
Terms for subject Desert science containing | all forms
世界卫生组World Health Organization (WHO)
东非金布鸟African golden weaver
主管国际组competent international organization
三角洲汊河anastomosing deltoidal branch
支流braided distributary
支流anastomosing distributary
anastomosed stream
侧生分生组lateral meristem
储气组pneumatic tissue
储水组aqueous tissue
农业协作组Farm Cooperative Service (美国农业部下属组织,成立于1953年12月4日,与农业发展组织 Extension Service 及各州有关机构协作,对农业研究、教育及市场问题加以指导)
农业管理服务组farm management service
农业管理服务组Commercial Farm Management Service (美国的一种民间互助组织)
分生组meristematic tissue
分生组细胞meristematic tissue cell
南非cape weaver
叶状组leaf-like tissue
国家组national organization
国际劳工组International Labor Organization (I LO)
国际林业研究组联合会International Union of Forestry Research Organization
国际组international organization
地区经济一体化组regional economic integration organization (指一个特定地区主权国家组成的组织,该组织对本《公约》(《联合国防治荒漠化公约》)所涉及事项有权进行处理,并按其内部程序被正式授权签署、批准、接受、核准或加入本《公约》)
基本分生组ground meristem
基本组ground tissue
大金Holub's golden weaver
干旱、半干旱草原生态管理组Ecological Management of Arid and Semiarid Rangeland (联合国粮食及农业组织在地中海沿岸北非、中东地区组织的生态平衡问题协调组织)
干旱、半干旱草原生态管理组EMAS AR (联合国粮食及农业组织在地中海沿岸北非、中东地区组织的生态平衡问题协调组织)
干旱和半干旱草原管理组Ecological Management of Arid and Semi-arid Rangeland (为联合国粮食及农业组织在地中海北岸和中东地区的生态平衡问题协调组织)
愈伤组callus (植)
扇尾巧fan-tailed widowbird (非洲南部沙漠)
拟薄壁组pseudoparenchymatous tissue
文化及科学组The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization
显微组fossil microtexture
栓皮组cutis tissue (植物)
植物组培养plant tissue culture
植物组速测chemical tissue test
气象组meteorological organization
海绵组spongy parenchyma
灰背dark-backed weaver
白翅巧white-winged widowbird (非洲南部沙漠)
真菌类假薄壁组spurious tissue
管状组tubular tissue
红头编red-headed weaver (非洲南部沙漠)
红巧red bishop (非洲南部沙漠)
因子tissue factor
损伤tissue lesion
constitution water
资源organizational resources
间机构inter-organizational mechanism
细胞组cellular tissue
经合组Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
经济合作与发展组Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
美国水土保持服务组Soil Conservation Service (隶属于美国农业部)
sociable weaver (纳米布沙漠,卡拉哈里沙漠和卡鲁沙漠)
联合国发展组阿拉伯海湾国家基金会Arab Gulf Fund for UN Development Organizations
联合国发展组阿拉伯湾基金会Arab Gulf Fund for UN Development Organization
联合国教育、科学及文化组United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (简称:联合国教科文组织)
联合国教育、科学及文化组Organisation des Nation Unies pour I Education, la science et la Culture
联合国粮农组United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO)
联合国粮农组荒漠化工作组Working Group on Desertification (FAO)
联合国粮农组荒漠化评价和制图暂行方法FAO Provisional Methodology for Assessment and Mapping of Desertification
联合国粮食及农业组United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (简称联合国粮农组织)
联合国粮食及农业组Food and Agricultura Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
自愿防灾组voluntary organization for disaster prevention
菌体组thallial tissue
营养组alimentary tissue
表皮组epidermal tissue
褐喉金southern brown-throated weaver (非洲南部沙漠)
跨组机构inter-organizational mechanism
输导组conducting tissue
输导薄壁组conducting parenchyma
通气组aeration tissue
金背巧red-collared widowbird (非洲南部沙漠)
长尾巧long-tailed widowbird (非洲南部沙漠)
阿拉伯联盟教育、文化及科学组The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO)
非政府组nongovernmental organization (NGO)
非政府组环境联络理事会non-Governmental Organization' Environment Liaison Board (NGOELB)
非政府组环境联络理事会Non-Governmental Organizations Environment Liaison Board
鳞额编scaly-feathered weaver
黄巧yellow bishop (非洲南部沙漠)
黄顶巧yellow-crowned bishop (非洲南部沙漠)
黑脸lesser masked weaver
黑色石灰土型组rendzina fabric