
Terms for subject Company name containing | all forms
上海合作Shanghai Cooperation-Organization
联合国世界知识产权World Intellectual Property Organization
世界贸易中心World Trade Centers Association
亚洲东非贸易协议Asia East Africa Trade Agreement
亚洲区域内讨论协议Intra-Asia Discussion Agreement
亚洲新西兰讨论协议Asia New Zealand Discussion Agreement
亚洲-澳大利亚协议Asia Australia Discussion Agreement
亚洲西行运价协议Asia Westbound Rate Agreement
亚洲西非贸易协议ATA Asia West Africa Trade Agreement
伊斯兰国家船东协会Organization of the Islamic Shipowners Association
加拿大泛太平洋稳定协议Canada Transpacific Stability Agreement
加拿大西行泛太平洋稳定协议Canada Westbound Transpacific Stability Agreement
联合国国际劳工International Labor Organization
联合国国际民用航空International Civil Aviation Organization
国际法定计量OIML International Organization of Legal Metrology
联合国国际海事International Maritime Organization
国际运输和信息系统International Transport and Information System
欧洲海港European Sea Ports Organization
泛太平洋稳定协议Transpacific Stabilization Agreement
泛太平洋西向运价协定Transpacific Westbound Rate Agreement
泛太平洋讨论协议Transpacific Discussion Agreement
沙特阿拉伯石油矿产总Petroleum and Mineral Organization
联合国粮农Food and Agriculture Organization
经济合作和发展Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
联合国科教文United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
欧洲联合石油服务Allied Petroleum Service Organization
西行泛太平洋稳定协议织附录2国内主要与货运物流有关的组织政府机构、行业组织及大专院校等Westbound Transpacific Stabilization Agreement
跨大西洋公会协议Trans Atlantic Conference Agreement
铁路合作铁组Organization of Railways Cooperation
阿拉伯航空承运人Arab Air Carriers Organization
非正式南亚协议Informal South Asia Agreement
非正式红海协议Informal Red Sea Agreement
非正式运价协议Informal Rate Agreement
非洲统一Organization of Africa Unity
韩国能源开发Korea Energy Development Organization