
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
H一2 组相容性系统H-2 histocompatibility system
主要组相容性系统major histocompatibility system
乳头乳晕复合组游离移植术nipple-areola compound tissue free grafting
乳头复合组游离移植free nipple composite tissue graft
白细胞抗原组相容性系统human leukocyte antigen histocompatibility system
白细胞抗原组相容性系统HLA histocompatibility system
低温冷藏组贮存tissue storage by refrigeration
内用组代用品implantation materials
冷冻干燥法组贮存tissue storage by lyophilization
冷冻干燥法组贮存tissue storage by freezing and ying
冷藏组移植物refrigerated tissue graft
创缘组wound margin tissues
创面活组检查术wound biopsy
副中肾管组退化因子Mullerian regression factor
即时软组扩张术immediate soft tissue expansion
口底部蜂窝Ludwig angina
吻合血管的游离组移植术revascularized free tissue grafting
吻合血管的游离组移植物revascularized free tissue graft
复合组移植composite tissue transplantation
复合组移植术compound tissue grafting
复合组移植术composite tissue grafting
失活组devitalized tissue
夹膜组胞浆菌histoplasma capsulatum
小鼠组相容性复合体H-2 complex
带蒂组移植术pedicled tissue grafting
带蒂组移植物pedicled tissue graft
快速软组扩张术rapid soft tissue expansion
急性亚急性组细胞病Legg-Perthes disease
急性蜂窝acute phlegmon
急性蜂窝acute cellulitis
恒压软组扩张术constant pressure soft tissue expansion
恶性纤维性组细胞瘤malignant fibrous histiocytoma
慢性播散性组细胞病Hand-Schuller-Christian disease
术中软组扩张术intraoperative soft tissue expansion
梭状芽胞杆菌性蜂窝clostridial cellulitis
横纹肌组肿瘤striated muscle tumor
次要组相容性系统minor histocompatibility system
涤纶编人造血管dacron woven graft
深低温冷冻组贮存tissue storage by deep freezing
游离复合组free composite tissue flap
游离组移植术free tissue grafting
游离组移植物free tissue graft
溶组内阿米巴Entameba histolytica
玻璃纤维glass fiber cloth
玻璃纤维fiberglass cloth
瘢痕组cicatricial tissue
瘢痕组填充法scar tissue buttressing method
瘤样淋巴组增生症tumor-like lymphoid hyperplasia
移植组对抗受体反应graft versus host reaction
第三脑室脉络组tela choroidea of third ventricle
第四脑室脉络组tela choroidea of fourth ventricle
类脂组细胞增多症Niemann-Pick disease
纤维组细胞瘤fibrous histiocytoma
纵隔蜂窝mediastinal cellulitis
代用品tissue substitute
修复tissue repair
工程学tissue engineering
抗原tissue antigen
相容性复合体histocompatibility complex
相容性试验histocompatibility test
移植tissue transplantation
贮存tissue storage
配型tissue matching
tissue forceps
间隙液压interstitial fluid pressure
细胞肉瘤reticulum cell sarcoma
网状内皮组增殖症reticulo endotheliosis
耳郭复合组游离移植术auricular compound tissue free grafting
肝穿刺活组检查needle biopsy of liver
肠相关淋巴样组gut-associated lymphoid tissue
肾异种组肿瘤heteroplastic tissue tumor of kidney
肾恶性纤维组细胞瘤malignant fibrous histiocytoma of kidney
胎儿组采样fetal tissue sampling
胚胎组移植fetal tissue transplantation
胚胎脑组移植fetal brain tissue transplantation
脐周蜂窝periumbilical cellulitis
脑组移植brain tissue transplantation
脾组腹腔种植peritoneal splenosis
良性淋巴组增生症benign lymphoid hyperplasia
良性淋巴网细胞增多症benign lymphoreticulosis
荧光组化学法fluorescence histochemical method
蜂窝炎性阑尾炎phlegmonous appendicitis
象皮肿病变组切除植皮术elephantiasis tissue excision and skin grafting
软组扩张器soft tissue expander
软组扩张术soft tissue expansion
软组铰链soft tissue hinge
间叶组叶瘤tumor of mesenchymal tissue
阴茎淋巴网状组恶性病lymphoreticular malignancy of penis
非梭状芽胞杆菌性捻发音蜂窝nonclostridial crepitant cellulitis
非类脂组细胞增多症Letterer-Siwe disease
颈深部蜂窝组deep cervical cellulitis
颈部软组感染infection of soft tissue of neck
骨恶性纤维组细胞瘤malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone
黏膜相关淋巴样组mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
鼻中隔黏膜软骨复合组移植nasal septum mucocartilage composite graft