
Terms for subject Environment containing 细菌 | all forms | in specified order only
微生物、细菌;胚原基germ 1. A pathogenic micro-organism. 2. Living substance capable of developing into an organ, part, or organism as a whole; a primordium (1. 一种能引发疾病的微生物 2. 能够进化成一个器官,一部分或整个有机体的活性物质;一种原基)
粪便细菌faecal bacterium Bacteria contained in human and animal faeces (人和动物粪便中包含的细菌。)
细菌bacterium Group of single-cell micro-organisms, the smallest of the living organisms. Some are vital to sustain life, while others are responsible for causing highly dangerous human diseases, such as anthrax, tetanus and tuberculosis. Bacteria are found everywhere, in the soil, water and air (单细胞的微小生物群,是最小的有生命的生物。 有的对维持生命关系重大,有的能导致严重的人类疾病,如炭疽、破伤风和结核。 细菌可在土壤、水、空气中普遍存在。)
细菌存活率bacteria survival ratio
细菌bacteriology The science and study of bacteria (研究细菌的科学。)
细菌学污染bacteriological pollution Contamination of water, soil and air with pathogen bacteria (被病原菌污染的水,土地或者空气。)
细菌bacterial bed A device that removes some suspended solids from sewage. Air and bacteria decompose additional wastes filtering through the sand so that cleaner water drains from the bed (用于去除污水中悬浮固体物质的装置。 由曝气和细菌分解从沙中过滤的废污,使干净的水得由细菌床中排出。)