
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
长比low slenderness ratio
具有长拱肋的加劲拱stiffened arch with slender arch ribs
勘测detailed rules of exploratory survey
勘测detailed rules of reconnaissance
凿石semi-finished ashlar
单位集料用量unit content of fine aggregate
压杆的长比slenderness ratio of compression member
取决于长比的纵向弯曲系数φ的值value for coefficient of buckling depending on slenderness ration
含砂粒土fine grained soil with sand
含粗粒的粒土fine grained soil with coarse grain
城市详规划urban detailed planning
大的长比high slenderness ratio
容许长度permitted slenderness
局部长度local slenderness
工程详时间表engineering detail schedule
工程项目明details of working items
换算长equivalent slenderness ratio
换算长conversion slender ratio
换算长conversion ratio of slenderness
最大腹板长比maximum slenderness ratio of web
最大长greatest slenderness
最大长maximum slenderness ratio
有效长比effective slenderness ratio
杆件容许最大长allowable maximum slender ratio of member
杆件长slenderness ratio of component
very fine sand
构件在弯矩作用平面内的长slender ratio of member in acting plane of bending moment
柱的长slenderness ratio for column
正常的长normalized slenderness ratio
作用capillary action
capillary force
water of capillarity
渗透capillary percolation
渗透capillary penetration
现象capillarity phenomenon
capillary pipe
管吸力作用capillary attraction
管张力capillary tension
管水capillary water
管水上升高度capillary height
管水压力capillary pressure
管水头capillary head
裂纹capillary crack
supper-fine sand
等代长比equivalent slenderness ratio
程度degree of thickness
集料比ratio of coarse to fine aggregate
骨料重量ratio of coarse to fine aggregate (for weight)
组合杆件分肢容许最大长allowable maximum slender ratio of partial limb of combined member
组合杆件长slender ratio of combined member
凿修整fine pointed dressing
detailed rules and regulations
加工fine cut
加工fine machining
填料fine fill
屑粒fine crumb
度系数fineness factor
料石ashlar square stone
料石砌体fine stone masonry
方石ashlar stone
方石square stone
方石dimension stone
琢石finished ashlar
琢石dressing stone
琢石fine pointed stone
琢石dressed stone
琢石圬工dressed masonry
石圬工ashlar masonry
石工dressed masonry
graining sand
碎石finely broken stone
碎石路fine crush road
fine grain
粒含量content of fine particles
粒含量百分率percent of fines
粒土fine soil
粒材料fine-sorted material
粒材料fine material
粗集料比ratio of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate
粗集料比sand-gravel ratio
级配料fine-graded material
节要求detailed requirement
裂纹minute crack
裂纹hair-line cracking
裂纹hairline crack
裂缝fine crack
部大样图detail drawing
部测量detail survey
部测量detail surveying
部设计detailing design
长墩slender pier
长度减小系数slenderness reduction factor
长度限制slenderness limitation
长效应slenderness effect
长杆件的P-△效应the P-△ effect in slender member
长柱slender column
长比slender proportion
长比slender ratio
长比slenderness ratio
长系数slenderness factor
高桥墩tall slender pier
黏土fine clay
结构details of structure
结构parts of structure
缆索锚固cable anchorage detail
补充additional detail, subsidiary detail
规一长normalized slenderness ratio
设计design detail
复核detailed check
报告circumstantial report
报告detail report
数据detailed data
的设计detailed design
观察detailed review
规则detailed rules
规格detail specification
规范closed specifications
较高长比higher slenderness ration
钢筋明bar list
钢筋明reinforcement list
度限制slenderness limit
fineness ratio
slender proportion
slender ratio
比影响slenderness effect
限制长limiting slenderness
骨料fineness of aggregates
桥墩tall slender pier
长柱tall slender column
长比high slenderness ratio