
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
三栏式明分类账the three-columns subsidiary ledger
上面是他们寄来的投资成本分类Above is a breakdown of investment costs they posted to us
不容否认,这批大豆在装船前未经仔检査There is no denying the fact that the soybeans had not undergone a careful inspection before shipment
两个标签用绳系在包裹上Two labels were tied on to the parcel with thin string
《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税施行则》 Rules for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law of the Poeple's Republic of ChinaRules for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (中华人民共和国个人所得税法实行细则)
为协议节争论不休haggle over the details of an agreement
产品净利润明the statement analysing net income from product sales
产品成本明product cost subsidiary ledger
with some reserve
检査最终发票scrutinize the final invoice
考虑figure on
阅读…make a careful reading of...
他们向你们保证一定迅速、仔地执行你方的订单They assure you of the prompt and careful execution of your order
他们已对这件样品作了详分析They made an analysis of this sample in detail
代理会计责任明agent's accountability ledger
代表权详证书a minute representation letter
企业管理费明the enterprise administration expense subsidiary ledger
你应该把这包货仔地包捆好You should tie up the parcel carefully
你方应向我方提供完整详的财务报告和其他必需的资料You shall provide us with complete and detailed financial statement and other necessary information
保险费目表rating schedule
债务清偿明debt liquidation schedule
全部节他们将于下次寄来They will send full particulars by next mail
兹随函附寄说明书及价目单一份,给你方介绍该货详情况To give you detailed information of the goods, we enclose a brochure and a price list
英国内部articles of association
制品明product specification
包装明packing Hst
卖方独家拥有明表甲所列租借物及各种货物The seller owns solely the lease and goods listed in Schedule A
双栏明double column ledger account
合同details of a contract
商品详目录descriptive catalogue
固定设备明plant ledger
国库状况明balance statement of conditions of the treasury
国际市场international marketing segmentation
在我方文件中说明了新产品的全部详的技术规格All the technical details on the new product are given in our document
存货明分类账inventory ledger
实验则与控制experiment pointing and control
审批个人外汇申请施行Rules for the Implementation of the Examination and Approval of Applications by Individual for Foreign Exchange
《对个人的外汇管理施行Rules for the Implementation of Foreign Exchange Control Relating to Individuals
"对外汇、贵重金属和外汇票证等进出国境的管理施行则"Rules for the Implementation of Controls Relating to Carrying Foreign Exchange Precious Metals and Foreign Exchange Instruments into and out of China
将收支列成目表schedule one's receipts and expenditures
岁出明an appropriation analysis
工资支付明payroll (pay-roll)
应付账款明schedule of accounts payable (receivable)
应付款明account payable ledger
应付账款明account payable subsidiary ledger
应付账款明账户贷方余额credit balance in customers' account
应收款明account receivable ledger
应收账款名schedule of accounts receivable
应用净额变动明schedule of net working capital changes
建筑师须仔研究这些施工图,并且对可能发现的差错或相互矛盾之处予以更正The architect should carefully study the working drawings and correct any error or inconsistency he may discover in them
动作研究micro motion study
必须填报的mandatory particulars
必须指出,装船前我们仔检査了货物,因此不可能会发生货损We have to point out that we checked the consignment carefully before shipment, so no damage could have happened
惯常短chronic shortages
感谢你方及时提供Thank you for offering us specifics in time
我们提供给他们有关每个部分的结构和详规格等的资料We will give them information on the construction of each part as well as detailed specifications
我们给契约附加一份明表,作为它必不可少的组成部分We add a schedule to the deed as an essential part of it
我方在6月15日的信内对这些关键问题作了详的说明In our letter of June 15, We made a detailed explanation on the key questions
我方通常在装运前仔检査货物The goods are carefully examined in the usual way before shipment
我认为你有必要详说明此财务报告I think it is necessary for you to go into details of the financial statement
我认为你有必要详说明此财务报告I think it is necessary for you to go into detail of the financial statement
技术则手册manual of engineering instructions
成本、总数等分成break down
抓住意义上的微差别catch the different shades of meaning
折旧depreciation schedule
损失明loss bordereau
损失明loss bordereaux
推销明schedule of amortization
提出了一份说明书,详地叙述该产品的特色A statement was presented for detailed description of the peculiar features of the product
支出明an appropriation analysis
收益及支出明statement of income and expenditure
政府预算明比较表green sheet
施行rules for implementation
分类纸账detail ledger
a specification list
支出预算line item budget
detailed schedule
supplementary statements
表式保险单schedule policy
记录detail record
detailed ledger
账户a subsidiary account
账簿subsidiary books
最低成本与估算明least cost and estimating schedule
本订单,包括其正面及反面的条件与条款,已经过致的研究The order, including the conditions and terms on the face and reverse side, has been studied careful ly
材料明分类帐material ledger
条约details of the treaty
没有证明缺点的证据,我们无法详调査Without evidence in support of the defect we can't make a minute investigation
深入致的分配方法intensive distribution
现金流量明schedule of cash flow
现随函附上目录,详介绍最新式样的运动用品The enclosed catalogue will give you all the latest models of sporting goods
生产费常用明manufacturing supporting schedule
生产间接费明总账manufacturing overhead ledger
由于你方未告知必要的节,我方目前无法向你方发出报盘We are not in a position to send you an offer owing to your omission to state the necessary particulars
由于我方始终未得到全面详的信息,对你方市场不了解We are unfamiliar with your market situation since we haven't been fully informed
税则的精分类the refinement of tariff classifications
章程及statutes and by-laws
章程及statute and by-laws
管理费用明administration expenses supporting schedule
精耕farm intensive
精耕high agriculture
detailed final sorting
分类fine silver sort
minors regulations
detailed rule
密工作因素detailed work factor
小的差别a slight difference
度径长比fineness ratio
微动作周程图simultaneous-motion-cycle chart (simo chart)
dwell on (upon)
支棉纱the fine count yarn
支棉纱fine count yarn
目作业计划detail operating schedule
粮作物fine grain crop
rake up (the past, 旧账)
致査对纸带detail audit strip
节对比detail contrast
节推销人detail man
fine goods
长 型号的slimline types
经仔检査认定该货币质量达到标准On careful examination it is certain that the goods are up to the standard in quality
经过仔调查,我们认为箱子必定是在运输途中受到粗鲁搬运A careful investigation inclines us to think that the cases must have been roughly handled on route
船长的详海事报告extended protest
营运收入明statement of operating revenue
装船之前,货物经过了仔检査The goods were carefully checked prior to shipment
要知详情,请査阅附件明For further details, please refer to the attached schedule
计划旅行the details of proposed travel
In extenso (at full length)
估算detailed estimate
冗长的清单laundry list
分录cover entry
列出go into particulars
at length
审计complete audit
对账单detailed statement of accounts
布置设计detail layout planning
建议detailed proposal
开列的项目line item
指示full instructions
描写write up
检査detailed check-out
概算detailed estimate
申请书detailed proposal
long (bull)
的销售计划每隔两月提交给销售经理一次Detailed sales schedules are submitted to the sales manager at two month intervals
研究dwell on (upon)
网图detail network
装货单detailed packing list
规格detailed specification (说明)
规格便于我们检验进口机器The detailed specifications facilitate our inspection of the imported machines
设计detailed design
设计工程detail engineering
说明go into details
说明go into detail
账单detail statement of account
重量单detailed weight memo
重量表detailed weight memo
预算detailed budget
请在书面通知里,详说明谈判时间及地点Please particularize the time and place of the negotiation in the written notice
请提供你公司各种计算机的详规格,并告可供数量Please submit specifications of your computers together with quantity available
请附详地址give better address
负债明schedule of liabilities
财务financial rules
财务报告在提交给董事会之前应仔审核The financial report should be carefully checked before submission to the board of directors
货物明specification of commodity
质量管理quality control instruction
质量要求应在协议中详地加以说明The quality requirements should be detailed in the agreement
资产变动明schedule of changes in assets
资产负债明supporting schedules of balance sheet
资金运用明schedule of fund applications
起货landing book
车间经济明the workshop expenses subsidiary
这份通知附有详的报告The announcement is accompanied by a detail report
进出口货物明the specification of imports and exports
部门组织department write-ups
《配额产品进口管理实施则》Detailed Implementation Rules on Import Administration of Quota Commodities
银行往来详调节表long form bank reconciliation
须用眼力的near work