
Terms for subject Dentistry containing 细菌 | all forms | in specified order only
你口腔里小的细菌可以把糖变为酸Tiny germs in your mouth change sweets to acid
氟化物能增加牙齿的硬度,降低酸溶解牙釉质的能力和抑制细菌生长Fluoride can increase the hardness of the tooth surface, decrease the acid solubility of the enamel and inhibit the growth of bacteria
牙周袋内通常会存留食物残渣、细菌和牙石There are always food, bacteria and calculus in the pockets
碳水化合物,尤其是蔗糖容易被细菌作用形成酸The fermentable carbohydrate, especially sugar is easily changed into acid by bacteria
窝沟封闭剂可以防止细菌和食物进入窝沟腐蚀牙齿Sealants keep out the bacteria and food that cause tooth decay
细菌是牙齿龋坏、牙龈疾病和牙石形成的重要原因Bacteria are the most important cause of tooth decay, gum disease and calculus formation
菌斑中的细菌利用蔗糖形成酸,而酸会腐蚀牙釉质Bacteria in the plaque use sugars to fonn acid and the acid dissolves the enamel
龋坏是口腔内细菌形成酸的结果Tooth decay is the result of acid formation by bacteria in the mouth