
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
为核对账目,现附去明表一张列举已装运各批货物及应付佣金For reconciliation of accounts, we are sending you herewith a statement listing shipments made and commissions payable
买主对此项小变动未提岀反对意见The buyer raised no objection to this slight alternation
买主要求这些节,是为了符合本国在进口许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions
买方强烈要求我方作更详说明The buyer was urgent with us for further particulars
审核协议草案scrutinize a draft agreement
审核协议草案scrutinise a draft agreement
审阅信用证peruse a letter of credit
审阅合同草案peruse a draft contract
将货物分级be careful in grading goods
检查所有装运单据make a scrutiny into all the shipping documents
检查账目carefully overlook the accounts
你方必须详说明质量要求It is necessary for you to particularize your requirements in quality
你方有必要详说明自己的要求It is necessary for you to go into details of your requirements
使有必要进行详的可行性研究warrant a detailed feasibility study
列明详情况的保险单specification policy
包装明packing specification
区别两种品质的微差别discriminate the subtle difference between the two qualities
协议应十分仔地草拟The agreement should be drafted with great care
合同必须仔草拟The contract requires careful drafting
在仔策划一项新的销售方案have a new marketing plan in contemplation
在货物分级中我们必须要仔We must be careful in grading the goods
宁可进行仔的可行性研究prefer to make a careful feasibility study rather than make a hasty decision
对照合同仔核对信用证be careful in checking L/C against the contract
工作service instruction
工序job breakdown
市场风险在我们仔考虑的范围之内The market risk is within our contemplation
应付账款明schedule of accounts payable (与应收账款明细表(schedule of accounts receivable) 相对)
急需你方详的装船要求Your shipping instructions in detail are urgently needed
技术保养maintenance regulations
收入与支出明statement of income and expenditure
数据detail data
bill of particulars
有形资产明schedule of tangible assets
没有必要进一步详述There is no necessity to go into further details
涉及go into particulars
特别精加工的产品extra fine product
生产过程详说明manufacturing process specification
用费inclusive list of expenses
由于你方未指明必要的We're not able to offer on account of your omission to indicate the necessary particulars
税则目基础tariff line basis
分类sophisticated categories
化工品fine chemicals
平衡detailed balancing
分市场segmented market
猪肋条肉fine middling
精细平衡detailed balancing
节免究规则rule of insignificance
补充明supplementary specification
补充明supplemental specification
设计详说明detail of design
作业程序表detailed operating schedule
列明情况的保险单specification policy
叙述协议的细节enter into the particulars of the agreement
商情detail of commerce
审计detailed audit (与抽查 (test check) 相对)
流程图detail flow chart
清单detailed account
的数据detailed data
规格closed specification
说明detail directions
说明意外事故的情况give a detailed account of an accident
说明资料detail file
账目detail account
预算detail budget
请尽早为我们提供进一步Please furnish us with further details as early as possible
银行技术banking arrangement
除非另作详说明unless otherwise specified
集装箱明container load plan
集装箱装载明container load plan