目管理组Project Management Organization