
Terms for subject United Nations containing 织的 | all forms | in specified order only
亚太经社会/世界旅游组织关于亚太区域新千年旅游业人力资源开发面临的挑战讨论会ESCAP/World Tourism Organization Seminar on Challenges for Human Resource Development in Tourism in the Asia-Pacific Region in the New Millennium
以本组织资产抵押的贷款borrowing against the assets
充当国家后方通讯线路的海卫组织卫星Inmarsat used for national rearlink purposes
关于妇女参与发展的区域非政府组织专题讨论会Regional NGO Symposium on Women in Development
关于批准联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及其议定书的维尔纽斯宣言Vilnius Declaration on the ratification of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its protocols
备战标准是指每一个部队/编队、船只、武器系统或装备必须能够胜任其组织设计的任务和功能,以促使特派团任务的完成readiness standards means that every unit/formation, ship, weapon system or equipment must be capable of performing the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed to enable the mission’s mandate to be achieved
安全理事会关于基地组织和塔利班及有关个人和实体的第12671999号决议所设委员会Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 1999 concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities
就委员会综合名单上的人拟定特别的刑警组织国际通知special Interpol international notice for persons on the Committee’s consolidated list
工发组织/环境规划署关于环境和工业发展的协定UNIDO/UNEP Agreement concerning Environment and Industrial Development
建议性接种:是指卫生组织或维持和平行动部建议旅行到一个地区时要做的接种如甲型肝炎、日本脑炎、脑膜炎vaccination that is recommended by WHO or the department of peacekeeping operations for travel to a region e.g. hepatitis A, japanese encephalitis, meningitis
"生生不息的地球"组织Terre vivante
相互交织的社会经济变量inter-woven socio-economic variables
稻草编织的straw check boards
粮农组织的粮农植物遗传资源国际公约FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
粮农组织/卫生组织/环境规划署农业水资源开发的卫生方面谅解备忘录FAO/WHO/UNEP Memorandum of Understanding on Health Aspects of Water Resources Development for Agriculture
联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击陆、海、空偷运移民的补充议定书Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于防止、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
货币基金组织和世界银行的条件规定conditionality Fund and Bank, comply with, tighter and more complex
青年组织在预防青年犯罪中的作用国际讲习班International Workshop on the Role of Youth Organizations in the Prevention of Crime among Youth
非政府组织/媒体关于环境宣传的专题讨论会NGO/Media Symposium on Communication for Environment
预防青年犯罪和青少年司法的社会措施准则:亚太经社会区域青年组织的作用Guidelines on Social Measures for the Prevention of Crime among Youth and on Juvenile Justice: the Role of Youth Organizations in the ESCAP Region