
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
上游石油工业安全特别工作Upstream Petroleum Industry Task Force on Safety
世界气象World Meteorological Organization International Meteorological Organization
联合国世界气象World Meteorological Organization
世界气象WMO International Meteorological Organization
事故处理incident organization
人口composition of population The constituent groupings and proportions of the total inhabitants of a given nation, area, region or city, as seen from various perspectives (在给定国家、区域、地区或城市等,不同空间尺度下的总居民组成群落和比例。)
信息套information kit A set or collection of materials compiled to convey knowledge on some subject and usually placed in some type of container (一组或一套经过汇编以传递某些主题知识的素材,通常放置在某种容器包装中。)
健康维护Health Maintenance Organization
净化排放Discharge Cleanup Organization
国际international organisation An association of independent states, whose representatives gather for the promotion of common interests including defense and trade (独立的国家选派各自的代表为促进包括国防和贸易在内的共同利益而进行会晤的联盟。)
国际气象WMO International Meteorological Organization
国际气象World Meteorological Organization International Meteorological Organization
国际气象International Meteorological Organization
在人体织的积累accumulation in body tissues
大气atmospheric composition The chemical abundance in the earth's atmosphere of its constituents including nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, water vapour, ozone, neon, helium, krypton, methane, hydrogen and nitrous oxide (大气成分中的化学成分,包括氮,氧气,二氧化碳,氦,氩,氪,氙,以及水蒸气,甲烷,氢气,臭氧,氮氧化物。)
大气成成分atmospheric component The Earth's atmosphere consists by volume of nitrogen (79,1%), oxygen (20,9%), carbon dioxide (about 0,03%) and traces of the noble gases (argon, krypton, xenon, helium) plus water vapour, traces of ammonia, organic matter, ozone, various salts and suspended solid particles (地球的大气由氮气(19.1%),氧气(20.9%),二氧化碳(0.03%)和少许惰性气体(氦,氩,氪,氙)加上水蒸气,少量氨,有机物,臭氧,各种盐和固态悬浮颗粒。)
定价生态valued ecological components
工作的organisation of work The coordination or structuring of work practices and production processes in order to influence the way jobs are designed and performed in the workplace (协调工作实践和生产过程,从而影响工作流程的设计和执行。)
废料waste composition The component material types, by percentage or weight, emanating from any source (从任何来源产生的废料中各种组成成分的百分比或重量。)
建筑building component A building element which uses industrial products that are manufactured as independent until capable of being joined with other elements (使用工业产品的建筑元素。这些建筑元素在和其他元素混合之前都是独立的。)
必要essential component
大气group atmosphere
政府间气候变化专家小Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
政府间海事咨询 IMCO规范IMCO code CK!; Codes published by Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organisation (IMCO) relating to international shipping, particularly regarding safety and marine pollution (由政府间海事咨询机构(IMCO)颁布的尤其是关于安全和海洋污染方面的国际海运规范。)
政治political organisation A group of persons organized to seek or exercise power in governmental or public affairs, by supporting candidates for office or by lobbying for action and mobilizing support for bills or governmental policies (一群人或组织寻求行使政府权力,以支持公共事务或游说候选人支持其行动,充分运用当地政府的政策法案。)
教育organisation of teaching A group or association of persons united to address the concerns, methods and professional status of instructors or educators (专业的指导者或教育家组成的组织。)
新闻newsgroup A discussion group on a specific topic maintained on a computer network, frequently on the Internet (一个维护在计算机网络上具有特定主题的讨论组,经常出现在互联网上。)
景观成部分landscape component In visual assessment work, landscapes can be divided into four major elements. 1. Form is the perceived mass or shape of an object that appears unified, and which provides a consciousness of its distinction and relation of a whole to the component parts. 2. Line is the real or imagined path, border, boundary, or intersection of two planes, such as a silhouette, that the eye follows when perceiving abrupt differences in form, colour or texture. 3. Colour is a visual perception that enables the eye to differenciate otherwise identical objects based on the wavelengths of reflected light. 4. Texture is the visual feel of a landscape (在视觉评估工作中,景观可分为四个主要因素。 (一)形状,指可感知的某物体的质量或外形的统一的外观,同时其提供了物体作为一个整体与其他组成部分的区别与联系方面的意识。二线,是真正的或想象中的路径、边缘、界线、或两个平面的交界,正如眼睛突然感知的差异、颜色或纹理的轮廓。(三)颜色,是一种视觉感知,以眼睛对反射光波长的区分为基础,来区分物体的不同处或分辨不同的对象。(四)纹理是对景观的视觉感受。)
植物plant component The constituent parts of a plant (植物的组成部分。)
欧洲原子能Euratom A precursor to the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community was founded in 1958 by the European Common Market to conduct research, develop nuclear energy, create a common market for nuclear fuels and supervise the nuclear industry so as to prevent abuse and protect health (欧洲共同体的先驱,欧洲原子能组织在1958年由欧洲公共市场建立,旨在组织研究,开发核能,建立核能燃料一个公共市场,并指导核工业,以避免乱用和保护健康。)
油页岩环境问题顾问小Oil Shale Environmental Advisory Panel
法律organisation of the legal system The specific manner, form and institutions by which a government's ability to make, enforce and interpret laws are brought together into a coordinated whole (由政府制定的,强制执行并解释的法律形式和机关。)
泛美保健Pan American Health Organization
海岸线清洁评估小shoreline cleanup assessment team
联合国海洋污染科技问题联合专家Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution
阿拉伯湾海洋环境保护区域Regional Organization for Protection of the Marine Environment
火灾扑灭fire suppression organization
燃料fuel composition (成分)
环境保护专业人员Environmental Careers Organization
石油公司保护净化空气和水资源国际研究Oil Companies International Study Group for Conservation of Clean Air and Water
石油泄漏回收Oil Spill Recovery Organization
破坏性destructive component
破坏性成部分destructive component
社会文化小socio-cultural group A collection of people who interact and share a sense of unity on account of a common ethnic, ancestral, generational or regional identity (人们交流和分享一个共同的种族,血缘,世代或区域标识帐户的团结意识的集合。)
南美洲福克兰群岛环境治理工作Falkland Islands Environmental Task Group
紧急响应査找泄漏小Emergency Response Strike Team
organisation Term used in commercial law, including a corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal or commercial entity; law (法律术语,通常用于公司、政府、管理机构、商业代理、信贷或合作组织,是两个或两个以上的人组成的共同利益体。)
tissue A part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and function (以某一种具有类似的结构和功能的细胞组成的生物体的一部分。)
association A body of persons associated for the regulation of a common economic activity by means of a special organization (通过一种特殊的组织方式,一群人联合起来管理一项日常的经济活动。)
织法律形式legal form of organisations The type, structure or purpose of an institution as arranged, required and defined by local or national laws to determine the appropriate governmental regulations, privileges and tax status applicable to that institution (由地方或者国家法律所安排、要求和确定的一个机关的类型、结构以及目的,用以确定适用于该机构的政府法规、特权、税收情况。)
绿色和平Green Peace
联合国世界气象United Nations World Meteorological Organization
自然保护nature conservation organisation
臭氧迁移评估小Ozone Transport Assessment Group
行动action group A collection of persons united to address specific sociopolitical or socioeconomic concerns (联合起来从事某些特定的社会政治或者社会经济学事务的一组人。)
英国设得兰岛转运油库环境小Shetland Oil Terminal Environmental Group
超微结构重ultrastructural reorganization
非政府non-governmental organisation Private, voluntary, non-profit organisations, acting as pressure groups. Throughout the world there are more than 5.000 international NGOs which are concerned with the environment and development, with millions of supporters (私下的、自愿的、非营利的组织,充当压力集团的角色。在世界各地有超过5.000个国际非政府组织是与环境和发展有关的,其拥有数百万的支持者。)