
Terms for subject Plastics containing | all forms
二烯diene component
偶合coupling component
分散dispersed component
分散dispersed weave
分解成各split up into components
化学chemical constitution
分环氧黏合剂single component epoxy adhesive
分黏合剂one-par adhesive
分黏合剂one-component adhesive
光机calendar stack
压延机calendar train
压延机装置calendar plant
压延机设备calendar equipment
分喷射设备two-pack spray equipment
分喷枪twin-headed spray gun
分喷枪dual spray gun
分喷枪dual nozzle spray gun
分按比例供料喷枪twin-feed proportioning spray gun
分泡沫成型two-component foam moulding
分泡沫成型two-component foam molding
分混合料two-pack composition
分漆two-component lacquer
分糊料two-part paste
分纤维bicomponent fibre
分纤维纺丝装置bicomponent spinning device
分膜胶带bicomponent tape
分薄膜bicomponent film
分薄膜纱bicomponent film yarn
分黏合剂twin pack adhesive
可更换合元件built-up of interchangeable elements
吹塑薄膜机blown-film line
分离子交换树脂quaternary exchange resin
复合分型材composite profile
复合合板composite building board
复合纤维multi-component fibre
分催化剂multi-component catalyst
分共聚物纤维multi-component polymer fibre
分反应液multi-component reactive liquids
分喷涂multi-component spraying
分泡沫注塑法发泡的coinjection moulding
分注塑成型multiple-component injection moulding
分注塑multi-component injection
分混合料multi-component mixture
分混合机multi-component mixing machine
分紧密注塑法未发泡的coinjection moulding
分薄膜纤维multi-component film fabre
分黏合剂multiple part adhesive
多孔状vesicular tissue
往复式螺杆机reciprocating screw unit
微量minor component
急斜纹diagonal weave
惰性inert ingredient
惰性inert constituents
gang mold
模巢gang of cavities
成套件成型模具family mould
成套件成型模具family mold
抛光辊band leveller
挤塑机机extruder train
挤塑机过滤网extruder screen pack
挥发分出口escape of volatiles
掺合blending compound
掺合blend composition
柱塞式预塑化机ram-type preplasticizing aggregate
模具mould train
模压后post-moulding assembly
模压后post-molding assembly
流线型的各分配比streamline proportioning of components
海绵sponge weave
olefinic constituents
电线包覆机wire train
盘簧disc spring assembly
盘簧disk spring assembly
研磨机mill line
破斜纹cross twill
稀松open-weave material
筛网screen element
筛网screen assembly
筛网机screen unit
纱线component of a yarn
纺丝头nozzle block
分纤维component fibre
拼合结构模具built-up construction mould
合件assembly parts
合刀具multiple cutting tool
合切削工具multiple cutting tool
合原则modular concept
合喷丝板multiple spinneret
合型芯split mandrel
合增强材料combination reinforcement
合式build-up type
合式冷却系统modular chilling system
合式包装multi-pack package
合式模split die
合式模具split mould
合式模具split mold
合式模型sectional pattern
合式结构section construction
合式螺杆modular screw
合式设计modular design
合微孔塑料syntactic cellular plastic
合构成系统unit composed system
合概念modular concept
合模built-up mould
合模built-up pattern
合模split pattern
合模superposable die
合模built-up mold
合模具modular mould
合模具sectional mould
合模具unit mold
合模具unit mould
合模具sectional mold
合模具integral mold
合模具integral mould
合模具modular mold
合模具composite mould
合模具compound tool
合模具composite mold
合模头unit die
合纤维conjugate fiber
合结构原理,系统modular system
合结构原理,系统modular principle
合结构原理,系统modular construction
合结构式模具unit-construction mould
合结构式模具unit-construction mold
合结构式系统unit-construction system
装板building board
装胶合assembly gluing
装草图package drawing
装速率speed of assembly
终端end assembly
绉纹crepe weave
聚氯乙烯装门PVC integral door
胶黏剂adhesive component
配方component of a formulation
防渗透材料barrier component
非渗出性non-blooming gradient
高沸点heavy component
黏合adhesive assembly
黏合剂component of adhesive
黏合剂配方adhesive formulation
黏合剂配方adhesive formula
黏合剂分混合confusion of adhesive components