
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
不褪色纺wash goods
严密组compact organization
个人与组结合integrating the individual and the organization
中间技术开发组intermediate technology development organization
事业部管理组divisional management organization
事业部组divisional organization
互助组mutual aid organization
互助组mutual aid team
互助组benefit association
亚非经济合作组AFRASEC Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Co-operation
intersection graph
intersection diagram
产业组关系industrial organizational relation
产品型组product organization
产品型组形式product form of organization
产品组原则principles of organization by product
代加工造厂commission weaver
任意型组free-form organization
任意型组结构free-form organization structure
企业组organization of enterprise
企业组体制form of business organization
企业组改善constitutional improvement
企业组模式model of enterprise organization
企业组特性characteristics of enterprise organization
企业组类型type of business organization
企业组结构organizational structure of enterprise
企业组部门department of enterprise organization
会计专业组accounting professional organization
会计管理组organization of accounting control
—体化组integrative organization
作业组organization for operation
保健组health maintenance organization
借贷组creditor-debtor organization
借贷组credit-debtor organization
健全推销组well-developed sales organization
健全的推销组well-developed sale organization
健全组机构十诫ten commandments of good organization
偿还国际货币基金组证券基金fund for redemption of International Monetary Fund securities
储蓄运作组savings practice organization
全球性混合组global wide mixed organization
公司组形式company organization form
公司组机构变更alteration of company's organization
公司组模式company organization model
公司组细则corporate by-laws
公司组结构:公司组成company formation
内部控制组organization chart for internal control
内部牵制组internal restraint organization
内部牵制组internal mutual-checking organization
出售白色如被褥、 床单、枕套等商品white sale
分权管理组decentralized organization
分权管理组decentralized management organization
分配组distribution organizations
利润中心组profit center organization
动态组dynamical organization chart
动态组dynamic organization chart
单层式组flat organization
卡特尔式组cartel-type organization
古典组模式classical organization model
古典组模式classical model of organization
各级组different levels of organization
合伙组清理partnership liquidation
合伙组特质partnership characteristics
合作组cooperative organization
同业组business leagues
商业组business organization
商业自愿组非法人voluntary association
商会组organization of the chamber of commerce
商品交易所清算组clearing organization of commodity exchange
喷水water jet loom
国际咨询组organization of international consultancy
国际商业组International Organization for Commerce
国际标准化组信息委员会ISO committee on information
国际标准化组信息网络ISO information network
国际标准化组标志代号ISO marking code
国际标准化组的规格ISO standards
国际标准化组网便览汇编ISONET thesauri concordance
国际标准化组网指南ISONET guide
国际标准化组网汇编ISONET thesaurus
国际标准化组网目录ISONET directory
国际标准化组网章程ISONET constitution
国际标准化组网细则ISONET manual
国际货币基金组1945 年 12月成立,其宗旨一是促进国际贸易平衡发展,二是促进国际汇兑稳定。事实上是迫使其它国家废除外汇管制,取消进口限制,有利发达国家。日常工作由董事会处理。现拥有130多个会员国International Monetary Fund
国际货币基金组信贷IMF credit
国际货币基金组研究部市场物价指数IMF research department index of market prices
国际货币基金组粮食贷款基金Food Facility (IMF)
国际货币基金组贷款loan to the International Monetary Fund
国际货币组international monetary organization
国际贸易组机构international trade organization
国际贸易组临时委员会Interim Commission for the International Trade Organization
国际贸易组宪章Charter for International Trade Organization (1948)
国际金融组international financial organization
地区性组geographical organization
地区性组geographic organization
地区维修组area maintenance organization
垂直参谋组line and staff organization
垂直参谋组系统line and staff organization system
垂直参谋组结构line and staff organization structure
垂直式组vertical organization
垂直式组line organization
垂直职员式编制组line and staff type of organization
垂直职员式销售组line and staff type of sales organization
垂直职能组line functional organization
垄断投标组tendering ring
垄断组竞争competition amongst monopoly groups
基层组grass-roots organization
复合组composite organization
外勤组field organization
多种业务的联合营销组umbrella joint-marketing organization
多维组multidimensional organization
官僚制组bureaucratic organization
官僚组形式bureaucratic form of organization
封闭式组机构closed organization
尼龙涂层Nylon Coated Fabric
居间商业组intermediate commercial organization
工业组特性characteristics of industrial organization
工业组特性aspect of industrial organization
工作组work organization
工厂布置各部门职能组organization of the plant layout function
工艺对象组原则principles of organization by process
布疋及毛物等商品dry goods
应变组contingency organization
应变组设计contingency organizational design
建立组机构formulate the organization structure
建筑施工组与设计organization and design of construction
建筑施工组规划organization and planning of construction
扁平式组机构flat organization structure
手工布机hand loom
技术与组措施计划plan for technical and organizational measures
技术组措施节约资金额amount of funds saved by the adoption of technological measures
按字组的存储器word organized memory
按法人社团构成的组形式corporately structured forms of organization
按码出售的布疋、 丝绸等yard goods
提供资金的组funding organization
政府间海事协商组海事组织Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
新产品开发组管理organization and management of new product development
施工组设计constructional organization design
旅游组tourist organization
旅游组tourism organization
旅游组tour organization
旅游组tour organizer
无定型组formless organization
无梳non-woven cloth
无组劳工unorganized workers
无组的个人主义disorganized individualism
无限合伙组Gomei Kaisha
易燃物法flammable fabrics act
智能组knowledge organization
有凝聚力的组结构create a cohesive structure of organization
有组开发planned development
有组旅游tourism organized
有组的人力organized human effort
有组的努力organized effort
有组的怠工运动go-slow strike
有组的活动organized activity
有组的证券交易所organized securities exchange
有组的证券交易所organized security exchange
有组的金融市场如证券交易所organized financial market
服装与纺clothing and textile material
未摊销组费用unamortized organization expense
机构性组institutional organization
机构间协商组inter-agency consultation
机械式组mechanistic organization
机械组结构mechanistic organization structure
权变组模式contingency organizational model
材料管理组material management organizing
核算组accountancy organization
cotton tissue
cotton textiles
棉纺品协议cotton textile agreement
横向组结构horizontal organization structure
横向联合组horizontal organization
横向联合营销组horizontal marketing system
正式组结构formal structure
正规化组formal organization
woollen fabrics
毛纺woollen textiles
海关组customs organization
消费者组consumer's organization
混纺blend fabric
潜组要素latent organizational elements
环形组circular organization
现代企业组modern enterprise organization
现代工业组modern industrial organization
现代组理论modern organization theory
理想的行政组体制bureaucracy as the ideal
理想的行政组体系ideal bureaucracy
生产单元组形式organizational form of production unit
生产工程组措施Production Engineering Measure
生产组organizing of production
生产组organization of production
生产组结构organizational structure of production
生产者合作组成员member of producers cooperative
白色如被褥、内衣等商品white goods
盈利组profit-making organizations
直系组特征feature of line organization
直系组特点features of line organization
直线参谋组line staff organization
直线式组direct line organization
直线组管理line control
直线、职能参谋和委员会组line, functional staff and committee organization
直线职能组line and functional staff organization
直线职能组line and functional organization
矩阵组结构matrix organization structure
OPEC石油输出国组通译:欧佩克Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
社会组social organization
社团组organization of group
社团组community organization
穆尼组理论Mooney's theory of organization
等级组hierarchical organization
等级组hierarchic organization
管理分析与组设计management analysis and organization design
管理组management organization
管理组行为management and organizational behavior
系统外组outside organization
纯直线组系统pure line organization
纯职能组pure functional organization
纯职能组系统pure functional organization system
业者cotton spinner
化学硕士Master of Textile Chemistry
spinning mill
cotton mill
厂主cotton spinner
soft goods
品出口许可证申请书application for export permit for textile products
品协定cotton textile agreement
品单位产量per unit yield of textile product
品后整理after-finishing of textile products
品监视机构Textiles Surveillance Body
品类dry goods
工业weaving industry
工业spinning industry
工程学学士Bachelor of Textile Engineering
运转操作法textile operating methods
不善造成窝工poor organization resulting in holding up the work
与方法Organization and Methods
与管理organization and management
与管理organization and control
与计划organization and plan
与训练organization and training
严密的top down
主管head of an organization
使命organizational mission
关系organizational affiliation
决策organization decision
分析organization analysis
分析inter-organizational analysis
分析员organization analyst
功能organic function
功能function of organization
化个人organized individual
化企业organized concern
及辛迪加费用organization and syndication fees
变动change in organization
变迁organizational change
和管理方法organization and method
商行方法method of organizing business house
organizational chart
基本原理fundamentals of organization
复杂性organization complexity
organization research
审计organizational audit
导向变革法organization-centered approach to change
层次organizational level
层次organization hierarchy
层次levels of organization
层次系统organization hierarchy system
层次面anatomical dimension
工人organized workers
开发organization development
开支摊销amortization of organization expenditure
形式organizational form
形式configuration of organization
心理学organizational psychology
性材料耗损material loss incurred from the process of organization production
性能organizational performance
性能测度organizational performance measure
意识organizational consciousness
成员member of an organization
手册organization manual
技术technology of organization
技能skill of organization
技能organizational skill
措施structural measure
措施organizational measure
方法分析organization and method analysis
机构体制.institutional framework
机构改组organizational reshuffling
公司机构表table of organization
条例organic rule
松弛organizational slack
模式organization model
模式model of organization
氛围organizational climate
水平organization level
organization law
constitutive law
活动organizational activity
流程organization flow
灵活性organizational flexibility
理性organizational rationality
生产organizing production
生产arranging production
目标organization goal
目标organizational goal
目标goal of an organization
目的purpose of organization
研究organizational research
科学organization science
程序organization procedure
章程organization regulation
章程rule of organization
章程memorandum and article of association
策略organizational strategy
管理organization management
管理organizational control
管理organization control
类型type of organization
系统审计organization and system audit
系统表organization chart
系统设计organizing and system design
结构structure of organization
结构organizational framework
结构分析contextual analysis of organization
编制system of organization
职权organizational authority
职能organizational function
职能function of organization
能力organization ability
范围scope of organization
营销system marketing
行为习惯形态habitual pattern of organizational behavior
行为修正organization behavior modification
行为分析organizational behavior analysis
行为学organization behavior research
行为学organization behavior science
行为学organizational behavior research
行为学behavioral theory of organization
行为科学organizational behavior science
table of organization
规划organizational programming
规模size of organization
规模organization size
计划plan of organization
计划organization plan
计划工作organization planning
设计师organization architect
贡献contribution to organization
费用cost of organization
资源organizational resource
连续体organizational continuum
适应性organizational adaptation
间机构inter-organizational machinery
革命organizational revolution
预测organization expectation
、预算、会计三个单位的同一性identity of organizational, budgetary and accounting unit
风气organization climate
细胞式组cell organization
品标准fabric standard
物料接合fabric joint
物结构textile construction
物衬片woven facing
经济合作和发展组Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OE CD)
经济联合组内部应收款internal receivable among affiliated units
经营组operating organization
经营组managerial organization
fancy work
美式企业组American organization
群体组mass organization
耐洗纺wash goods
职工组staff organization
职能型销售组functional type sales organization
职能式销售组functional type sales organization
职能组organization of function
职能组functional organization chart
联合劳动复合组composite organization of joint labour
联合劳工组joint labour organization
联合国粮农组Food and Agriculture Organization (TAD)
联络组liaison organization
联营组affiliated organization
股份公司组章程statute of association
自发组voluntary societies
良好组good organization
营销组marketing organization
营销组技术marketing organizing technique
董事长组chief executive organization
行业组line organization
账簿组结构organizational structure of ledger
货源组organizing of goods resources
贸易组trade organization
贸易组commercial organization
资源组organizing of resources
跨行业组outside line organization
辅助组auxiliary organization
迅速发展的公司mushroom organization
部门组divisionalized organization
部门组体制department organization system
部际组inter-departmental organization
金字塔式组pyramid organization
knit-goods mill
knit wear
销售组委员会committee of sales organization
销售组委员会Committee of Sale Organization
销售组种类type of sales organization
集体农业组communal agricultural organization
集团销售组group sales organization
集权与分权相结合型的企业组line and staff organization
非人际组结构impersonal organizational structure
非政府组non-government organization
非政府经济组non-governmental economic organization
非正式组策略性利用原则principles of strategic use of informal organization
非正式组规范informal organization norm
非法组improper organization
非营利组not-for-profit organizations
高层管理人员的组与职能organization and function of top management
高级管理层的组职能organization and function of top management