
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
联合国世界贸易组Organisation Mondiale du Commerce
东南亚区域合作组South-East Asia Regional Cooperation
东洋纺公司Toyobo Co., Ltd. (1914)
silk stuff
两线式销售组line and staff type of sales (一线营业,二线策划)
中国纺品进出口总公司China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation
中国纺品进岀口总公司China National Textiles Import & Export Corporation
事业部组division organization
亚非经济合作组Afro-Asian for Economic Cooperation
企业综合组系统图表combination chart (包括:(投资项目)组织系统图 (structural chart), 职掌图(functional chart), 人员编制图 (position chart))
其它贸易组缩写为ATOalternative trade organization
出口信贷与信贷担保组Group on Export Credits and Credit Guarantees
原料生产国组raw materials producers' organization
国际咖啡组Organisation Internationale du Cafe
国际咖啡组International Organization of Coffee
国际最高审计组International Organization of Supreme Audit Institution
国际纺品协定International Textile Agreement
国际货币基金组亦缩为 IMFInternational Monetary Fund
国际货币基金组年会IMF Annual Meeting
国际货币基金组执行理事会IMF Board of Executive Directors
国际货币基金组特别提款权IMF special drawing rights
国际货币基金组IMF 的信贷份额credit tranche
国际货币基金组规定的黄金份额gold tranche
国际贸易发展组International Trade Development Organization
国际贸易组Organisation Internationale du Commerce
联合国国际贸易组International Trade Organization
国际贸易组宪章Charter for International Trade Organization
国际运输组International Transport Organization
国际邮政、电报与电话组Post, Telegraph and Telephone International
国际黄金平准组Gold Pool
美国布匹或线毛dry goods
应征的纺品税a duty chargeable on textile
我们是经营纺品的主要商号Ours is an important firm dealing in textile fabric
我们的一位客户打算递送一份购买中国纺品的大订单One of our clients contemplates placing a large order for Chinese textiles
我们经营纺Our business is dealing in textile
我们经营纺品出口业务We are engaged in the export of textiles
我方仅限于经营纺品业务Our activities are confined to the textile line
联合国政府间海事协商组Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization
政府间海事协商组Intergovernment Maritime Consultative Organization
整体化组integrative organization
易燃物法Flammable Fabric Act
有组的市场organized market (包括:拍卖 (auction)、 商品交易所 (commodity exchange)、以及有组织的金融市场 (organized financial market))
有组的金融市场organized financial market (指外汇市场 (foreign exchange market),证券交易所 (stock exchange))
欧洲运输组Organization des Transports Européens
品 羊毛wool fabrics
品 羊毛woolens
品零售商woolen draper (店)
woolen fabric
线wool fabrics
法人组body corporate
直线式组line organization
直线指挥与专职谋划式组line and staff organization
直线指挥与专职谋划式组line and functional organization
石油输出国组1960 年Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
粮农组物价指数FAO price index
粮农组茶叶综合价格tea composite price
粮农组茶叶综合价格FAO tea composite price
figured silk
印花textile printing
textile fabric
品原料实行配给Textile materials were put on allocation
品市场趋势难以确定The trend of the textile market is hard to determine
品、成衣及鞋类textile, clothing, footware
国际纺织品委员会品监视机构Textile Surveillance Body
工人cotton spinner
层次level of organization
模型model of organization
结构图structural chart
结构图organization structure chart
职位图organization position chart
职能图organization functional chart
textile fabric
经济合作与发展组Organisation de Cooperation et de Developement Economique
经济合作与发展组组织原则DECD Guideline
美国经济合作组Economic Cooperation Organization
综合性组integrative organization
美洲经济合作组Organización Interamericana de Cooperación Economica
联合国工业合作组United Nations Industrial Cooperative Organization
联合的组integrated organization
行业组trade organization
计划,组,人事,指挥,协调,报告,预算七项管理职能planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting
联合国贸易合作组Organization for Trade Cooperation
阿拉伯联盟组Organization of Arab League
鞋袜类foot wear