
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
上海合作组Shanghai Cooperation Organization
不使用基金组信贷的非正式规划shadow program
不涉及基金组贷款的第四条磋商报告stand alone Article IV reports
与世界贸易组联络的委员会Committee on Liaison with the WTO IMF, Executive Board
与基金组有关的业务IMF-related operation
与基金组有关的账户Fund-related accounts
与基金组有关的资产Fund-related assets
世界卫生组World Health Organization
世界旅游组World Tourism Organization
世界知识产权组World Intellectual Property Organization
世界银行和基金组之间的协作Bank-Fund collaboration
世界银行和基金组理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Development Committee
世界银行和基金组理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Development Committee
世界银行和基金组理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
世界银行和基金组理事会年会事宜联合特别委员会Joint Ad Hoc Committee of Arrangements for the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund
世界银行/基金组会务办公室Bank/Fund Conferences Office
世界银行-基金组联合图书馆Joint Bank Library
世界银行-基金组联合图书馆Joint Bank-Fund Library
世界银行-基金组金融部门联络委员会Bank-Fund Financial Sector Liaison Committee
世贸组World Trade Organization
中国-国际货币基金组联合培训项目Joint China-IMF Training Program
亚太经济合作组APEC Council
亚太经济合作组APEC Forum
亚太经济合作组Asia-Pacific Economic Forum
亚太经济合作组Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
亚太经济合作组Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
亚太经济合作组Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum
从基金组提款draw on the IMF
伊斯兰金融机构会计和审计组Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions
使用基金组信贷use of IMF credit
使用基金组信贷use of Fund credit
使用基金组信贷余额outstanding use of Fund credit
使用基金组信贷余额outstanding Fund credit
使用基金组资金use of Fund resources
使用基金组资金use of IMF resources
关于使用基金组资金的保障措施safeguards on the use of Fund resources
制定标准的组standard-setting organization
印度-基金组联合培训项目India Training Center
印度-基金组联合培训项目Joint India-IMF Training Program
向国际组认缴的股本金capital subscriptions to international organizations
国际劳工组International Labour Organisation
国际纺品贸易协议Multifibre Arrangement
国际纺品贸易协议Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles
国际证监会组International Organization of Securities Commissions
国际货币基金组International Monetary Fund
国际货币基金组与世界银行理事会年会Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors
国际货币基金组与世界银行理事会年会Annual Meetings
国际货币基金组与世界银行理事会年会Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank IMF-World Bank
《国际货币基金组决议及文件汇编》Selected Decisions of the International Monetary Fund and Selected Documents
国际货币基金组文件,不得公开使用document of International Monetary Fund and not for public use IMF information security
《国际货币基金组的财务安排和运作》Financial Organization and Operations of the IMF
国际货币基金组-阿拉伯货币基金组织区域培训项目IMF-AMF Regional Training Program
在国际组认缴的款项subscription to international organizations
在基金组的份额membership quota
在基金组的份额quota in the Fund
在基金组的份额IMF quota
在基金组的份额Fund quota
在基金组的债权人头寸reserve position in the Fund
在基金组的债权人头寸reserve position in the IMF
在基金组的债权人头寸creditor position in the IMF
在基金组的储备头寸reserve position in the IMF
在基金组的储备头寸reserve position in the Fund
在基金组的储备头寸creditor position in the IMF
基金组International Monetary Fund
基金组一号账户IMF No. 1 Account
基金组/世界银行关于反洗钱方法的联合文件AML Methodology Document
基金组/世界银行关于反洗钱方法的联合文件joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document
基金组/世界银行重债穷国倡议和减贫战略文件项目联合执行委员Joint Implementation Committee
基金组/世界银行重债穷国倡议和减贫战略文件项目联合执行委员Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program
基金组中东经济与金融中心IMF Middle East Center for Economics and Finance
基金组中心IMF Center
基金组二号账户IMF No. 2 Account
基金组借款准则guidelines for borrowing by the Fund
基金组储备管理的最优化optimization of Fund reserve management
基金组公告栏IMF Bulletin Board
基金组公告栏bulletin board
基金组公告栏IMF Electronic Bulletin Board
基金组关于政策分析和评价的文章IMF Paper on Policy Analysis and Assessment IMF document series, PPAA/...
基金组内部电子文件库Institutional Repository of Fund Documents
基金组在一国的参与Fund engagement
基金组在一国的参与Fund involvement
基金组在一国的参与IMF engagement
基金组在一国的参与engagement of the IMF in a country
基金组可以接受的货币currency acceptable to the Fund
基金组和世界银行联合代表团Fund-Bank mission
基金组国际收支统计委员会IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics
基金组在成员国的账户IMF accounts in member countries
基金组在成员国的账户accounts of the IMF in member countries
《基金组备忘录》IMF Memorandum
基金组《多样性和包容性声明》IMF Diversity and Inclusion Statement
基金组工作人员Fund staff
基金组工作人员的评估IMF staff assessment
基金组总部principal office of the Fund
基金组成员国的全球性universality of Fund membership
基金组成员国的普遍性universality of Fund membership
基金组持有的货币IMF holdings of currencies
基金组持有的货币Fund holdings of currencies
基金组持有的货币currencies held by the Fund
基金组持有的货币currency holdings
基金组持有货币的折算汇率holdings rate
基金组接待中心IMF Visitors' Center
基金组支持的规划Fund-supported program
基金组支持的规划或其他货币规划IMF-supported or other monetary program IMF monetary policy framework classification system, 2006
基金组-新加坡区域培训学院IMF-Singapore Regional Training Institute
基金组新闻发布中心Online Media Briefing Center
基金组新闻发布中心IMF Media Briefing Center
基金组术语工作组IMF Terminology Working Group
《基金组概览》IMF Survey
《基金组概览》编辑"IMF Survey" Editor
基金组汇率政策建议IMF exchange rate policy advice
基金组治理工作组Working Group on IMF Corporate Governance
基金组治理改革委员会Committee on IMF Governance Reform
基金组理事Governor of the Fund for country
基金组电子公告栏bulletin board
基金组电子公告栏IMF Bulletin Board
基金组电子公告栏IMF Electronic Bulletin Board
基金组的不动产和资产property and assets of the Fund
基金组的份额membership quota
基金组的份额quota in the Fund
基金组的份额IMF quota
基金组的份额Fund quota
基金组的信贷余额outstanding use of Fund credit
基金组的信贷余额outstanding Fund credit
基金组的净头寸net Fund position
基金组的净头寸Fund position
基金组的净头寸position in the Fund
基金组的参与Fund involvement
基金组的参与Fund engagement
基金组的参与IMF engagement
基金组的参与engagement of the IMF in a country
基金组的政策与做法policies and practices of the IMF
基金组的政策与程序policies and procedures of the Fund
基金组的标准做法standard practices of the Fund
基金组的标准做法rules and practices of the Fund
基金组的治理IMF governance
基金组的治理governance of the Fund
基金组的法律地位status of the Fund
基金组的流动性Fund liquidity
基金组的清盘liquidation of the Fund IMF, Articles of Agreement
基金组的经济增长跟踪系统IMF's Growth Tracker
基金组的经济增长跟踪系统Growth Tracker
基金组的规则和做法standard practices of the Fund
基金组的规则和做法rules and practices of the Fund
基金组的财产和资产property and assets of the Fund
基金组监测的规划Fund-monitored program
基金组监测的规划staff-monitored program
基金组研究简报IMF Research Bulletin
基金组秘书长Secretary IMF-SEC, of the Fund
基金组财务年度financial year of the Fund
基金组货币持有额currencies held by the Fund
基金组货币持有额Fund holdings of currencies
基金组货币持有额IMF holdings of currencies
基金组货币持有额currency holdings
基金组资金的流动性liquidity of Fund resources
基金组资金的规模size of the Fund
《基金组附则和规章》By-Laws, Rules and Regulations
基金组驻联合国办事处Fund Office in the United Nations
多边贸易组Multilateral Trade Organization
大规模使用基金组资金very high access to the Fund's resources
大规模使用基金组资金large-scale access to the Fund's resources
大量使用基金组的贷款very large use of Fund resources
实施基金组规划的国家program country
对基金组资助规划的事后评估Ex Post Assessment
对基金组资助规划的事后评估ex post assessment of Fund-supported programs
就基金组治理改革问题与基金组织开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar consultations
就基金组治理改革问题与基金组织开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with civil society on IMF Governance Reform
就基金组治理改革问题与基金组织开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with the Fund on Reform of IMF Governance
就基金组治理改革问题与民间社会开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar consultations
就基金组治理改革问题与民间社会开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with civil society on IMF Governance Reform
就基金组治理改革问题与民间社会开展的第四支柱磋商Fourth Pillar Consultations with the Fund on Reform of IMF Governance
成员国在基金组的头寸net Fund position
成员国在基金组的头寸Fund position
成员国在基金组的头寸position in the Fund
扩大使用基金组的资金enlarged access to Fund resources
扩大使用基金组的资金enlarged access to the Fund's resources
扩大使用基金组资金的政策enlarged access policy
扩大使用基金组资金的政策policy on enlarged access to the Fund's resources
有组的交易所organized exchange
有组的交易所organized financial derivatives exchange
有组的金融衍生产品交易所organized exchange
有组的金融衍生产品交易所organized financial derivatives exchange
机构组organization chart
机构组organizational chart
民间社会组civil society organization
民间社会组非正式大会CSO Townhall Meetings
石油输出国组Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
研究基金组可持续的长期融资问题名人委员会Crockett Committee
研究基金组可持续的长期融资问题名人委员会Committee to Study Sustainable Long-Term Financing of the IMF
研究基金组可持续的长期融资问题名人委员会Committee of Eminent Persons
研究基金组可持续的长期融资问题名人委员会Committee of Eminent Persons to Study Sustainable Long-Term Financing of the IMF
社区组community-based organization
粮农组Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
品和服装textiles and apparel
经合组Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经合组Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
经合组全球税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information
经合组全球税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes
经合组的公司治理原则OECD Principles of Corporate Governance
经济合作与发展组Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济合作组Economic Cooperation Organization
美洲国家组Organization of American States
联合国工业发展组United Nations Industrial Development Organization
联合国教科文组United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
联合国教育、科学及文化组United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
联合国粮食及农业组Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
自动失去使用基金组资金的资格automatic ineligibility to use the Fund's resources
补充基金组的货币持有额replenish the Fund's holdings of currencies
补充基金组资金replenishment of Fund resources
西非货币组West African Monetary Agency
财政部的基金组账户TIMF account
财政部的基金组账户Treasury-IMF account
阿拉伯教育、文化及科学组Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization
阿拉伯旅游组Arab Tourism Organization
阿拉伯石油输出国组Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
阿拉伯货币基金组Arab Monetary Fund
非政府组nongovernmental organization
非洲商业法统一组Organization for the Harmonization in Africa of Business Law
非洲统一组Organization of African Unity
非货币性国际组nonmonetary international organization
驻世界贸易组代表Representative to the WTO